Oatmeal with water recipe for one serving

Approximate standard portion for an adult.

Oatmeal is a very healthy porridge and low in calories. Porridge with water will have the fewest calories. If you like milk porridge, you will eat more calories. This is an excellent energy-rich breakfast.

A standard serving of oatmeal will weigh about 300 grams. This amount of finished porridge will be made from 100 grams of dry oatmeal.

oatmeal boiled with milk - 120 kcal from 100 grams of dry cereal.

if you boil oatmeal in water, you will get approximately 90 kcal per 100 g;

Many people add butter, sugar, and fruit. This will make the porridge even higher in calories, but also tastier.

The highest calorie portion will be 300 grams of porridge plus milk and sugar - about 161-166 kcal.

Traditions that go back centuries cannot, by definition, be bad. Breakfast consisting of oatmeal is a classic not only in Great Britain and Scotland, but also in Russia. Those who prefer a healthy lifestyle prefer oatmeal with water to any other cooking options.

The calorie content of oatmeal with water is 88 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Oatmeal in water is a supplier of natural, easily digestible protein; due to the presence of starches, it has high nutritional value and provides energy for a long time.

Persons allergic to gluten are not recommended to eat oatmeal with water or milk. In rare cases, if you eat oatmeal excessively, the body may accumulate phytic acid, which helps remove beneficial enzymes from the body.

Oatmeal is the basis of many diets and eating methods; on our website you can get acquainted with some of them: the Hercules diet, the Berlin diet, the six-porridge diet, the oatmeal diet, the 1000-calorie diet, the fasting day on oatmeal. But even if you eat a portion of oatmeal with water for breakfast several times a week, you are unlikely to gain extra pounds.

The traditional recipe for making oatmeal with water is to pour ¾ cup of oatmeal with 2 cups of cold water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 10 minutes. Often oatmeal is simply poured with boiling water overnight, in the microwave for a minute in the morning - a plate of healthy oatmeal is ready! If you have time and desire, then pour cold water over the oatmeal for 10-12 hours, then add berries or nuts, and optionally honey or jam; this option is an excellent prevention of constipation.

  1. Benefits of oatmeal
  2. Vitamins in oatmeal
  3. Minerals in oatmeal
  4. Amino acids in oatmeal
  5. Calorie content
  6. Recipe
  7. Healthy and tasty additions to oatmeal
  8. How to choose oatmeal
  9. Scottish porridge recipe

Oatmeal for breakfast is a tasty and healthy start to the day. Even a child can cook oatmeal in water. But to make such a porridge tasty and appetizing, you can add various fruits and nuts.

Basic principles of healthy eating

  1. Eat regularly. Try not to skip meals and eat at the same time, this will help the body avoid unnecessary stress. By eating occasionally, you put your body in “economy” mode: the energy received from a portion is spent only on the most necessary processes, the rest is put aside “in reserve.” Regular eating will relieve you of symptoms of overeating, heaviness in the stomach and other unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Eat a varied diet. Different foods contain different sets of nutrients. A balanced diet assumes that during the day you eat the norm of all vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, but in practice this is not so easy. Make a menu for the week; this is much more practical and will allow you to include the entire list of necessary products.
  3. Eat small meals. In order for food to be better absorbed, you need to eat 3-5 times a day, but in small portions. Then you will not feel hungry, but you will not have symptoms of overeating.
  4. Limit the amount of fat. The daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is equal to the ratio 1:1:4. Very often these proportions are neglected, reducing the amount of complex carbohydrates and increasing the amount of fat, which leads to excess weight and health problems. If it’s difficult for you to keep track of the proportions, then simply limit the amount of fat to 10 grams per day: try to steam, season salads with a little oil and lemon juice, and so on.
  5. Eat fresh foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins, some of which are broken down during processing; if possible, increase the amount of raw vegetables. Don't forget to look at the expiration date of the food in the refrigerator. Spoiled ingredients will not only spoil the taste of the dish, but can also cause unpleasant symptoms of poisoning.
  6. Limit your use of spices. These ingredients are designed to enhance flavor by stimulating the taste buds. They also affect the stomach, which leads to gastritis, ulcers and other problems of the digestive system. Do not rely on pickled dishes and preserves, which contain preservatives in addition to regular spices.
  7. Limit your sugar intake. It’s not for nothing that all diets boil down to giving up sweets; a large amount of sugar leads to improper functioning of the intestines and a large release of insulin; in the end, you will either develop diabetes or be overweight. But you shouldn’t completely deny yourself treats; the desire to eat sweets may indicate a lack of one or another substance in the body.
  8. Eat slowly. Chew your food thoroughly. Although stomach acid can dissolve any ingredients, it is better to use your teeth to grind food. This will make things easier for your stomach and speed up the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Useful and harmful products

