How can a vegetarian replace meat: two approaches to solving the problem

Urban residents are increasingly giving up meat. Some do this out of moral motives and concern for the environment, considering it cruel to kill animals for food. Others follow religious canons, while others follow health concerns. Indeed, according to the official position of WHO, vegetarianism is one of the healthiest diets. True, the World Health Organization recommends only the mildest form of a vegetarian diet, which does not exclude eggs and dairy products from the menu. And there are reasons for this: giving up meat has both pros and cons.

Features of animal protein and its effects on the human body

Animal protein is obtained from meat products. Its structure is different from that of plants. The simple and complex amino acids that make up protein are made up of metals, fats and acids. They perform the function of delivering sugar to the body, because they are able to transport carbohydrate residues.

Enzymatic proteins speed up and initiate chemical reactions. Structural protein is involved in the formation of cells (cytoskeleton). For example, parts of the intercellular substance - elastin, collagen and keratin - are part of nails and hair.

Another useful feature is protection. Involves chemical, physical and immune protection of the body.

Proteins are regulators. Proteins help cells go through their entire life cycle. They are responsible for the delivery of building materials and nutrients important for development and growth. They perform the following processes:

  1. Signal - responsible for the transmission of nutrients and electrical impulses.
  2. Transport - transport components that provide oxygen and nutrients to all tissues of the body. One of these proteins is hemoglobin.
  3. Reserve – stored in the body for emergencies.
  4. Motor – the optimal amount of protein in the body helps maintain muscle activity and strength.

A component such as animal protein is needed for normal metabolism. Its deficiency leads to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, brain, cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems of humans.

There are plant proteins that are similar in composition to animal proteins. When answering the question of what products can replace beef - the supplier of protein necessary for the normal functioning of the body - you need to remember the following. Substances similar in composition to red meat are found in beans, buckwheat, nuts, and pasta (made from durum wheat).

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is found in small amounts in plant foods. To replenish it in the diet of vegetarians, experts recommend the pharmaceutical supplement cobalamin.

Those foods that do contain vitamin B12:

  • cereals that need to be included in the daily diet to balance nutrition
  • green salad, which in addition to vitamin B12 contains other beneficial substances
  • nuts, the usefulness of which has already been said more than once
  • spinach contains many beneficial elements for the proper functioning of the body
  • seaweed, which in addition to vitamin B12 is also a source of iodine, which is important in the absence of fish in the diet
  • sprouted wheat and soybeans

To improve the absorption of this vitamin, you should regularly consume freshly squeezed juices, which themselves are a source of many vitamins, minerals and beneficial micro- and macroelements.

Is it possible to eat only plant protein?

Many people find a vegan diet to be poor. This diet excludes the consumption of animal products.

Whether meat can be replaced with vegetables has not been finally decided. The opinions of representatives of medicine and nutritionists are divided.

The structure of the body is too complex to fully understand. Computers made by the human mind sometimes act in ways that surprise their creators. And the result of many years of nature’s evolutionary work to create the body and psyche is a mystery in many respects.

Proponents of vegetarianism believe that the body is able to synthesize all the necessary amino acids, since the necessary components are contained in plant foods. They cite the health of world and Olympic champions who follow meat-free diets.

There is no need for people to raise and kill hundreds of millions of animals in cruel conditions. Or starving the population of third world countries in order to grow feed for industrial livestock farming. Arable land and agricultural technologies can be successfully applied directly to the production of plant food.

Representatives of the opposing side claim that man is omnivorous. Nature created it this way, and avoiding meat, the main source of vital protein, harms the body. In addition, meat contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Due to its high amount of iron, it has always been prescribed to people recovering from a serious illness.

Vegans are often found to be calcium deficient. Lactovegetarians are less likely to encounter this problem, since calcium is contained in large quantities in milk. Zinc found in plant foods is more difficult to absorb than in fish or meat. Fish is the main supplier of phosphorus to the body.

Objectively, some fruits, vegetables and cereals are similar in composition and nutritional value to meat products and can replace them. You can include more plant foods that contain iron in your diet. The combination of vegetable protein with vitamin C increases its amount in the body.

