Diet homemade noodles. Low-calorie noodle recipes from around the world

Contrary to the generally accepted opinion about the dangers of flour products for those losing weight, nutrition experts unanimously claim that you can eat pasta on a diet.

To avoid negative consequences from eating them, it is important to follow the basic rules for choosing products from the segment in question.

Modern manufacturers, trying to meet the needs of their consumers, offer them dietary, low-calorie pasta, most of which are made from durum wheat.

Having carefully studied the material below, a person who wants to get rid of extra pounds will find out which dietary food of the type in question can not only not harm, but also be beneficial when eaten while losing weight.

Which one is better to choose?

In addition to coarse wheat noodles, there are other types. All have their advantages and disadvantages. Not everyone is suitable for losing weight. A person in a store may encounter the following species.


These noodles come from Japanese cooking. It is prepared from buckwheat flour, mixing in a little rice flour. Noodles cut into thin strips are stored in a fabric bag. If you purchase the product in a store, then among the ingredients there should be nothing but water and flour.

Buckwheat noodles are useful for weight loss because they contain no fat, but they contain a lot of fiber, slow carbohydrates, and proteins. In addition, it contains enough iron and B vitamins. Another advantage is that such a dish is very quick to prepare. And this is important when losing weight, when there is no time to make complicated recipes.

Buckwheat noodles

The benefits of buckwheat noodles include the following properties:

  • Due to the lack of fat, it is good to use for those who want to build muscle mass and have problems with high blood pressure.
  • Buckwheat contains a lot of rutin, that is, a special antioxidant that cleanses blood vessels, speeds up metabolic processes and recovery after physical activity. In addition, it is needed for hematopoiesis and for those who suffer from iron deficiency anemia and low hemoglobin.
  • B1 plays an important role, which is necessary for metabolism and helps normalize the nervous system after stress. Thanks to it, problems with insomnia and sleep disorders go away. It is useful for strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle.

The calorie content of a buckwheat noodle dish is no more than 140 kcal.


This species also came from Asia. It has an average calorie content, contains complex carbohydrates and many vitamins. Noodles make you feel full for a long time. Although you shouldn't overeat it. 100 g of products contain more than 120 kcal, and these are mainly carbohydrates, some protein, and no fat.

Rice noodles come in two types: traditional and funchose. The latter differs only in very fine cutting. The benefits of rice noodles for weight loss include the following qualities:

  • Due to the absence of fat, it can be eaten by people suffering from high blood pressure, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and liver.
  • In combination with beans, it saturates the body with beneficial amino acids.
  • Contains complex carbohydrates. They nourish the brain and prevent it from starving. A person needs to consume 4 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg for normal life. Including it in your diet helps jump-start your metabolism.
  • The product contains vitamin PP, which is beneficial for nerve cells.
  • Selenium helps speed up metabolism and improve brain function.
  • B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle.
  • Iron helps prevent anemia.
  • Thanks to the presence of potassium and sodium, the water-salt balance is normalized. Swelling goes away.
  • It contains a lot of magnesium, which strengthens the nervous system.
  • Rice has adsorbent properties, so it removes waste and toxins.
  • Eating noodles has a positive effect on digestion and intestinal motility.

However, due to the high glycemic index, the product should not be consumed by people with high sugar levels and diabetes. It is also important to monitor the amount, as it provokes appetite. It's easy to overeat. It's good to complement rice noodles with seafood.


This type is prepared using mung bean starch. The noodles have no distinct taste. And after boiling it becomes transparent. Initially, it consists of long “threads” of different diameters. After cooking, the dish has a calorie content of no more than 80 kcal per 100g.

Therefore, Chinese noodles are great for weight loss.

Its advantages are as follows:

  • The product is rich in iron, selenium, manganese, potassium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium. This has a beneficial effect on the nervous and digestive systems.
  • It contains tocopherol or vitamin E, aneurin, folic acid, riboflavin, and pyrodoxin.
  • Chinese noodles contain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Chinese noodles
But at the same time, this type has practically no fiber, protein and amino acids. The glycemic index is less than 50, so the product is suitable for diabetes and allergies.

Noodles are suitable for a diet for weight loss.

Including Chinese in the diet helps normalize digestion and remove toxins and waste from the body. All this is reflected in improving the quality of skin and hair.


Egg noodles are usually prepared at home. It is made from flour, eggs and salt. Therefore, such noodles, unlike other types, contain a sufficient amount of protein. But, nevertheless, during a diet you need to consume such noodles in extremely measured doses due to the following disadvantages:

  • The calorie content of the dish is about 300 kcal per 100 g of product.
  • Wheat flour is a fast carbohydrate that causes a sharp jump in blood sugar and only further increases appetite. Therefore, it is very difficult to stop on time.
  • Homemade may be an allergen due to eggs and gluten.

