Purgation. Recipes for proper colon cleansing at home

There are many ways to get rid of excess weight, but there is one simplest one that will allow you to lose weight at home - a colon cleansing or a cleansing enema. Before you start cleaning with this method, you need to know how to do an enema and how it affects the body.

One of the advantages of an enema is that it is accessible to everyone and easy to use, and also makes it easy to cleanse the intestines to get rid of toxins.

Colon cleansing with lemon enema

Improper functioning of the large intestine negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. It is directly related to bad breath, excessive gas, lethargy, skin eczema, abdominal cramps and headaches. In addition, colonization of the colon by parasites contributes to inflammation of the bladder and problems with the kidneys and liver. At home, a lemon enema is a simple and effective way to naturally cleanse the body of parasites and complications. In addition, a lemon enema is recommended by lovers of traditional medicine in the fight against constant or recurrent constipation.

Lemon can also be replaced with cranberry juice or apple cider vinegar.

Alkaline lemon juice restores the normal pH level in the intestines and allows you to rid it of fecal stones, mucus, undigested food debris and sand. In addition, an enema with lemon juice cleanses the colon of microorganisms, toxins and harmful bacteria, stimulates the intestines and stops the decay processes occurring in it. Other benefits of enema include:

  • Cleansing the intestinal wall of residues that have stuck on for many years and which cannot be removed, for example, by chemical laxatives.
  • Reducing the development of minor inflammations and supporting the regeneration of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Removal of polyps and parasites feeding in the intestines.
  • Supports the body's detoxification process.
  • Improved colonic absorption.
  • Positive effect on body odor, breath and the amount of gas emitted.

The benefits and harms of this procedure for weight loss

At first glance, such an enema cannot cause any harm to a person. But experts to this day cannot come to an unambiguous conclusion on this matter.

Some argue that everything is not as harmless as it seems, while others insist that there is no harm.

So how harmful are enemas for weight loss to your health?

Of course, abusing such a procedure will not lead to anything good. If you perform this action too often, your body's metabolism may be disrupted.

It can also cause intestinal dysbiosis, dry skin, brittle nails, anemia and even obesity.

If you overdo it with a cleansing enema, you can face serious health problems. Since with frequent water procedures of this type, a large amount of elements and beneficial bacteria necessary for proper digestion are removed from the body.

Is there any benefit to a cleansing enema?

If you do an enema about once a week, which is enough for effective weight loss and cleansing the body of waste and toxins accumulated over the week, you can say with confidence that there are no threats to your health.

However, there may be individual contraindications here, so ideally it is better to initially consult a specialist on this issue.

Contraindications for lemon enema

The medical procedure does not pose a health hazard provided it is performed correctly. It should also not be considered an alternative to regular cleansing. Introducing the solution through the anus cannot be an attempt to treat abdominal pain or intestinal obstruction. A lemon enema will be effective if it is performed at long intervals and with the prior consent of the attending physician. However, there are medical contraindications to its implementation:

  • inflammation and perforation of the intestine;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • failure of the circulatory system;
  • kidney disease;
  • cystitis;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain of unknown cause;
  • fever and increased body temperature.

You should be aware that frequent repetition of an enema can disrupt the normal functioning of the intestines and its water and electrolyte balance, and also lead to heart problems. Take care of yourself and always be healthy!

An enema with lemon juice allows you to shift the pH of the intestines to the “sour side”, which stimulates peristalsis. But using the solution alone does not ensure the high effectiveness of the procedure. It is better to consult your doctor in advance.

The essence of the procedure

Cleansing is carried out as follows: a solution with salt water and lemon is prepared in advance (the latter ingredient is optional, but it greatly enhances the effect). In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of solution, after which a series of simple exercises are performed. Then again you need to drink water with salt and do exercises, and so on until the solution runs out.

Purification process

After a certain number (usually 5-6) glasses, the urge to defecate appears, during which all excess is removed from the body. After this, you need to continue doing exercises and drinking a solution with salt and lemon until absolutely clean water begins to come out of the intestines. When this begins to happen, the procedure can be completed.

It is not recommended to use toilet paper after bowel movements, because the anus is irritated by salt water, and rough paper several times will further aggravate the situation. It is better to clean the anus with warm water, and when the procedure is over, lubricate it with baby cream.

Actions after cleaning

Cleansing with salt water will take up to 2 hours (depending on the degree of contamination of the body). The procedure will take 10-15 glasses of salt water, but it is worth remembering that you cannot drink more than 3.5 liters of solution at a time! After cleansing, it is necessary to restore water balance and calm the intestines. This is done using salt water, but now after drinking it, induce vomiting.

After this, drink a few glasses of fresh liquid (you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice), go to the shower, lubricate the anus with baby cream and lie down to rest. After 1.5-2 hours you can have breakfast, but it is better to fast on this day, and the next day choose a light meal (porridge with water, boiled or baked meat or fish, vegetables, fruits).

Cleansing the body with water with salt and lemon is not the most pleasant procedure, but the positive effect of it is worth all the effort, because the very next day you will feel light and clean.

