Soup diet for weight loss: essence, pros and cons
The essence of the fat-burning soup diet is that these dishes contain vegetables that help quickly destroy fat cells: celery, onions, cabbage, buckwheat, peas, mushrooms, tomatoes and fish.
Weight loss is achieved due to the low calorie content, while a person does not feel hungry at all. The benefit of this diet for the body is to improve intestinal function and restore its microflora, as well as normalize fluid balance.
Advantages of the technique:
- Efficiency;
- Lack of hunger and contraindications;
- After it, it is difficult to gain the previous kilograms.
How much can you lose on the soup diet?
Since the diet is considered quite nutritious, weight loss occurs smoothly: as a rule, weight loss per week is no more than 5-7 kilograms.
Which products should be preferred:
- Green salad leaves;
- Asparagus;
- Celery;
- Ginger;
- Radish;
- Pepper;
- Zucchini and eggplant;
- Zucchini;
- Cabbage;
- All types of greens.
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Diet options
What foods can be consumed during a chicken diet depends on which particular method is chosen. There are more than 10 different diets based on this product, and each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages.
Before you start drawing up a menu for the week, it is recommended to consult with a specialist who will tell you whether it is possible to eat chicken breast while losing weight in a particular case. It must be borne in mind that even such a useful product has certain contraindications for use.
People suffering from kidney and urinary system diseases should absolutely not adhere to such a diet. Also, a contraindication to following such a diet is carrying a child.
What weight-loss meals from chicken breast can be consumed depends on the type of diet and the list of allowed foods.
- mono-diet. One of the strictest options. This diet lasts 5 days, during this period it is allowed to eat boiled breast (without salt, spices and sauces). Moreover, daily calorie consumption should not exceed 1200 kcal. You can eat up to a kilogram of meat per day. This amount should be divided into 4-5 doses;
- losing weight with broth. It is also a mono-diet and involves consuming exclusively one broth. Its duration should not exceed 3 days;
- simple broth diet. The main dish with it is broth, but you can also add eggs, buckwheat or rice, vegetables, boiled fish, and fruits to the diet. This option is more suitable for people who need to lose just a couple of kilograms or just keep in shape;
- chicken and vegetable diet. With it, you can only consume chicken breast and vegetables. They can be stewed, baked, or boiled. The main thing is to avoid using salt and spices. With such a diet, the daily calorie content of foods should not exceed 1400 kcal.
Doctors have long discovered how broths act on the body and whether it is possible to lose weight on them. Meat ones are considered the most healthy, and at the same time low-calorie, so they should be regularly present in the diet of every person losing weight.
Diet for weight loss using soups: menu, rules, best recipes
Rules for successful weight loss:
- You need to eat 3 to 5 times a day, and also when you feel hungry;
- To add flavor and retain liquid, it is recommended to add seasonings to the main dish;
- Other foods should be eaten only after eating the first course;
- You cannot use sugar and all products containing it in the menu, as well as flour, smoked and fried foods;
- You can occasionally snack on fruits or vegetables;
- It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of filtered water per day;
- Any diet can be followed for no more than two weeks.
Celery soup diet
In order to lose 5-7 kg in a week, you need to eat fat-burning soup, vegetables, fruits and lean meat.
Sample menu:
- For all meals we eat celery soup;
- Snack on fresh fruits or vegetables.
Celery soup recipe:
- Mix chopped celery root (200 g) with finely chopped cabbage, fresh grated carrots (6 pcs.), peppers (2 pcs.), tomatoes (6 pcs.), onions (6 pcs.) and green beans (400 g) ;
- Pour in 1.5 liters of tomato juice, boil for 15 minutes over low heat;
- Add the greens and cook for another 7-10 minutes.
Onion soup diet
This diet can last either one or two weeks, and the products in it remain the same as in the previous menu.
- Cut 6 onions, a couple of sweet peppers, some cabbage, tomatoes (3 pcs.) and celery leaves into small pieces;
- Dilute in a saucepan with water (1.5 l);
- After the dish boils, put everything on low heat and cook for another half hour.
Bonn Soup Diet
To unload the body after long holiday feasts, it is recommended to eat healthy Bonn soup prepared according to this recipe for 1-3 days:
- Chop the carrots and onions (6 pieces each), add a bunch of celery and cook for 15 minutes;
- Take the vegetables out of the pan, add shredded cabbage and chopped sweet pepper (6 pcs.) to the broth, cook until tender;
- Season with bay leaf and pepper.
Vegetable soup diet with pumpkin
To lose 5-6 kilograms in a week, you can use a dish prepared according to the following recipe:
- Cut 100 g of peeled pumpkin into cubes, do the same with carrots, onions and bell peppers;
- Pour water (1.5) into all the vegetables in the pan, boil for 5 minutes;
- Add crushed tomatoes (2 pcs.), as well as fried peppers and onions;
- At the end, sprinkle with herbs, cook for another 10 minutes and remove from the stove.