Thus, this species is not entirely suitable for dietary nutrition. You should eat homemade noodles no more than a couple times a week.

Making homemade noodles

Instant cooking

Instant noodles include “Rollton” and “Doshirak”. Simply pour boiling water over it and wait 10-15 minutes. The noodles are ready. The end result is a satisfying and tasty dish. But the benefits of instant noodles for weight loss are missing. It contains flavor enhancers and dyes. Noodles are made from wheat flour, which contains a lot of fast carbohydrates. It quickly increases glucose levels and insulin release. Thus, unprocessed energy is stored in reserve.

Contains palm oil. But, despite the benefits of the product in its purified form, it ends up in such a dish of the lowest quality. It is palm oil that can provoke weight gain.

Instant noodles also contain many other preservatives, stabilizers, and flavorings that can be toxic.

Regular consumption of such a dish not only does not contribute to weight loss, but also negatively affects human health. Moreover, the calorie content of noodles is more than 440 kcal.


Noodles are very popular in Japan. It is eaten as often as rice. Noodles are prepared from wheat flour, which should contain a lot of starch. This is a very high-calorie dish. 100 g of product contains 300 kcal. Therefore, udon noodles are not suitable for weight loss.

It is quickly digested and stimulates appetite. Nevertheless, noodles contain many vitamins, macro and microelements. Therefore, it can still benefit the human body.

Udon noodles

You can eat the udon noodle dish either hot or cold. It is served in broth, as well as with seafood, vegetables, mushrooms, ginger, and soy sauce.


The noodles are made from the konnyaku root vegetable. It is processed into flour, from which the dish is already prepared. The main benefit of shirataki is that it contains a lot of fiber. It literally sweeps away all toxins from the body.

These noodles are great for your diet. Its glycemic index is zero. In total it contains 9 kcal per 100 product.

But at the same time, it does not contain vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, the dish will have to be supplemented with vegetables, mushrooms, and seafood.

Shirataki noodles

In order for eating pasta to be beneficial for weight loss, you should follow these simple rules:

  • You need to choose a product made from wholemeal flour, rich in fiber and slow carbohydrates.
  • Even the lowest-calorie noodles do not need to add too nutritious and satisfying sauces, otherwise everything will be useless.
  • You need to cook without getting ready. It should have a slightly hard center. So its glycemic index will be significantly lower.
  • The serving should be the size of your fist.
  • You need to eat slowly, wrapping a couple of pieces on your fork. Only by prolonging the pleasure can you increase saturation with a small portion.

Watch the video about instant noodles:

Will you get better from the “correct” spaghetti or not?


When deciding to include durum wheat pasta dishes, it is important to carefully consider sauces and other accompaniments.

Eating exclusively, for example, boiled “proper” spaghetti without fatty Bolognese, carbonara and so on sauces, is impossible to gain weight.

Simple carbohydrates, namely the quickly digestible calories they contain, in combination with fats, found in high concentrations in gravies and sauces, provoke an increase in fat in the thighs, sides and abdomen and around the internal organs.

By correctly differentiating the intake of carbohydrates and fats into the body, a person who dreams of an ideal figure will be able to minimize the number of calories by reducing the frequency of meals. Naturally, losing weight will be possible by creating a calorie deficit in the body and following this basic rule of losing weight. Satiety maintained over an extended period is due to the long time it takes the body to digest complex carbohydrates.

Cooking recipes

Whatever noodles are chosen, the main role is played by the sauce with which it will be seasoned. To lose weight, you need to choose low-calorie foods. The following recipes are suitable for dietary dishes:

  • Tomato sauce.
    Ingredients: tomatoes, herbs, onions, bell peppers, olive oil and garlic.

Vegetables are ground in a blender. Onions are fried in oil. Then everything is combined and simmered until cooked.

  • From green beans.
    Ingredients: greens, onions, tomato sauce, vegetable oil, spices.

First, boil the beans, then fry the onions and pasta. Combine everything and simmer a little more until done.

  • From vegetables and shrimp.
    Ingredients: seafood, herbs, onions, bell peppers, garlic, spices, .

Vegetables and shrimp need to be boiled. Then the peppers, herbs, asparagus and garlic are cut and poured with oil. The shrimp are placed on the noodles, next to the vegetable sauce.

First you need to cook everything and drain the water. Separately, a salad is made from vegetables and herbs, sour cream and mustard. Then they put everything on a plate: noodles, shrimp, salad.

  • Soup.
    Ingredients: squid or other seafood, pasta, onion, seaweed, sweet potato or potato.

All components, except kelp, are cut and placed in boiling water. Everything needs to be cooked until cooked, then the seaweed is added. The soup can be served.

