What do vegetarians eat - a detailed list of products
Vegetarianism as a way of eating and even a way of life is gaining more and more fans today. Already
What is visceral obesity and what is the prognosis for life?
Visceral obesity is the deposition of excess fat in the cells of internal organs. Overweight and
How to make hydromel - a healthy drink made from honey and lemon
518 There are a lot of very useful and miraculous drinks in the world for our body. One
Ivan tea for weight loss: beneficial properties and recipes
Ivan tea Ivan tea or narrow-leaved fireweed is a plant that can be found in Siberia
A girl undergoes pressotherapy
Pressotherapy – effective weight loss and healing of the body
Pressotherapy is the effect of compressed air on certain areas of the body. It is a painless procedure
Diet cheesecakes
Calorie content of cheesecakes 100 g and 1 pc. from cottage cheese (low fat and 9%)
The calorie content of cheesecakes interests many women who watch their figure. Curd diet cheesecakes are recognized as one
Glass measure with edges - 200 ml to the top edge, with edge - 250 ml
How much does 1 almond weigh, how many pieces are there in 100 grams?
Capacity of a faceted glass Before we begin to describe the capacity of a faceted glass, we need to determine
Kefir at night when losing weight: is it possible, why not, low-fat, what to replace it with, benefits and harms
Kefir cocktail for weight loss is the most low-calorie fat-burning drink that helps normalize metabolism. Kefir is very
Diet pills to remove belly and sides
To lose the last of the hard-to-burn fat, you need to monitor your diet and train more intensely. Latest
Doctors support traffic light labeling for food products
“Space diet” by Sergei Sivokho: without denying yourself anything, a comedian in 3 months
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