The usual distribution of the roles of products as harmful and beneficial is not entirely correct.
In fact, the benefits and harms depend on the amount of the ingredient consumed, since in small portions you can eat almost everything without harm to health. Harmful foods that should be excluded from the diet include various flavor enhancers, dyes and other chemical components. This applies to carbonated drinks, alcohol, sweets containing large amounts of sugar, mayonnaise and most factory-made sauces, semi-finished products and canned food.

The valuable qualities of oat flakes and cereals became known several centuries ago. At the beginning of the 20th century, doctors recommended a diet with oatmeal to normalize body weight and improve health to their patients.

Oatmeal in the modern diet is an ideal choice for people who want to lose weight and build additional muscle mass. Observations and scientific research have confirmed the unique properties of this product, which have a positive effect on health.

How will eating right change your life?

Healthy eating does not give immediate results, it is an investment in the future. The sooner you begin to adhere to the principles of healthy eating, the sooner this future will come. The most important change is your own health. By receiving the necessary set of minerals, vitamins and other useful substances, you get something in return:

  • Strong immunity, thanks to which in the cold season you will not be afraid of runny nose and colds;
  • Feeling good: getting up in the morning will be easier, sound sleep will return. Proper nutrition will allow your body to take care of itself, give strength to the treatment of old ailments, so chronic pain will disappear, blood circulation and the functioning of internal organs will improve. Along with the improvement of the body, external changes will also come;
  • External changes as a result of the good operation of all systems. In particular, your complexion will improve and problems with skin, hair, teeth, and nails will go away. The smell of your mouth will improve, the unpleasant odor of sweat will disappear, and sweating will decrease. Separately, it is worth mentioning the weight loss that will follow a healthy diet. These results may not appear as quickly as effective diets, but the effect will not disappear over time.
  • The energy needed to maintain strength. Thanks to proper nutrition, your internal “battery” will work much longer, and after work or study you will not feel exhausted and squeezed. Strength will appear for active recreation, sports, new hobbies, self-realization in art and new areas of activity.
  • Good mood. All changes are a chain reaction; as soon as one thing is affected, changes immediately begin in other areas. Also, with a good mood, thanks to all the changes in the body, both external and internal, a feeling of self-confidence will appear, fatigue will decrease, and stress resistance will increase. The list of qualities is quite long and they all lead to a wonderful mood during the day.

Beta glucan

It is a complex polysaccharide present in lichens, mosses, oats, pearl barley and some other cereals. This substance is fiber, that is, dietary fiber that is not digested when it enters the human stomach.

Thanks to the presence of beta-glucan, oatmeal acquires its characteristic viscosity. The main thing is not to confuse it with a substance such as gluten, which also makes products viscous. Beta-glucan is a carbohydrate, and gluten is a protein that is not found in pure barley and oatmeal.

Benefits of oatmeal

Oatmeal contains: vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2, vitamin B3 (or PP), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), iron (Fe).

The outer shell of oat grains contains dietary fiber, which is no less useful than vitamins and minerals. Here's how they work in the body:

  • reduce sugar and cholesterol;
  • absorb and remove toxins;
  • responsible for a long feeling of fullness;
  • have a good effect on the walls of blood vessels.

Lack of dietary fiber is a serious problem. They feed beneficial intestinal bacteria. If there is not enough dietary fiber in food, the bacteria “starve” and die. There is no one to support the immune system and produce the substances necessary for the body.