  • Buckwheat noodles with chicken and vegetables.
    Ingredients: fillet, bell pepper, onion, carrot, zucchini, olive oil, spices.

Chicken is fried in oil with vegetables and herbs. Cook the pasta until tender. Then combine both parts and fry a little more. Then everything is put on a plate.

Noodles may be beneficial for weight loss.

If you use it in reasonable quantities and follow the rules for serving it on the table, then it will not harm your figure. It is very important not to add meat or other high-calorie side dishes to it.

There are many dietary dishes that are suitable both for weight loss and for periods when you just want something light and low-fat. For those looking to lose weight, there are plenty of delicious soups that will keep you full and low in calories. Ingredients may include vegetables, mushrooms, lean meat and fish. They also add noodles, but not ordinary noodles, but special, dietary ones. It can be rice, buckwheat or even vegetable.

In order not to prepare 2 separate dishes for yourself and your household, invite them to try this noodle soup, and it will become one of their favorite dishes.

Useful tips for use

In order for eating pasta to be beneficial for weight loss, you should follow these simple rules:

  • You need to choose a product made from wholemeal flour, rich in fiber and slow carbohydrates.
  • Even the lowest-calorie noodles do not need to add too nutritious and satisfying sauces, otherwise everything will be useless.
  • You need to cook without getting ready. It should have a slightly hard center. So its glycemic index will be significantly lower.
  • The serving should be the size of your fist.
  • You need to eat slowly, wrapping a couple of pieces on your fork. Only by prolonging the pleasure can you increase saturation with a small portion.

Watch the video about instant noodles:

Diet soup recipes

Noodle soup is extremely easy to prepare and doesn’t take much time. It can be prepared for the whole family; your family will love this unusual dish.

Chicken breast soup


  • 2 liters of chicken broth,
  • rice or buckwheat noodles,
  • bulb,
  • green pea,
  • green beans,
  • cauliflower,
  • small chicken breast,
  • carrot,
  • 2 - 3 potatoes,
  • greenery,
  • a little olive oil.

Pre-boil the chicken, place the meat on a plate and divide into small pieces. Throw diced potatoes into the boiling broth and boil for 15 minutes. At this time, lightly fry the chopped carrots and onions in olive oil until golden brown, set aside. Add cauliflower, peas, beans and noodles to the soup pot. Boil for 5 – 7 minutes, depending on readiness. Add the contents of the pan and the breast, boil for 2 minutes and set aside from the heat. Before serving, decorate with herbs. For homemade ones, you can add croutons. If you like to experiment and try something unusual and new, add whole pitted green olives to the finished dish.

Mushroom soup

You will need:

In a saucepan, fry the chopped garlic, onion and carrots in a little olive oil for a few minutes. Add diced mushrooms and potatoes, simmer for 5 - 7 minutes, add broth and let simmer for about 10 minutes. Add noodles, cook for 5-7 minutes, vegetable noodles - about 2-3. Remove from heat. Pour into plates, add herbs.

Noodles are a rather delicate product, so it is extremely important that they are not overcooked, especially when it comes to vegetables. Do not forget that after you remove the pan with your soup from the heat, the cooking process does not end and due to the high temperature it will “cook”. Take this into account and better turn off the burner a little earlier, otherwise the noodles will simply turn into mush.

These recipes can be improved by removing or adding components, it all depends on your imagination and preferences.

Important points

To prepare vegetable noodles, you need to take young zucchini, zucchini or carrots. They must be thoroughly washed and peeled. Then use a special knife to cut the noodles. If you don't have such a device, you can try to do it with a regular knife. This, of course, will require more time and effort. The noodles must be thin enough, otherwise they will not taste good.

To add richness of flavor, you can add processed cheese or cream to the soup. The dish will acquire a delicate aroma, but will not cease to be dietary. Only the cheese should be added at the beginning of cooking, as soon as the broth boils, and the cream at the end.

To make the soup more to your family's taste, you can add croutons to it. You can make them at home by drying diced bread in the oven for 10 minutes.

Calories: 733 Cooking time: 15 Proteins/100g: 3 Carbohydrates/100g: 68

Hearty, high-quality noodles that can be consumed by those who adhere to the Dukan diet. This famous nutrition system helps you say goodbye to extra centimeters on your hips and waist without denying yourself food. The main principle of such a diet is to eat only approved foods and dishes made from them. Low-fat dairy products, sugar substitute, poultry - you can cook any dish from these ingredients. According to this food system, it is prohibited to eat dishes based on any flour. Diet homemade noodles made from corn starch, recipe according to Dukan, turn out to be satisfying, tasty and appetizing. A large number of dishes can be made from it. Even an inexperienced cook can create such noodles. The main thing is to choose only high-quality components and adhere to all the recommendations given below. The amount of starch in the recipe may vary depending on its quality, so you should not add all the corn product to the egg mixture at once. I also advise you to watch how it is prepared.