Cabbage soup diet
Cabbage soup, like celery soup, is an active fat burner, and in a week of eating this dish you can lose 7 kilograms.
- Shred half a head of white cabbage, chop 3 carrots, onion, tomato, celery (1 bunch), bell pepper;
- Place all the ingredients in a saucepan, add water and boil for 10 minutes;
- Don't forget to add salt and spices.
Chicken soup diet
In addition to the main dish, you can eat vegetables and fruits throughout the week.
Chicken Soup Recipe:
- Boil the chicken fillet broth (300 g);
- Add a bunch of chopped spinach, spring onions and a couple of potatoes;
- Fill with water and cook until done.
Buckwheat soup diet
Dietary buckwheat soup prepared according to this recipe is also quite popular:
- Cut two onions, tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers and cauliflower (4-5 inflorescences) into small pieces;
- Stew with vegetable oil, then place the vegetables in boiling water and boil for 25 minutes;
- Before ready, add salt and sprinkle with herbs.
Pea soup diet
To improve bowel function, it is recommended to eat pea soup for several days in a row.
Pea soup recipe:
- Soak 200 g of split peas in hot water, leave for 2 hours;
- Place the peas in a saucepan, add water and cook, stirring constantly;
- Place chopped carrots and onions in a bowl;
- 10 minutes before readiness, add salt, add herbs and some spices.
Losing weight with mushroom soup
The rules here are the same as for celery.
Mushroom soup recipe:
- Fry chopped mushrooms, cucumber and onion in sunflower oil;
- Add boiled beans to them and simmer for 15 minutes;
- Add stewed vegetables and 1.5 boiling water, sprinkle with spices and cook until tender.
Tomato soup diet
Many Hollywood stars and athletes prefer to eat this dish for weight loss, and it is served cold.
Tomato soup recipe:
- Pour boiling water over 1 kg of tomatoes, then plunge into cold water;
- Remove the skin and grind with a blender;
- Chop the onion and basil, grate the carrots;
- Mix everything.
Fish soup diet
Fans of fish dishes will appreciate this dish: you can eat it for two whole weeks, and at the same time lose weight.
Fish soup recipe:
- Boil the broth from the fish heads, and chop the remaining parts (700 g) and fry in a frying pan with carrots and onions;
- Place pieces of fish and fried fish into the broth, add herbs and salt.
Mayo Clinic Fat Burning Soup Diet
Mayo Clinic specialists have developed a simple but effective soup recipe that can help you lose 5-7 kg in a week.
Mayo Soup Recipe:
- Bring the required amount of water in the pan to a boil;
- Place chopped cabbage, six onions, a bunch of celery, tomatoes (4 pcs.) and peppers (2 pcs.) into the water;
- Add hot sauce and salt;
- Boil for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat;
- Cook until fully cooked until all the vegetables are softened.
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Diet effectiveness
The answer to the question of whether you can lose weight with chicken broth is definitely positive. The diet is highly effective. The result is achieved through active burning of fat tissue. At the same time, muscle mass is preserved. Therefore, in addition to weight loss, a slender, toned silhouette is guaranteed.
With a mono-diet you can lose up to 10 kg in a week. The final result depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Physical activity plays an important role. Visiting the gym and daily walks in the fresh air help enhance the effect.
With a light diet, weight loss ranges from 3 to 5 kg per week. The advantage of this option is that you can independently choose the duration of the diet course. Strengthening the effect is achieved by changing the daily diet and reducing the amount of cereal consumed. The menu is calculated individually.
However, doctors recommend caution. It is permissible to adhere to a diet based primarily on chicken broth if you feel well. As soon as weakness, fatigue, dizziness appear, adherence to dietary restrictions should be stopped.
Soup diet for healthy weight loss: reviews, results of losing weight
According to nutritionists, they themselves often recommend a soup diet to their patients, because... it is safe and effective. Despite the many advantages, you should not practice it more than 5 times a year - this can cause a negative reaction from the body.
Coming out of a diet is not particularly difficult: you just need to gradually introduce all the usual foods into your diet, except those that are too fatty.
According to those losing weight, the results of the soup diet are simply wonderful:
- Significant weight loss;
- Feeling good.
All doubts about whether you can drink chicken broth while losing weight will be dispelled by numerous reviews. As practice shows, girls are very satisfied with this method of losing weight.
Nina, 26 years old: “I have been periodically resorting to the chicken mono-diet for several years in a row. It’s not difficult for me to stay on it for 3 days, and the result is more than impressive - usually in this period I lose 3-4 kilograms.”
Anna, 34 years old: “When my husband bought me a trip to the sea, I realized that I urgently needed to lose weight. The choice fell on the chicken-vegetable diet, because I know that these products are very healthy and affordable. For 2 weeks I ate vegetable salads, boiled fillet and drank broths. As a result, minus 6 kilograms.”