The amount of vitamins and minerals in all cereals is almost the same. The highest amount of dietary fiber is in rolled oats. You yourself can see the outer shell in them. This is why Hercules flakes are darker and coarser. In other cereals, the amount of dietary fiber is minimal.

The importance of breakfast

Taking it in the morning not only provides the body with energy for the whole day, but will also help you get rid of extra pounds. The theory that skipping breakfast helps speed up your metabolism is taken out of context. In fact, no diet ignores this meal, although some nutritionists say that exercising in the morning before breakfast can burn more calories. In any case, not eating in the morning is a bad idea.

If you skip a meal, you will feel hungry, so you will be more inclined to grab a snack before lunch. The snacks themselves are even healthy if you don’t opt ​​for high-calorie sweets, but one or two fruits for lunch is little consolation for a stomach that didn’t get its portion for breakfast.

It is worth remembering that you should not have breakfast immediately after waking up. First of all, drink a glass of water, this will help remove toxins from the body that were released during the night. After morning exercise, your appetite will be much better, as will the digestibility of foods. The first half of the day is the time for carbohydrates, so give preference to porridge, barley in a slow cooker, etc.

Choosing cereals

There are three types of oatmeal: rolled oats, petal flakes and extra. I haven’t seen petal ones in the store, mostly “hercules” and “extra”.

The information about how they are produced is quite contradictory, I asked Tanya to explain everything to me. Tanya worked at Rosselkhoznadzor for 6 years and knows the technology well.

Rolled oatmeal is steamed, flattened grain or cereal. They have the highest dietary fiber content compared to all others. These cereals are the healthiest.

Health value

The presence of beta-glucan in both dry and cooked oatmeal gives this cereal many beneficial qualities, proven by a number of studies. Regular use of this substance normalizes blood sugar and reduces cholesterol. The recommended daily intake is at least 3 grams, which corresponds to 30-40 grams of dry oatmeal.

The most valuable quality of the product is its effect on the digestive system. Water-soluble fiber, which is beta-glucan, literally envelops the stomach, and insoluble fiber helps improve intestinal function.

Scottish porridge recipe

Porridge - this dish has become national in Scotland. Liquid oatmeal, cooked only from whole or crushed oatmeal. The cooking process itself is no different, but sugar or salt and other additives are not added to this porridge. Porridge is prepared exclusively with water. During the cooking process, salt, oil and other additives prevent the oatmeal from revealing its flavor.

The Scots know a lot about oatmeal and therefore more than 80% of the national cuisine uses oatmeal.

Drink more water

A person needs water because it affects metabolism, removes waste and waste products from the body, and together with blood, water supplies necessary substances to cells. In addition, water is one of the essential components of all organs and systems. Most people don't think about how much water they consume per day because they think the only consequence of not drinking enough water is dehydration. This misconception leads to deterioration of skin color, early wrinkles, hair loss and thinning, as well as many other problems.

Every day, an adult is recommended to drink at least a liter of water, or an amount equal to the proportions of 30 ml per kilogram of weight. Already in the first weeks you will feel the result: lightness in the body, absence of digestive problems and stomach pain, and so on. There are several recommendations to help maintain water balance:

  • Drink regular still water, since tea, juice or drink does not affect the total amount of water in the body, but only fights thirst;
  • Add a drop of lemon juice to water if you do not have problems with the pancreas;
  • Don't try to force yourself to drink: the amount of water your body needs may vary depending on the time of year and your activity. Excess comes out through sweat and urine, so if you drink more or less than the daily norm, don’t worry too much;
  • Don't confuse thirst with hunger. It is a fairly common mistake to mistake the need for water for hunger. Listen to your body before making a sandwich, it is quite possible that a glass of water will be enough for you;
  • Drink before or after meals. If you drink during meals, it will be more difficult for the stomach to digest the diluted mass. But at the same time, eating dry food is also harmful, but a glass of water 15 minutes before a meal will provide abundant salivation, which will help you swallow everything you eat. After eating, it is advisable to drink 1-2 hours later.