- 2 yolks; - salt (pinch); - corn starch (6 tbsp).

How to cook at home

Place the raw yolks in a deep bowl and lightly beat them with a fork or whisk. Add cornstarch. Place 5 tbsp in a bowl. product and begin to connect the components. If the workpiece is too soft, add the remaining starch. To create “Dukan noodles” we use only corn product, since potato starch is prohibited by this food system. Stretch the workpiece into a thin layer (using a kitchen rolling pin). To prevent the mixture from sticking to the work surface, lightly sprinkle it with starch. Chop the egg mixture into thin strips, leave it indoors for 2-3 hours or place it in a slightly heated oven. We use “Dukan noodles” at our own discretion. Bon appetit!

Incredible! Diet noodles without flour! Herbalife diet

, where you can eat noodles and lose weight. Have you ever heard of such diets? Strict diets are canceled, because a balanced diet is many times more effective in losing weight and losing weight. Proper, tasty nutrition will invariably have a beneficial effect on well-being and motivation. With such a non-strict diet, sticking to it is a pleasure.

Restrictions have been lifted, which means that the path to beautiful shape and optimal weight is open! Remember that a hunger strike is neither correct nor effective. Proper nutrition - and the best shape will be achieved! So, let's move on to preparing dietary noodles from Herbalife Tomato Basil Soup and evaluate its composition and preparation.

Tricks and fresh ideas

Chicken noodle soup is an excellent dish for weight loss. And he is also able to decorate both an everyday meal and a feast “for the occasion”. The soup will be even better if it is served in an original way. You can make some changes to the recipe itself so that it plays in a new way.

No food will lose its appeal with the constant inclusion of new nuances.

Some tips:

  1. Any chicken soup goes well with eggs. You can beat a couple of fresh eggs and pour them in a thin stream into the broth shortly before adding the vermicelli. Eggs can be served in portions: add half a boiled egg to each plate along with the soup.
  2. If desired, you can make spicy noodles. It is enough to add a mixture of ground peppers and one chili pod, finely chopped.
  3. The chicken does not have to be added in pieces. The breast is ground into minced meat, rolled into balls - the result is a dietary soup with meatballs.
  4. Pasta allows you to constantly experiment with shape. Thin noodles, wide noodles, pasta, spider web, horns - you can gradually try each type in the soup.
  5. The best addition to chicken soup is olive oil, natural yogurt sauce and herbs for dressing.

Diet noodles without flour according to Herbalife recipe

Ingredients for noodles:

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all the suggested ingredients and knead the hard-boiled dough.
  2. Roll out the base thinly.
  3. Hold the dough vertically and cut it into long strips. It is convenient to use a pizza cutter.
  4. Boil the chicken and lower the onions and carrots (optional) into this broth for 20 - 30 minutes. Then we take out the vegetables.
  5. After this, immerse the noodles in the broth. Cook until cooked and, if desired, add salt and season with other spices.
  6. We beautifully place the noodles into portioned plates, garnish with a sprig of herbs and a piece of boiled chicken.

Today I told you how to cook Dietary Flourless Noodles with Tomato Basil Soup from Herbalife

There are a lot of recipes on my website, look at the section and create the right menu for weight loss and control

And remember - to lose weight, you don’t have to starve! Need to eat! But eat the right low-calorie foods! Eating deliciously and looking stunning—isn’t this the secret fantasy of every woman? With this it is possible! Lose weight correctly

and then the result will be faster! Bon appetit!

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


With the growing interest in a healthy lifestyle, many people have reconsidered their diet. For familiar products, there is a worthy replacement with more valuable nutritional qualities and preservation of the figure. Relatively low calorie content, gluten-free, crispy baked goods, an excellent selection of recipes - these are the advantages of rice flour. A natural food additive is used in the production of ready-made food products for children.

Basics of nutrition while dieting

Diet food is healthy eating, not necessarily intended for weight loss. Different categories of people are on dietary nutrition: children, pregnant and lactating women, sick people, athletes, ordinary active people.

A proper diet is structured so that the food is nutritious and sufficiently high in calories, but without excesses, which the body immediately sends to fat reserves. Food helps overall well-being.

Healthy foods should contain as little unhealthy fats as possible, such as cholesterol. Vegetable fats that are easily digested are healthier. You need “complex” carbohydrates, which will force the gastrointestinal tract to work for a long time to digest them. They are rich in fruits, vegetables, durum wheat products, and some cereals.

You can't do without protein. It is the main building block for muscles, cell membranes and walls. – Load up on protein, such as meat and legumes.

The main prohibition in dietary nutrition is products containing artificial ingredients, chemical substitutes, and enhancers. Such products “deceive” a person with a pleasant taste and aroma; you can eat a lot of them with gusto, but they do more harm than good.

