Lose weight tea for weight loss and cleansing the body - composition, instructions for use and contraindications

Nutritional supplements that help you lose excess weight appeared in our country only after the collapse of the USSR. The pioneer of dietary supplements for weight loss was “Lose Weight” tea, which was actively advertised in the media. There were even claims that the drink helps you lose up to 30 kg in just a couple of months. The slogan of the advertising campaign captivated consumers: “Lose Weight Tea for People’s Health!” – and the packs were practically swept off the shelves of pharmacies, they were even sold secondhand as a scarce commodity.

Nowadays there are a lot of domestic and foreign products on the market that help fight extra pounds, but “Lose Weight” is still popular, no one takes it off the market, and Chinese craftsmen have even learned how to counterfeit this drink.

Composition of “Lose Weight” tea

The tea is sold in boxes, it can be packaged in portioned filters, which are very easy to brew.

But in the filter you will find powder - it is simply impossible to see with the naked eye what is included in it, but manufacturers indicate the names of the components on the packaging.

The herbal tea can consist of different types of tea, for example, green, hibiscus or pu-erh. Pu-erh and green tea invigorate and give energy, hibiscus leaves are rich in anthocyanins - substances that prevent the aging process.

The active substance of the product is senna, which the manufacturers called very poetically “Alexandrian leaf”. This component has a strong laxative effect, which is considered useful for weight loss. Also, some varieties may contain stevia, a plant-based sweetener; this drink is recommended for people who have completely given up sweet foods. Flavorings identical to natural ones give the tea the smell of forest berries, mangoes and other fruits.

Withered effect on the body:

  • improvement of intestinal motility;
  • stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weight loss;
  • breakdown of fat deposits;
  • acceleration of metabolism.


Such dietary supplements include Lose Weight tea from Cerera. It has a very simple composition, understandable, designed to achieve certain goals, the main of which is getting rid of constipation and cleansing the intestines.

The composition of Lose Weight tea is as follows:

  • alexandria leaf (senna);
  • hibiscus;
  • additional components (flavors, sweeteners).

Senna is the main active component of dietary supplements and at the same time the most popular and in demand in all similar products. It has long been recognized as an effective herbal laxative and many medicines have been created on its basis to improve intestinal motility and relieve constipation.

Senna, entering the digestive tract, in particular the intestines, stimulates its motor activity, aimed at quickly and completely emptying it of its contents, along with which waste, ballast, and toxins come out. In the photo below you can see the appearance of the Alexandrian leaf.

If you drink tea as directed, loose stools will accompany people losing weight throughout the entire treatment period. This is good for those who really have problems in the form of constipation, and not so much for those who do not suffer from such conditions. Another disadvantage of drinking Alexandria leaf is addiction, as a result of which the intestines may stop working normally without a new portion of tea. This is not necessary, but a common occurrence, which was confirmed by several people in their reviews.

Hibiscus is another popular ingredient in weight loss teas. This is the so-called Sudanese rose, which in Egypt was considered a sacred and very useful plant. In Lose Weight tea, it is a source of vitamin C, E, potassium and some other micro- and macroelements. It contains anthocyanins - effective components that prevent the aging process of the body. In addition, hibiscus enhances the production of digestive juice, which promotes better digestion of food. It is a diuretic, but people with high stomach acidity and gastritis need to be careful with it.

Additional components of the composition include flavors - orange, tangerine, strawberry and others, as well as a natural sweetener in the form of the herb stevia. The presence of one or another additional component depends on the type of tea in this Lose Weight line.

The effectiveness of tea for weight loss

The main part of the tea bag is senna. It has not only a laxative, but also a diuretic effect, so you can really lose a few extra pounds. They will include intercellular fluid and waste that accumulate in the intestines.

“Lose Weight” has absolutely no effect on breaking down fat deposits and accelerating metabolism; the only real result you will get is diarrhea. Only a doctor should assess whether it is possible to lose weight with such a product without harm to health; unauthorized consumption of the drink is fraught with serious health problems.

Which apples are better

When choosing fruits suitable for your diet, follow a simple rule: the sweeter the variety, the more high-calorie it is, which means that it is less suitable for weight loss. Sour varieties with strong pulp contain more dietary fiber and organic acids and an order of magnitude less sugar, which prevents fat burning. To lose weight, you need to eat this fruit along with the peel, which contains ursolic acid.


Is it possible to lose weight from green apples? In general, they contain a large number of useful substances, among which insoluble fiber, pectins, and vitamins should be highlighted. The first component is dietary fiber, which can maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time, which is very important when losing weight. In addition, green fruits contain many substances that help relieve asthma and allergy symptoms.


The apple diet is not suitable for everyone; for example, it is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Baked fruits come to the rescue. During heat treatment, the amount of acid in fruits is significantly reduced - it acts as an irritant that can affect the walls of the stomach. In addition, baked products are lower in calories than fresh ones. Despite the heat treatment process, all vitamins, minerals and nutrients are retained.


The question often arises: is it possible to lose weight on apples if they are dried? Dried fruits will be an excellent option for losing weight and improving health. Dried “chips” are stored for a long time and are easy to prepare. Almost all the beneficial elements are retained in them, but the question of whether there is a strict diet for them is controversial. Such apples are more likely to be a natural nutritional supplement that will help overcome dietary restrictions. In this regard, it is better to introduce them into the main diet.