How many grams are in a tablespoon of oatmeal (oatmeal)?

1 tablespoon holds 16 grams of oatmeal (heaped)

One tablespoon contains 12 grams of oatmeal (without a slide)

In the table below, the calculations were carried out with ordinary dry oatmeal of the Hercules type, which is the most popular in our latitudes.

Type of spoonWeight in gramsCalorie content of a spoon
A heaping tablespoon of oatmeal is16 grams56 calories
A level tablespoon of oatmeal is12 grams42 calories
A heaping teaspoon of oatmeal is6 grams21 calories
A level teaspoon of oatmeal is4 grams14 calories

Normalization of intestinal function

The immunomodulatory effect of oatmeal, proven in recent studies, is achieved due to the fact that the components of the cereal optimize the functioning and improve the condition of the microflora of the largest immune organ - the intestines. This has a positive effect on overall health.

The prebiotic effect provided by the presence of beta-glucan in oatmeal activates the production of beneficial bacteria, including bifidobacteria, and suppresses the development of harmful ones. Therefore, oatmeal is an affordable product that can replace prebiotics that are quite expensive.


Healthy eating implies a very long-term diet, in which there are no categorical prohibitions, but there are recommendations with which you can improve your health and adjust your weight. Everyone knows the correct diet: regular breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as light snacks between main meals. Many people ignore this system, which is why they suffer from digestive tract problems.

An ideal gastronomic day for a person should consist of 3-5 meals, which ensures the absence of hunger and also allows you to get the entire necessary set of vitamins and minerals. Portions should not be equal or large, since the rate of digestion changes throughout the day, and too large portions will only lead to heaviness in the stomach and heartburn. Variety in food is also necessary, so try to repeat the dish no more than once every 3 days.

Depending on the time of day, food should be rich in carbohydrates or proteins. So, in the first half of the day it is recommended to consume more complex carbohydrates, and the second half of the day is better suited for the absorption of protein foods. But per day your diet should be equal to the ratio of 1 part fat, 1 part protein and 4 parts carbohydrates.

How to properly cook oatmeal?

Serving of porridge for breakfast in grams

For one standard serving, add one part of cereal (30 grams) and four or five parts of liquid (120-150 ml). It all depends on your preferred thickness. The flakes are placed in the liquid brought to a boil, and then simmered over low heat for another five or ten minutes. You can cook with both water and milk.

To sweeten the porridge, it is not recommended to add jam or sugar. It is better to replace them with fruits. The ideal choice would be a banana that is affordable and tastes good. Finely chopped half of this fruit is enough for one serving.

What to combine with oatmeal

The following vegetables go well with oatmeal: tomatoes, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, avocado, cucumber, olives, green peas. If the body needs a more satisfying dish, you can use animal protein: boiled eggs, meat (chicken, beef or veal). The meat can be cut into small pieces and mixed with porridge. You can make a salad from vegetables by choosing the ones you like best. The porridge should be salted to taste and, if desired, seasoned with low-fat kefir.

Oatmeal serves as a light breakfast or dessert, so it is necessary to combine it with berries or fruits. You can use almost all fruits, dried fruits and berries. The exception is citrus fruits.

And another great recipe for oatmeal for breakfast with apples and dried apricots - tasty and healthy!

Oatmeal for 1 serving with berries and nuts


  • oatmeal (finely ground, extra) – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • milk – 1.5 cups;
  • blackberries – 10-15 berries;
  • black currant – 15-20 berries;
  • peanuts – 10-15 pcs.


Add oatmeal.

Add sugar.

Pour in milk.

Place the bowl of porridge in the microwave. It is better to use a power of 450-500. It will take about 3-5 minutes for the porridge to cook. Add blackberries to the finished porridge.

And black currants.

Roasted peanuts will also add something unique to the oatmeal.

Many people simply cannot bring themselves to eat oatmeal, since it itself is not very tasty. It's true that oatmeal isn't exactly chocolate, but there are some great ways to spice it up. The good thing is that oatmeal contains a huge amount of iron. The most interesting thing is that oatmeal is compatible with absolutely all products, so you can experiment endlessly. But, you should not eat more than 100 grams of porridge at one time, since this is the richest grain crop in fiber. It takes quite a long time to digest.