What is rice flour

The product of milling rice grains is the result of processing natural raw materials using simple technology. The ancient agricultural crop is considered a storehouse of useful elements (complex carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins), and the high level of starch content in the absence of gluten makes rice a dietary product. A hypoallergenic product that does not contain gluten, it is used in production as a thickener, in cooking - for baking and dietary dishes.

How to make rice flour at home

There will be no particular difficulties in preparing a dietary product at home. There are two ways to make flour from rice grains, which can then be used for various recipes for delicious dishes. As a result of the use of technologies, the grind will turn out to be finer or coarser, and you cannot do without using a blender, coffee grinder with a powerful chopper or a meat grinder:

  1. Dry technology is the simplest method, which involves grinding the rice in a blender or grinding with the help of another kitchen assistant.
  2. Wet technology is a more labor-intensive process, but it turns out to make a complete dietary product. The grains must be washed, soaked in warm water for 3-5 hours, and drained. Spread in an even layer on a towel, dry, then grind to the desired grind.


Japanese noodles are closely related to the must-have dishes of Southeast Asia. It is very popular in China and Japan. The dish is usually served cold. This is explained by the climatic conditions of the regions, because the summer period there is always very hot and with high humidity. At the same time, per 100 g of dish there are only 350 kcal.

The benefits of Japanese noodles have been proven many times by scientists. Here, the first thing we need to mention is the fact that buckwheat itself has many beneficial properties, thanks to which it has a positive effect on the consumer’s body.

Soba is made from buckwheat and has a mild taste. As a rule, it is made as a separate dish, soups are cooked with it and served as a cold appetizer. At the same time, you can cook it in both regular and salted water, since this has almost no effect on the taste. The most important thing is to rinse the noodles with cool, clean water to remove any remaining starch.

Green tea is often used in the preparation process. It allows you to achieve a more refined taste and significantly increases the benefits. The result is a dish that can be classified as an unusual delicacy.

What can you make from rice flour?

Options for dishes without harming your figure will surprise you with their variety. In oriental cooking recipes, rice is used more often, and any dish - from noodles, bread to desserts - is a healthy, nutritious meal that is easily digestible. Rice flour is indispensable in the production of baby food, sausages, pasta, and ice cream. At home, the dietary product can be used to prepare pancakes, dumpling dough, rolls, funchose (Japanese seasoned noodles), and baking.


The ratio of vitamins, microelements, and starch gives the dietary product such beneficial properties that whole grain flour cannot compare with. Baked goods made from rice flour are crispy, so they make good breads based on it. The porous texture will provide cookies, cupcakes, and muffins with a special taste, but if you want to make them less dry, it is recommended to add more liquid and eggs to the dough.


Cream soup, glass noodles, fish cutlets, manti, khinkali, dumplings, diet pizza, cheesecakes, pancakes - these are the options for dishes where you can use ground rice grains. Dishes made from rice flour are easily absorbed by the human body, and the special value of protein makes the product an ideal choice for a diet menu. Powdered cereal is a main component in Asian recipes, great for sauces, batters as a thickener or as an ingredient for pasta and noodles.

Serving Size

The serving size of boiled durum wheat pasta without adding sauce should not exceed 200 g per day.

The specified volume is enough to saturate the body losing weight with vitamins and fiber, diversify the usual diet, and also give it a feeling of fullness for a long time.

It is not recommended to increase the daily amount of pasta consumed due to the risk of disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract systems.

Attention! For some people, eating pasta, no matter what flour it is made from, can cause serious digestive upsets. This is due to the fact that wheat contains a substance called gluten. It may not be absorbed by the body, which causes digestive disorders.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 167 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Asian.

A delicious dish for breakfast or dinner that will be good for digestion and help maintain your figure. Pancakes, based on crushed grains of rice, satisfy hunger well, so they are suitable as a nutritious dish for an afternoon snack. To keep the number of calories to a minimum, pancakes should be served without sugar, and if you want to diversify the taste, then they can be eaten with honey, jam, or yogurt.


  • rice flour – 180 grams;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • yogurt (liquid) – 150 ml;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with salt, mix with slaked soda and flour.
  2. Combine the mixture with yogurt and mix.
  3. For frying, use vegetable oil; preheat the frying pan.


Lenten noodles have a rather labor-intensive preparation process, but also have a great taste. For it you will need:

  • 500 g flour (unrefined);
  • glass of water;
  • 4 small spoons of salt;
  • 150 g wheat flour.

lean noodles

First you need to heat the water and dissolve the salt in it. Afterwards, pour all the flour into a deep container and mix thoroughly. Then water and salt are poured in and the dough is kneaded.