Apple decoction

Compote is great for losing extra pounds, because it is rich in vitamins and nutrients: sodium, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur. Preparing such a decoction of fruits does not require any culinary skills. To prepare the drink, you need to thoroughly wash all the fruits and peel them, removing all the stems and leaves. After this, all that remains is to cut them, place them in ordinary water, to 1 liter of which add 5 g of citric acid. The resulting compote can be used not only for weight loss, but also for the treatment of gastritis and kidneys.

Schemes for using tea

Real “Lose Weight” tea is produced in Poland, but you can find its duplicates of dubious quality from Chinese and Russian manufacturers. You should stay away from them, since no company except Malvina has a license to produce this product. You can buy herbal tea in regular pharmacies or specialized stores; it is available without a prescription.

The official instructions say that every day for 2 weeks you need to drink 1 glass of tea twice a day before meals. Some sources indicate that the drink should be combined with food. A bag of herbal mixture must be poured with boiling water and left for 10-15 minutes so that it is ready for use.

Traditional recipes for tea:

  1. You need to brew 2 bags of tea at once in a large cup and drink it all during your heartiest meal.
  2. Brew 3-4 glasses of tea and drink them before bed.

Neither one nor the second method proposed by “traditional craftsmen” can be called correct, since the body will receive great stress from diarrhea, which will certainly occur after drinking the drink. The course of such “treatment” should last from 2 weeks to 1 month, different sources indicate differently, then a break is taken for 2 weeks, and weight loss with tea can be continued.

Release form

Tea is packaged in 20 gram bags

To prepare the drink, one bag needs to be poured with a glass of boiling water, like regular tea, steeping for 5 minutes. Drink tea 3-6 times a day. For people who are overweight and those who want to cleanse their body, Lose Weight tea is recommended. The instructions, however, have contraindications
. The drink should not be taken by children under 12 years of age due to the active ingredients it contains, as well as by pregnant and breastfeeding women. In addition, if there is an intolerance to one of the components of tea, then it is also better to refuse the drink.

Negative aspects of drinking tea

Herbal tea can be useful for weight loss only if it is consumed in combination with a balanced diet and active exercise. The drink itself will not help get rid of fat deposits. Even if you manage to lose a few kilograms with eliminated toxins and water, they will all return very quickly immediately after finishing drinking tea.

Losing weight with laxative tea is prohibited:

  • children under 12 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with personal intolerance to dietary supplement components;
  • in the presence of acute intestinal obstruction.

The use of the drink only causes diarrhea, which people who are keen on cleansing the intestines often associate with weight loss. However, rapid emptying does not mean that the body will not receive substances with food that are converted into subcutaneous fat.

Simple carbohydrates - the enemies of the figure - are absorbed in the stomach, so no tea will help you become slimmer if you do not limit the consumption of sweets, flour, sweet soda and pasta made from premium flour.

Lose weight for people's health tea 2g f/pack 30 pcs without additives

Active substance:

Hibiscus, Alexandria leaf.
Thanks to the herbs that make up Lose Weight tea, it has a number of unique properties: it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, helps cleanse the body and gradually lose weight, helps with swelling and constipation.

“Lose Weight” tea normalizes metabolism, regulates digestive functions, relieves constipation, relieves swelling, promotes weight loss, and improves overall well-being. “Lose Weight” tea is a dietary supplement; is not a medicine.

Lose weight by summer. Many, many representatives of the fair sex set this goal next spring, and this spring, this April, is no exception. What can help them? Proper nutrition, exercise, advice from doctors... For almost 20 years now, the Cerera Trading House has been offering its help to those motivated for success - tea “Lose Weight for People’s Health.” This tea contains only two ingredients: Alexandria leaf (senna) and hibiscus, but they are very effective.

Senna is a well-known mild herbal laxative that does not cause abdominal pain. It does not contain bitter or tannin substances, and this significantly helps reduce appetite. Beautiful hibiscus, in turn, improves metabolism, and the linoleic acid it contains helps remove unnecessary fat.

It was the above-mentioned properties of senna and hibiscus that guided us when we chose them as part of our weight loss tea. What guides our regular customers who purchase this product? We asked the charming Nizhny Novgorod resident Vera Levochkina, who has been buying “Lose Weight for People’s Health” tea for about 10 years. “I definitely take this tea with me on vacation. On vacation, you don’t want to think about anything, especially about your figure. You relax, eat a lot of different “snacks”, and long after midnight. ) And tea is just a salvation. The figure is not gaining an ounce of weight. If you have eaten too much, then after drinking tea, already 30 minutes later, your stomach is almost empty. The “relaxation” is very mild, the price is good, and the tea tastes good,” Vera notes.

This is the kind of feedback we work for. So that you, beautiful and successful, become even better. So that you, who have worked hard and are tired, think about the sea, the sun, about the man opposite, but not about your figure. The Tserera Trading House has already thought about this. Thank you for giving us this opportunity.

Release form:

30 filter bags, 2 g each.

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