Ovolacto-vegetarians replace fish with dairy products. Vegans, who follow a purely plant-based diet, include foods high in calcium in their diet.

The main issue that arises when switching from animal foods to plant foods is the lack of animal protein in the body. But it is believed that the correct selection of plant products compensates for the shortcomings, despite the fact that plant protein differs from animal protein.

Cons of giving up meat

Opponents of vegetarianism believe that it is impossible to replace meat in the diet. Meat is the main supplier of animal protein. This product helps restore strength after illness and strengthens the immune system.

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it contains sugar, iron, magnesium, iodine, potassium, zinc, vitamins E, A, B. Eating meat helps strengthen the muscular system, is good for bones, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and brain. It helps strengthen the immune system.

Tablets instead of meat. Let's be honest about meat

Tablets instead of meat. Let's be honest about meat

“Animals raised for meat in the United States eat more than 30 million pounds of antibiotics per year,” Organic Life. Almost all meat products supplied to hypermarkets contain antibiotics. It seems incredible! At a time when every patient must stock up on a prescription for medications before going to the pharmacy, antibiotics can be freely purchased at the nearest store along with meat. But close acquaintance with them is fraught with danger to human health and threatens the loss of sensitivity of harmful microflora to their effects!

To be confident in the quality of meat products, Russian consumers can be recommended to eat domestic products. But not everything is simple here either! Some manufacturers have long adopted the experience of “advanced” countries, while others, given our trust in domestic products, engage in counterfeiting.

On May 4, 2021, the public organization Roskontrol published information showing that foreign companies benefit from the sale of foreign meat under the guise of products from a Russian manufacturer.

It turns out that no one has faith, and meat should be excluded from the diet? Of course not! But when buying a kilogram of pork, beef or poultry again, you need to be extremely careful when assessing their quality. The rule works here: less is more! Moreover, part of the meat in the diet can be replaced with equally healthy natural products.

Dr Jerome Bernard-Pellet, nutrition expert

You don't have to worry about protein or even iron deficiency. If you create a balanced diet based on plant products, you can cover the body’s needs for the listed substances. 100 grams of meat contains approximately 15 grams of protein, but some edible plants contain even more!

The benefits and harms of not having meat in the diet

Meat products contain excess amounts of cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, forming cholesterol plaques. This interferes with the normal blood supply to the body.

For example, in Great Britain, where there are already millions of vegetarians, the Medical Association came to the conclusion that people who exclude meat products from their diet remain youthful and beautiful longer. But on the other hand, there are doctors who claim the following - meat food contains vital amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. For vegetarians, the question of what consequences a lack of protein can lead to is especially important. Weak immunity, problems with muscles, hair, nails, and skin condition cannot be ruled out.

Farmers began raising animals using antibiotics and toxic feed additives to make the livestock less sick. And rapid growth requires tranquilizers and hormones. There is a possibility that this caused excess weight in meat eaters.

Contraindications to switching to a meat-free diet

A person who decides to switch to vegetarianism needs to understand that he will have to give up fat-soluble vitamins that are part of animal products.

A meat-free diet requires plenty of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. It acts as a cleansing brush for the digestive organs. Helps remove toxins. But over-consuming food containing hard, slightly crushed particles is harmful. Plant food, entering the body, will act like sandpaper and can harm the gastrointestinal mucosa.

For a healthy person, switching to a plant-based diet will not cause problems. Before replacing one product with another, it is better to consult your doctor and undergo a full examination.

Sometimes existing diseases occur without pronounced external symptoms. A sudden change in diet will provoke an exacerbation. Doctors recommend a smooth transition from the previously used menu to a vegetarian one.