The elastic and tough mass must be rolled into a ball, wrapped in a bag and covered with a towel. In this position, the dough should be beaten with a rolling pin, then taken out and rolled into a thin sheet. Immediately after this, it is folded in half and all previous steps are repeated with wrapping it in a plastic bag 3 times. When you get a perfectly smooth dough, you need to keep it for 4 hours, and then beat it for the last time and roll it out as thin as possible.

The resulting layer must be folded three times, with the sides overlapping toward the center. Next, use a sharp knife to cut the dough into rings, the thickness of which does not exceed 5 mm. Immediately after this they need to be boiled for 8 minutes.


  • Cooking time: 105 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1320 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Asian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Do you want to bake delicious homemade bread without worrying about your figure? Then choose this recipe, where the main ingredient is ground rice grains. You will also need a kitchen assistant like a bread machine, because with it there is no question of how to prepare fresh gluten-free baked goods. An appetizing crust, as in the photo of a glossy magazine, will be ensured; moreover, you only need to knead the dough correctly and select the appropriate mode.


  • flour (rice) – 600 g;
  • dry yeast – 10 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • oil (vegetable) – 60 ml;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with salt and half the volume of sugar.
  2. Pour water, vegetable oil, egg mixture into the bread maker pan, add flour, add yeast. Mix the rice flour dough thoroughly or use the kneading function.
  3. Turn on the desired program and wait until the end of baking.

"Carrot" dish

An amazing and memorable dish is noodles with carrots. The main ingredients here are:

  • vegetable oil - a tablespoon;
  • carrots (already grated) - 200g;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • salt;
  • flour - as much as needed to thicken the dough.

The first step is to boil the carrots. When it has cooled, all ingredients, except flour, need to be mixed in a blender. Then pour flour into a homogeneous mass in a thin stream, stirring at the same time. The result should be a stiff dough. It must be divided into 4 parts, each of which is rolled out and cut into strips. They need to dry for no more than half an hour. The noodles are cooked as usual.

Rice cake

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Asian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Melt-in-your-mouth orange-flavored baked goods – this is what the rice cake will look like when finished. People on a diet won’t have to worry about the amount of calories; besides, baked goods with a traditional ingredient for Asian cuisine quickly cope with the feeling of hunger and are moderately sweet. This recipe is also suitable for those who like to experiment in the kitchen, adding an unusual taste to familiar delicacies.


  • flour (ground rice grains) – 250 g;
  • butter (butter) – 180 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • orange jam – 100 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the butter with sugar, pour in the beaten yolks.
  2. Add jam to the sweet egg-butter mixture, stir, add flour, baking powder.
  3. Gently beat the egg whites with salt and fold into the cake batter.
  4. Place in pan and bake cake for 30-40 minutes.


Chicken soup is a diet saver. It never gets boring, in any variation it evokes appetite, with such a dish you don’t have to worry about your health and figure. The soup will appeal to everyone in the family, including children.

Any housewife can cope with its preparation: both extremely busy and still inexperienced.

How to spend more time on yourself and your family, rather than spending hours cooking? How to make a dish beautiful and appetizing? How to get by with a minimum number of kitchen appliances? The 3in1 miracle knife is a convenient and functional kitchen assistant. Try it with a discount.


  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 596 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Asian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

How to prepare a dish beloved by many to surprise your loved ones with its unusual taste? An important condition that must be observed is to mix the ingredients thoroughly, otherwise the rice pancakes will turn out dry. This recipe is recommended for fans of healthy eating and allergy sufferers, because pancakes based on ground rice grains are classified as gluten-free products.


  • flour (rice) – 100 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • butter (butter) – 20 g;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Take 1 egg, beat with a pinch of salt, add sugar, all the starch, mix.
  2. Add soft butter to the dough and pour in milk.
  3. Add flour, stir well until smooth.
  4. Fry on both sides in a hot frying pan.


Among the well-known types of noodles, it is necessary to include the product whose appearance is familiar to all people. It flaunts on store shelves as an instant product. Included with it, the buyer receives seasoning and oil of dubious origin. By pouring all these components with hot water, the consumer receives an almost complete pasta product, called in our area “instant noodles.” Its calorie content is 340 kcal.

Ramen is typically served with meat broth, bamboo shoots, green onions, eggs and ginger root. All these ingredients perfectly complement it, making the taste brighter and more memorable.

Rice flour cookies

  • Cooking time 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2830 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Does it take a long time to prepare desserts? This healthy food-based baking recipe easily proves the opposite. The calorie content of rice cookies is relatively low, the aroma will bring everyone to the table to enjoy the baked goods. If someone suffers from allergies, then the only limitation will be individual intolerance to the products included in the composition. In all other respects, this is a delicious delicacy that won’t even be included in the photo: it’s eaten quickly and you’ll want to try more!