Preparation of the solution

There is nothing complicated here. Buy 5 liters of clean water in the store (it is better not to use the water that flows from the tap, because it contains many bacteria and impurities). Pour 3 liters into a large saucepan, bring to the boil and let it simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat. Then add three tbsp. l. table or sea salt without a slide, then pour in 300 ml of lemon juice. Move everything carefully, let the solution cool to 38-40 degrees. After this, you can cleanse.


At home, citric acid is used in the morning or late in the evening. The optimal time for the procedure is 5–7 or 20–21 hours. They adhere to several rules:

  1. They stock up on fresh lemons and buy an Esmarch mug.
  2. Preliminary dietary practice is indicated. Limit the consumption of fatty foods, pickles, smoked foods, and sweets.
  3. On the day of colon cleansing, it is better to adhere to a fasting regime. For breakfast, you can eat liquid oatmeal. But with an evening enema, the manipulation is done on an empty stomach.
  4. You will need Vaseline and disinfectants to treat the tip.

Before douching, boil all parts of the device; if necessary, use an alcohol solution.

How to do?

When performing an enema with lemon juice, adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Stir 1 tbsp in 2 liters of boiled water. l. fresh citrus fruits. The temperature of the solution is within 37–38 degrees.
  2. The mug is hung at a distance of 1–1.5 meters from the floor level.
  3. A person lies down on a trestle bed covered with oilcloth.
  4. It is advisable to place a bucket into which the liquid will drain if it is impossible to keep it in the intestinal lumen.
  5. Recommended pose: on your right side, with your legs pulled up to your stomach.
  6. First, generously lubricate the tip and anus with Vaseline.
  7. Having spread the buttocks, insert a tube treated with a disinfectant and oil no deeper than 3-4 cm towards the navel. Next, it is advanced 4–5 cm parallel to the coccyx.
  8. Open the faucet. You will probably need the help of a loved one, since doing an enema with an Esmarch mug yourself is problematic.
  9. When the lemon composition in a volume of 1.5 liters passes into the organ, the tube is closed.
  10. Hold the liquid for 5–10 minutes, tightly squeezing the buttocks. It is recommended to do a circular massage, lightly pressing on the abdomen. This will help soften the feces faster and remove them out.

Recipes for solutions for cleansing enemas at home

The basis for any solution will naturally be water, always boiled. There are many solutions; we will consider the most effective and popular ones in more detail.

Salt enema

Doctors often prescribe such enemas for severe constipation; salt softens stool and easily removes it from the body.

At the same time, it creates an alkaline environment and normalizes intestinal function:

  • For such a solution, stir 2 teaspoons of salt in a liter of water.
  • Initially, it is better to dilute all the salt in 100-150 ml. water and then top up to full volume.
  • If you are really suffering from constipation, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar to the prepared saline solution.
  • For greater effectiveness, you can replace table salt with special laxative salt (Epsom salt, Morshyn salt, etc.).

This procedure is repeated no more than once a week.

Tips and tricks

An enema with a solution of lemon juice is indicated for removing toxins. Sometimes the procedure is used for weight loss. But it is worth considering the prohibitions:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • stomach or intestinal bleeding;
  • oncology;
  • hypertension 3 degrees;
  • menstruation;
  • history of heart attack or stroke.

You cannot resort to the procedure if the patient has recently undergone surgery on the abdominal organs.

It is worth following common tips when using a lemon juice enema:

  1. The tip is inserted carefully, trying not to damage the mucous membrane of the organ.
  2. You should not squeeze your stomach; the liquid should flow easily into the intestines.
  3. When pain develops, cleansing is interrupted. Massage the abdominal cavity. If the sensations do not disappear, the procedure is not resumed.

After an enema, a person feels light. If there is no positive effect, it is advisable to repeat.

Admission rules and precautions


  1. The drink is best taken warm.
  2. The first use occurs on an empty stomach; as the consumption of lemon water increases, you can replace standard drinks with it.
  3. After drinking lemon water , it is necessary to rinse your mouth, since the aggressive alkaline environment harms tooth enamel.
  4. and vegetables, raw or stewed, in your diet It is better to exclude fried foods.
  5. For dressing salads and meat, it is better to use lemon juice - from 5 to 7 drops.

The drink should not be consumed if you have:

  1. Allergic reactions and individual intolerance to honey.
  2. Diabetes mellitus.
  3. Diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Increased body mass index.

Doctor's opinion

Most doctors are confident that home procedures, with the right approach, significantly improve the patient’s condition and can be used for preventive purposes. However, you must first undergo an examination to prove the safety of the clyster with lemon juice for the patient.

Among the positive effects noted:

  1. Weight loss.
  2. Washing out fecal stones.

Manipulation is often prescribed before colonoscopy or x-ray.

However, it is necessary to take into account the possible harm:

  1. Washing out intestinal microflora.
  2. Acid imbalance.
  3. Weakening of motor skills.

To prevent the development of negative consequences, the practice of enemas with lemon juice is allowed only under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, the risks of dysbacteriosis increase.

Cleansing with citrus fruits using an enema helps to get rid of extra pounds, treat gastrointestinal diseases, and reduce the symptoms of poisoning. But self-therapy can lead to complications if the procedure is not performed correctly or if an enema is used regularly.

Practitioner. She graduated with honors from Vitebsk State Medical University in 2012 with a degree in general medicine. She was awarded a certificate of honor for her achievements in her work.

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