Benefits of giving up meat

  • Normalization of weight. Excluding meat products from the daily diet really helps to get rid of excess weight and normalize metabolic processes if there are problems with this. This may be due to the fact that vegetarians are more conscious about their diet and try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps the reason is the refusal of fried and fatty meat dishes and excess calories. But switching to a vegetarian diet can actually help you lose weight.
  • Improved skin condition. This is a controversial benefit, since not every person who gives up meat will get beautiful, clear skin without rashes. However, often acne, irritation, oily shine and overall dull skin tone are associated with dietary habits. It is not without reason that dermatologists ask patients about their eating habits and recommend that if they have acne, they should exclude fatty and sweet foods from the diet. If you notice that your skin looks better when you give up fast carbohydrates, you can try eliminating meat products from the menu for a few weeks.
  • Reducing the risk of getting cancer. It is reliably known that vegetarianism reduces the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer. However, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, in principle, reduce the risk of encountering cancer problems.
  • Reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. The diet significantly affects the likelihood of one day ending up on the couch of a cardiologist or endocrinologist. But if you don't eat fatty meats, get enough sleep, and stay physically active, you're not at risk.

Where does the body get protein from when being a vegetarian?

An organic substance called protein is an important material for the construction of cells in the human body.

Its molecule consists of smaller amino acids. The latter are indispensable for the life of the body. The beneficial functions of protein are supporting the immune system, transporting useful elements, and participating in metabolic processes.

During physical activity, the body requires protein, especially in children and pregnant women. The compound helps patients gain strength during the rehabilitation period.

Some representatives of science believe that there are amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body. They come with meat food from outside.

People switching to vegetarianism should take into account that foods may contain insufficient amounts of protein, and the body will begin to break down its own. This leads to dystrophy, disturbances in the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

You need to know how to replace meat for a vegetarian. The body will receive all the necessary substances if you consume well-selected foods.

Vegetable protein is found in large quantities in legumes, some fruits and vegetables, pasta, and mushrooms. The problem of how to replace animal protein disappears if people use eggs, milk, cottage cheese, and fish for food.

How much protein does a person really need?

The daily protein requirement for a person depends on his general health. Men who play sports have a greater need for protein. The calculations are influenced by the person’s weight, diet, professional loads, and age.

Nutritionists say that vegetarians need 1-2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight per day. In order for the compound to be well absorbed, the portions must be divided into several small parts.

Protein for Vegans and Vegetarians

How to replace flour in baking for losing weight

It is generally accepted that meat, fish and eggs are the best sources of protein, so people who decide to give up animal foods are often interested in what can replace meat protein. With a sudden transition to vegetarianism or veganism, many gain weight, starting to consume foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates and fats - bread, pasta, nuts. Vegetarian women during pregnancy are at risk and should pay special attention to planning their daily menu. Protein is essential for the growth and development of the fetus.

On a note. The human body is capable of producing 11 of the 20 essential amino acids. The remaining 9 must come from food. Plant foods with a balanced diet can provide the body with all the necessary amino acids.

Rules for switching to a meat-free diet

Vegetarianism has several branches in the food system:

  1. Raw food diet is the most radical branch. Raw foodists prefer fruits and vegetables without heat treatment.
  2. Veganism is eating only plant foods.
  3. Ovo-vegetarianism - eggs are allowed.
  4. Lactovegetarianism – you can add dairy products to your diet.
  5. Ovolacto-vegetarianism - the menu contains dairy products and eggs.

Pescetarians (fish eaters) are people who are more likely to switch to a plant-based diet, but are not yet vegetarians.

Choosing a nutrition system is a responsible step for a person. If the decision has already been made, then before changing the diet you need to:

  1. Get examined, take tests, see specialists. Refusal from meat-eating is possible only in cases where the tests are normal.
  2. Make a gradual transition, don’t rush to extremes. People are switching to vegetarianism too suddenly. For the body, such a turn will be a shock.
  3. You need to move away from animal food in small steps. First, exclude red meat from the menu, then fish, milk, eggs.

After each stage, 2 weeks should pass. Monitor your health. If there is the slightest deviation, consult a doctor.

Maintaining balance is a method that takes into account the individual characteristics of the body. People suffering from chronic diseases of the liver, intestines, pancreas and stomach should take into account the lack of enzymes in the body to process food. It is necessary to maintain parity when consuming thermally processed and raw foods.

Combine foods so that your body receives complete protein, for example, buckwheat with mushrooms, avocado with corn, cabbage with lemon.