  • flour (ground rice grains) – 400 g;
  • powdered sugar – 1.5 cups;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • hazelnuts – 100 g;
  • baking powder – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • ginger (grated) – 60 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the egg with powdered sugar. Add baking powder, ground nuts, ginger, flour. Mix the products thoroughly.
  2. Roll out the dough, but not in a thin layer, cut out circles.
  3. Roll both sides in powdered sugar, place on a baking sheet, bake for about 10 minutes at medium temperature.


This type of noodle is considered the most common of pasta products. It is made from water and wheat flour. The calories in noodles are a pleasant surprise for those losing weight. Per 100 grams of product - 337 kcal.

This variety appeared around 5000 BC, but is still very popular today. Royals highly valued the product and often enjoyed its taste. Initially, it could only be purchased by noble segments of the population, but literally in the last century it became available to everyone.

homemade egg noodles


  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1580 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Bread baking can only be rivaled by a sweet rice cake recipe. How to prepare a dessert that will make you want to take a photo and preserve the maximum amount of nutrients? Take brown rice oatmeal (ground brown rice grains), add fruit, such as apples. The latter should be cut into slices, sprinkled with lemon juice, placed on top, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar.


  • brown rice oatmeal – 200 g;
  • kefir – 0.5 cups;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking powder – 1 teaspoon;
  • apple – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs, pour in kefir, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, mix.
  2. Add oatmeal, baking powder, knead the dough.
  3. Pour the mixture into the mold and decorate with apples on top.
  4. Bake for 20-30 minutes at medium temperature.

The nutritional value


  • Choline 78.7 mg
  • PP Vitamin PP (NE) 8.387 mg
  • K Vitamin K 0.5 mcg
  • E (TE) Vitamin E (TE) 0.37 mg
  • B12 Vitamin B12 0.29 mcg
  • B9 Vitamin B9 230 mcg
  • B6 Vitamin B6 0.216 mg
  • B5 Vitamin B5 0.912 mg
  • B2 Vitamin B2 0.426 mg
  • B1 Vitamin B1 1.133 mg
  • A (RE) Vitamin A (RE) 17 mcg
  • Beta carotene 0.002 mg
  • A Vitamin A 0.017 mg


  • Se Selenium 78.8 mcg
  • Mn Manganese 0.855 mg
  • Cu Copper 297 mg
  • Zn Zinc 1.92 mg
  • Fe Iron 4.01 mg

homemade noodles

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 690 kcal.
  • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Asian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A hot oriental dish is a kind of calling card of Asian cuisine. Few things can compare with the popularity of noodles, because they are served even in the smallest street cafes in the countries of this region. Do you want to stock up on energy, eat a healthy first course or a hot side dish that won’t add extra pounds? Then learn how to make homemade noodles with this easy recipe.


  • flour (finely ground rice) – 0.5 kg;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • water – 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • corn starch - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the flour into a heap on the table, make a well, pour in the beaten eggs and salt.
  2. Knead the dough, adding water, roll it out, and if it breaks, add starch.
  3. Dry, leaving the layer for half an hour, then cut into thin strips.


Soy noodles, a type of Asian cuisine, are sold dry. It is a favorite among gourmets. It is often called glass, because in appearance it really resembles glass. After cooking, the funchose threads acquire a transparent texture. Calorie content per 100 g is only 320 kcal.

The composition of the noodles is considered rich. There is starch from legumes, which include mung, yam, canna and potato. Today, corn starch is increasingly used for its preparation.

The benefits of funchose are undeniable. It lies in the vitamin and mineral composition. The product contains vitamins B, PP and, of course, E. In addition, there are minerals: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, iron. As a rule, noodles are not salted when cooked, so people with kidney problems are allowed to consume them in any quantity.

rice noodles benefits

Brand of pasta

Often in articles discussing the question of whether it is possible to eat pasta while losing weight, they forget to say that the answer depends entirely on the type of wheat. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to look at the information on the packaging. When on a diet, you are allowed to eat only pasta made from durum wheat. They contain fewer harmful carbohydrates, but contain more healthy fats and vitamins.

In addition, the method of preparation, time of consumption and the amount of noodles consumed play a big role.

Glycemic index

This is an important parameter for correctly choosing what kind of pasta you can eat while losing weight, so you should definitely focus on it. The glycemic index (GI) is the rate at which carbohydrates are absorbed from food. The longer it takes the body to digest a food and process all its calories, the lower the GI. The international standard for the rate of glucose absorption is 100 units.

Why is this so important? The fact is that when digesting foods, our body not only receives energy, but also spends it. After all, the movements of the intestines and stomach, the work of the liver and digestive glands - all this requires building elements and calories. So it turns out that the body receives slightly less calories than is contained in food.