The easiest way to navigate with portion sizes is based on visual examples. The human stomach is quite small, its capacity is approximately equal to the volume of a clenched fist. Also, the capacity is greatly influenced by the calorie content of the food, so the fattier the food, the smaller the portion should be.

For example, one serving of vegetables and fruits is about 150 grams, which in volumetric form looks like 2 fists. At the same time, you should eat 5-6 servings of vegetables and fruits per day. A portion of meat or fish should fit in the palm of your hand; the weight of such a piece is about 150 grams, but it is enough for the whole day. The daily norm for various cereals is 250 grams the size of a fist.

The caloric intake for an adult ranges from 1,500 to 2,100 per day, depending on gender and activity level, but this does not mean that you should take into account all the food you eat, carefully counting the calorie content of each spoon. If you follow the principles of healthy eating, balance will be established without additional outside intervention.

Calorie calculation

1. Weigh all ingredients separately (cereals, additives, milk). Pinterest can help you figure out what to add to your porridge. Search for oatmeal.

2. Enter the data into the application. If the application calculates cereal in servings, one serving of cereal = 40 grams.

Is there any harm from oatmeal?

Thanks to the fiber and heavy carbohydrates it contains, oatmeal quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger, saturating the body for a long time. This makes it possible to eat less, stay full longer and, accordingly, fill your stomach less. Oatmeal is also rich in calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, and vitamins A and B.

Oatmeal does not contain gluten. Small amounts of this substance may be released during the cereal production process. Therefore, those who suffer from gluten intolerance should avoid consuming this product. Oats contain avegin, a protein that causes allergies even less frequently than gluten.

The combination of milk and banana can cause bloating in some people. This is due solely to the combination of these components and is a signal to stop using banana or milk. People with lactose intolerance need to cook porridge with water only.

Oatmeal on water

The healthiest choice for oatmeal is rolled oats, but always those that are cooked for 15-20 minutes. For 1 serving of oatmeal you will need:

For liquid porridge - 30-45 g. flakes + 200-250 ml. water or milk

For thick - 60 gr. + 200-250 ml. water or milk

For brewing - 60-80 g. flakes + 250 ml. water or milk

calorie content - 140 kcal

cereal……………………………40 gr. (140 kcal)

  1. Fill the flakes with water.
  2. Leave it overnight.
  3. In the morning we put it on fire.
  4. Add more water, if necessary, add salt.
  5. Cook for 5 - 10 minutes.

Cook boldly, but not for long

During cooking, the amount of nutrients does not change much, and not everyone absorbs vitamins and minerals from porridge brewed with boiling water normally.

If you feel discomfort after porridge brewed with boiling water, then this method is not suitable for you. This is a feature of the body. Cooking facilitates the process of absorption of nutrients. For each product there is an optimal cooking time, during which the maximum amount of nutrients is preserved. For rolled oatmeal, it takes 5-10 minutes.

During prolonged cooking, the amount of vitamins in the porridge decreases, but only slightly.

If you cook rolled oats according to the instructions - 20 minutes, the amount of vitamin B1 decreases by only 10%, B2 - by 5%. The content of all other substances remains virtually unchanged.

Menu for the week

It is recommended to diversify the menu as much as possible to get the maximum set of nutrients. It is advisable to repeat dishes no more than once every 3 days. Here is a sample healthy food menu for the week that you can use as a basis.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with a spoon of honey, soaked dried fruits or raisins.
  • Lunch: fresh cabbage soup with a slice of rye bread.
  • Dinner: oven-baked chicken and potatoes (without mayonnaise).


  • Breakfast: any kind of omelette with vegetables: frittata, kyukyu, eka, oyakodon, tortilla and so on.
  • Lunch: boiled buckwheat and beef, stewed with vegetables.
  • Dinner: a simple vegetable salad (2-3 ingredients, a spoonful of vegetable oil and a couple of drops of lemon juice), brown rice and steamed fish.
  • Breakfast: millet porridge and cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: chicken soup with durum wheat pasta.
  • Dinner: cabbage rolls (2-3 pieces).