The mistake of those with a sweet tooth is a weakness for fast food and semi-finished products, the manufacturers of which often use ingredients containing animal fats. Replace sugar with honey.

Proper heat treatment of products is necessary. Novice vegetarians sometimes overuse frying when preparing dishes. For example, it is useful to eat boiled potatoes, and the appetizing crust contains substances that can destroy protein.

Worst Meat Substitutes

The food on the table should be of high quality, consisting of healthy proteins. Some meat substitutes are even more dangerous than meat itself.

Veggie burger and vegetarian chicken nuggets

American versions of meat substitutes - plant-based burgers - do not contain much fat, but they contain a large amount of salt. It binds water and leads to fullness.

The situation with nuggets is no less dramatic. 1 nugget contains 1/3 of the daily sodium requirement.

Before purchasing ready-made vegetarian meals, check the ingredients label. Sometimes you can find animal protein, harmful food dyes and genetically modified products there.

Protein powder

A food supplement—protein powder—accelerates muscle growth. Powders are in demand among people involved in fitness and bodybuilding. You should take such mixtures as rarely as possible. They are not as harmless as a protein milkshake.

Protein supplements are not tested like medications. You can't be sure what they're made of. The composition may contain ingredients that a person knows nothing about their effect on the body.

Roasted salted nuts

Nuts contain high amounts of protein and saturated fat. When sprinkled with sugar or salt, they are more harmful than beneficial.

Having a snack of fried salted nuts, the body will immediately receive half the daily portion of salt. And add a whole teaspoon of sugar to honey almonds.

“Meat” delicacies made from tofu

Most people know about the product tofu. Thanks to its high protein content, it is a useful energy product. Initially, it has a low fat content, but frying makes tofu more harmful than meat when making sausages or sausages from it.

Tofu is made by curdling soy milk when heated. Products made from it consist of soybeans, but still require additional heat treatment.


Cheese is a good source of protein and calcium. But you shouldn't abuse it. Cheese is excessively high in calories, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. This can affect your figure in the form of fat deposits on the stomach and sides.

The best meat substitutes

There are meat substitutes, the consumption of which is completely environmentally friendly and benefits health.

Soya beans

Products made from soy meat - cutlets, sausage, frankfurters, hamburgers, as well as soy milk. The list of bean products can be continued for a long time, because soy contains a large amount of protein without excess fat. It has no cholesterol and has anti-cancer properties. Soybean protein is easily absorbed by the body.

“Vegetable” meat is made from soy, which can successfully replace animal meat in recipes.

Beans, peas and lentils

Other legumes will also help fill your daily protein requirement. They are affordable and easy to prepare. The products are good in soup, puree, sauces.

The taste of pea porridge has been familiar to all meat-eaters since childhood. Spicy bean and green pea salads add variety to a vegetarian’s diet.

Seeds and raw nuts

Sources of vegetable protein, fiber and youth vitamin (E) are seeds and unprocessed nuts. The only drawback is that it is a fatty food. It is advisable to control portion sizes and not overeat.

It’s tasty and healthy to spread nut butter on a sandwich, add seeds to honey and tea.

Hemp seeds and quinoa

They have a powdery consistency. The seeds are added to salads and cereals. Cannabis is put into smoothies. A large amount of protein is one of the advantages of these products.

Warm salad with garlic and parsley or quinoa with cucumber - dishes that are nutritious, fresh and flavorful.

Whole grain products

Along with being high in protein, whole grain foods contain fiber, minerals and vitamins.

Grains, seeds, and nuts individually do not contain the entire range of amino acids necessary for the body. The result can be achieved through connection. For example, mix seeds with nuts or legumes with grains.

Approach No. 2 - grocery

This approach to menu planning is more versatile and easier for beginners. Here you can already find products that replace meat in a ready-made list. Nutritionists have calculated which nutrients contain enough nutrients to create a complete diet. This is what they did.


  • miso - fermented soybean paste;
  • natto - fermented salt;
  • soy flour;
  • soybean oil;
  • soy milk;
  • Soy meat;
  • soy sauce;
  • bean curd;
  • pace;
  • tofu;
  • Yuba is the foam of soy milk.

