Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles and diastasis of the pubis. Solvable pregnancy problems. Interview with Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.A. Chechneva
It just seems that after giving birth, women are only occupied with the baby, and with everything else
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Green diet: lose weight with green vegetables and fruits
Color diet. ENVIRONMENT Green foods include peas, white cabbage, salads, spinach, celery,
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What can you eat in the evening to avoid gaining weight when losing weight?
1,950 Those who want to lose weight or maintain an existing slim figure are well aware of the fact that
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A quick guide to the right combination of fruits and vegetables
Proper nutrition involves not only eating quality foods, but also combining them with each other.
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How many calories are in pink salmon?
Lightly salted pink salmon calorie content per 100 grams. Calorie content of Pink salmon, salted. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Other ways to cook pink salmon at home
01/07/2015 / Fish and seafood Salted pink salmon, BJU and calorie content per 100 g of product
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Do you want to try therapeutic fasting according to Nikolaev? You will have to endure hardships for several months
Doctor of Medical Sciences Yu. S. Nikolaev proved that fasting is a process that promotes
Basic kvass recipes for weight loss and rules for drinking the drink
Can you drink any kvass while losing weight? Kvass is a traditional Russian drink. Him
Bean diet
Green beans for weight loss diet. What are the benefits of green beans for weight loss?
Home page / Diets / Vegetable diets / Bean diet Bean diet by a nutritionist
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Oat bran pita bread recipe. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.
Shawarma according to Dukan. Lavash according to Dukan. Alternation stage. Dough: 160 g soft fat-free dough
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