  • Breakfast: cheesecakes with raisins, cooked in the oven.
  • Lunch: risotto or any other variation of rice porridge, vegetables and a portion of any type of meat.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew with meat or a lean version with mushrooms.


  • Breakfast: toast with cheese and vegetables on black bread (no butter).
  • Lunch: soup with rice and seafood (squid, fish, mussels, etc.).
  • Dinner: chicken cutlets and barley porridge.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, to which you can add fresh fruit.
  • Lunch: pasta with any type of meat and vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: omelet with mushrooms and vegetable salad with soft cheese.


  • Breakfast: pancakes with apples (3-4 pieces).
  • Lunch: baked potatoes with cheese and vegetables.
  • Dinner: rabbit in sour cream with olive oil and vegetable salad.

Serving of porridge for breakfast in grams

Don't forget about the possibility of a snack. An excellent option for satisfying hunger between main meals would be a curd dessert with pieces of fruit, toast with vegetables, yogurt with pieces of fruit, kefir with white bread, any fruit and even baked goods made from rice or gray flour.

Delicious oatmeal is not difficult at all

Even though every packet of oatmeal has instructions on how to cook the oatmeal, I would like to add a couple of tips. Here is my simple oatmeal recipe . Let's start with the basics. Porridge tastes better with milk. You can also use cream, but this will add significantly calories. When cooking it is worth adding sugar, if it is a sweet porridge and a pinch of salt, it will reveal the taste for the better. You can add a piece of butter to the already cooked porridge. This technique will also improve the taste. At the same time, please note that oil will make it more caloric, so do not forget to count the calories.

If every calorie counts, then you can do it without oil. It turns out just as delicious if you add your favorite fruit or berry to a plate of freshly cooked porridge. These can be either fruits or dried fruits. Also, various jams, honey and even condensed milk are good for those with a sweet tooth. Oatmeal with water will be the best solution for those who want to make oatmeal porridge that is not very high in calories. But the calorie content of oatmeal per 100 grams is no more than 68 calories, and cholesterol is zero! So I feel free to add my favorite bananas to it.

Nutrition for pregnant and nursing mothers

During pregnancy and lactation, a woman’s menu should be slightly different from the diet of an ordinary person. This is due to the fact that the body’s need for food increases, since it is necessary to support the vital functions of not only the mother, but also the fetus. During the feeding period, the baby receives all nutrients from mother's milk, so it is also important to provide enough calcium, zinc, iodine, protein and polyunsaturated acids.

Nutrition is adjusted depending on the duration of pregnancy, starting from the second trimester. The amount of vegetables and fruits increases, preference is given to green products. It is necessary to increase the number of flour products in the menu, for example, shortbread cookies, different types of bread, and so on. The amount of meat in the diet is most often discussed with the doctor monitoring the pregnancy. It is better to give preference to white poultry meat in various variations. And, of course, don't forget about dairy products.

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Common mistakes and tips

You should not overdo it with water when cooking, it is better to take a smaller amount and then add it during the process. Oatmeal that is too thin won't taste as good anyway. In addition, the proportions, as well as the cooking time, vary greatly depending on the manufacturer. Some brands are prepared in 3 minutes, for others 15 is not enough. Experienced housewives usually prefer to always buy the same products.

Often, raw cereals contain grain husks; of course, the finished dish with them is not so pleasant to eat. Therefore, before cooking, it is best to add the required amount of oatmeal with water. The husk floats up quickly and is easily removed with a spoon. This is especially true for cereals.

Oatmeal is a dish that is best eaten right away; if it cools down and sits for a couple of hours, it won’t be as tasty. Therefore, you should not prepare more portions than you can eat at one time.

In any case, it is better not to serve the cooked porridge immediately, but to let it sit for several minutes under the lid, as some say, “let it simmer.” This will have a positive effect on the taste of the dish.

Is it true that oatmeal on water is dangerous, see the following video.

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