Disadvantage: Soy cannot replace animal foods for those suffering from thyroid-related diseases.


  • beans;
  • peas;
  • chickpeas;
  • beans;
  • lentils.

Minus: lack of methionine, high carbohydrate content, which causes bloating and interferes with the fight against excess weight.


  • buckwheat;
  • corn;
  • oats;
  • wheat;
  • rice;
  • seitan - wheat meat;
  • barley.

Cons: lack of amino acids.


  • mushrooms;
  • honey;
  • dairy products;
  • seaweed, seaweed;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oils;
  • seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • eggs.

All of these products can fully replace meat and fish for vegetarians if you plan your diet correctly and include them in it daily.

Delicious foods that can replace meat

A person on a plant-based diet can get his daily protein intake from food that can be used as an alternative to meat. But there is another side - food must have a pleasant taste to satisfy even a gourmet.


Having tested products of plant origin, Korean researchers came to the conclusion that mushrooms are closest in their parameters and taste to meat. The question of whether mushrooms can replace meat has been resolved positively.

Tomatoes stuffed with them, rich soups, meatballs, recipes with rice and vegetables can be used in the diet in winter and summer. Occasionally you can treat yourself to fried mushrooms and potatoes.


Eggplant is a vegetable familiar to every housewife. Food made from eggplants replaces meat in terms of nutritional value. These vegetables make good stews, sautés, stews and baked dishes.

These meaty vegetables are chock full of B vitamins, potassium, and antioxidants.


Cookbooks are filled with recipes for making vegetarian porridges. This dish can be eaten separately or as a side dish. Barley in the oven, buckwheat with vegetables, a classic risotto recipe or yellow rice with turmeric are suitable at any time of the day.


If a vegetarian follows a diet that includes eggs, then there will be no shortage of necessary substances: protein contains most of the amino acids. Cholesterol is found only in the yolk and will not enter the body if it is not eaten.

Eggs can be added to any recipe: stuffed, fried, cut into salads, put in soups.


Spirulina is a blue-green algae. They have been eaten for hundreds of years.

If you do not eat animal products, then this plant will replace protein and a number of B vitamins. The low calorie content of the product allows it to be used in weight loss diets.

Smoothies with banana, avocado or berries along with spirulina give you energy in the morning.

Fish and seafood

Fish is easily absorbed by the body. Its composition is not inferior to meat, it includes phosphorus for bone strength and active brain activity. Replacing meat with fish in combination with seafood is possible for pescatarians.


Cauliflower can be eaten either raw or cooked. The menu of dishes that include the plant includes many options: stewed, baked, with breadcrumbs, potatoes, and in spicy salads.

Green pea

People learned about the existence of peas 5000 years ago. They began to use it for food in China. The benefit of green peas is the presence of easily digestible, high-quality vegetable protein, similar in composition to animal protein.

Peas are sold canned, dried or fresh. It can be eaten alone or in combination with pumpkin, rice, and cheeses. Soups based on oriental recipes are especially good.

Giving up meat is a step that needs to be taken with all responsibility. Food will not only become a home doctor for the body, but will also bring pleasure if you know about the compatibility of products and follow the recommendations of science.


Zinc, which is found in foods of plant origin, is absorbed worse than the same element in animal foods. Therefore, you should eat more of the following foods:

  • nuts, and not just walnuts, which are familiar to many, but also such as almonds, pecans, peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios. Coconuts are also a storehouse of zinc, which you simply need to include in your diet, using both coconut milk and coconut flakes.
  • dried fruits - dried apricots and prunes
  • kohlrabi, which also contains many useful microelements and vitamins, in addition to zinc, and the methods of its preparation and the variety of dishes with its participation will help expand the diet and make it interesting and varied
  • sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, which can be added as a seasoning to dishes or used as a snack between meals. They can become an interesting highlight of any dish and add brightness to the taste and aroma.
  • legumes, which with their beneficial properties and high content of nutrients have proven the need for their mandatory introduction into the proper nutrition system

For those vegetarians who have not given up eggs, it will be easier to compensate for the zinc deficiency due to its high content in egg yolk.

10 Plant-Based Foods High in Zinc

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