That is, the more difficult it is for the body to digest food, the fewer calories it receives from it. In other words, foods with the same carbohydrate content can raise the amount of glucose in the blood differently (one more, the other less). This is why conflicts such as foods with negative calorie content arise. You can eat pasta while losing weight, but only with a low index.

The glycemic index is distributed as follows:

  • low – up to 55;
  • average – 56-69;
  • high – from 70.

Many vegetables, berries and herbs have a low GI (an average of 10-20 units), while flour products, sugar, potatoes, and white rice have a high GI (an average of 100-120). It is interesting that there are relatively few products with an average index - these are a few berries and sweet fruits. Noodles have a strong GI range - from 40 to 80. Products made from soft wheat varieties have 77 units, and from hard wheat varieties - 50. Of course, to lose weight, you need to eat only foods with a low index.

Classification of pasta

First of all, they are divided into several groups according to the type of flour:

  • A – from durum varieties;
  • B – with high glassiness from soft varieties;
  • B – soft varieties.

You can eat pasta while losing weight, but only from hard varieties. What is glassiness? This parameter determines the ratio of proteins and starch, which is very important for slimness. Grains with high glassiness have a white, slightly transparent color (which is why they got their name) and a relatively high protein content. Wheat, which is high in starch, is poor in protein and has a yellowish or brown color.

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What is the difference between hard and soft varieties? The main difference is the ratio of proteins and starch, which greatly affects the strength of the grains (hence the name). The high protein content makes wheat harder in consistency and valuable in nutritional qualities, as well as less calorie. Durum wheat is considered to have a protein content above 17%.

A little humor on the topic:

There is also a classification by type of flour, but here too the key factor is the amount of starch and proteins:

VarietyStarchProteinAsh content Cellulose
Higher79-80%10-14%0,55% 0,1-0,15%
First75%13-15%0,75% 0,27-0,3%
Second70-72%13-16%1,1-1,2% 0,7%
Durum wheat flour54-66%17-21%1,7-1,9% 2,3%

What is ash content? This is the weight of solid particles in a mass of flour. First of all, this includes various minerals, but also includes grain flakes, germs, and particles of stems. Obviously, the lower the grade, the more proteins, minerals and healthy fiber it contains. But the record holders are the hard varieties, so these are the types of pasta you can eat while losing weight.

In addition, there is a classification according to form and method of preparation:

  • spaghettini, capellini, vermicelli - thin and long products reminiscent of spaghetti, but with a softer and more delicate taste;
  • spaghetti – thin and long, can be bought at any store;
  • fettuccine, lenguine, tagliatelle - spaghetti of medium length, while they are flat and wide, reminiscent of ribbons;
  • penne, rigatoni, ziti - short tubular noodles with a hollow core;
  • cannelloni, manicotti - tubular large pasta with a radius of 1-2 cm. The inside is filled with various fillings: meat, sauces and herbs;
  • fusilli, rotini, gemelli - screw-shaped pasta;
  • farfalle - in the form of a butterfly;
  • lasagna - flat in the shape of a square pancake, they are laid in layers alternately with some kind of filling (meat, herbs, sauce) in the form of a layer pie;
  • pastina, orzo, ditalini - pasta in the form of grains.

Chemical composition

Noodles contain many useful vitamins, microelements and amino acids. However, the percentage of all these elements is quite low and inferior to all other types of products: cereals, fruits, vegetables and others. Below is the chemical composition of a 100 gram portion of noodles made from premium flour (10% protein, 70% starch).

Vitamins (micrograms):

  • B1 – 180;
  • B2 – 36;
  • B6 – 150;
  • B9 – 20;
  • E – 2000;
  • H – 1.8;
  • PP – 1100.

Essential amino acids (milligrams):

  • valine – 475;
  • isoleucine – 435;
  • leucine – 815;
  • lysine – 250;
  • methionine – 155;
  • threonine – 315;
  • tryptophan – 100;
  • phenylalanine – 505.

Essential amino acids (milligrams):

  • alanine – 335;
  • arginine – 405;
  • aspartic acid – 345;
  • histidine – 200;
  • glycine – 355;
  • glutamic acid – 3115;
  • proline – 980;
  • serine – 505;
  • tyrosine – 250;
  • cystine – 200.

Microelements (micrograms):

  • iron – 1500;
  • iodine – 1.48;
  • potassium – 120000;
  • calcium – 18000;
  • cobalt – 1.54;
  • silicon – 4000;
  • magnesium – 15000;
  • manganese – 570;
  • copper – 680;
  • molybdenum – 12.5;
  • sodium – 2800
  • sulfur – 70000;
  • phosphorus – 85000;
  • fluorine – 20000;
  • chlorine – 73000;
  • chromium – 2;
  • zinc – 703.

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