Stretch marks on the body in men: prevention and causes of appearance

Why do they appear?

There are many reasons that provoke the appearance of stretch marks on the body in men.

The main ones include:

  • rapid increase in body weight;
  • rapid growth in adolescence;
  • taking corticosteroids;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Marfan and Ehlers-Danlas syndromes;
  • malfunction of the pancreas.

Taking medications based on corticosteroids helps preserve the immune system, stop inflammatory processes and have a regenerative effect.

If the recommended concentrations are exceeded and the drugs are taken for a long time, thinning of the collagen and elastin fibers that form the skin may occur. The ligaments of substances rupture with the formation of stretch marks.

With rapid weight gain, the epidermis may not be able to cope with the load and become injured, becoming covered with small stretch marks. A similar situation is observed in adolescents - due to an increase in the rate of growth in length, the skin becomes tense and stretches.

Genetic reasons are due to the assumption that if a similar disease was observed in a relative, the likelihood of its formation on the body of another person from the family increases.

In some cases, diseases of the pancreas, thyroid gland and pituitary gland can trigger the problem.

Marfan and Ehlers-Danlas syndromes can contribute to the manifestation of stretch marks - due to an increase in the production of the hormone cortisol, the bonds of the connective tissue of the skin are weakened, and damage occurs.

What do stretch marks look like on your arms?

Before stretch marks appear on the muscles of the arms, a person begins to experience a burning sensation due to damage to the epidermis. Sometimes this unpleasant sensation can be accompanied by itching. Later, redness in the form of stripes appears on the hand. They gradually become larger. When these areas heal, they are very different from healthy skin. They look like burgundy or white stripes that form at the site of damaged tissue. Fresh stretch marks are usually red in color, and over time they fade and become less noticeable. In girls, stretch marks often form during pregnancy. In men, they appear due to a sharp gain or loss of muscle mass. In this case, the skin does not have time to adjust, so its integrity is compromised.


There are several classifications of stretch marks, which can be used to determine the depth of the disease, its type and degree of oldness.

So, there are two types of striae based on color:

  • white;
  • red.

The white appearance of striae is observed on old scars, more than 6 months have passed since their appearance.

These are atrophic skin injuries associated with the appearance of connective tissue at the site of the stretch. Due to the fact that their appearance occurred a long time ago, correction of this type of violation is usually more expensive and difficult.

If the veins of the stretch marks are bright in color (the shade can vary from purple, red to dark purple). Such damage appeared recently - the color indicates that the fibers broke the day before.

The brightness of the scar is determined by the fact that at the time the stretch mark appears, there are a large number of vessels and capillaries in the stretched area. The larger the stretch mark, the brighter its color. Newly developed stretch marks can be treated much easier than old ones; sometimes even home therapy alone helps.

According to location, stretch marks are divided into:

  • longitudinal (vertical);
  • horizontal.

The appearance of type 2 stretch marks most often indicates hormonal imbalances in the body. That is why, before correcting imperfections, you need to visit an endocrinologist.

In men, vertical striae are rare, as they are most common among pregnant women. Their appearance on the skin can provoke rapid weight gain due to obesity or increased muscle mass in sports activities.

According to the type of stretch marks on the skin, scars are distinguished:

  • scars (small formations on the skin of a pinkish color;
  • filiform (whitish narrow thread-like stripes on the skin);
  • longitudinal (stretch marks are located along the fibers of the epidermis).

Assess how long ago stretch marks appeared in a particular case. Possible by color of formation:

  • up to a year it is colored,
  • after a year it brightens with the acquisition of a pearlescent hue (this is especially effective for scar stripe stretching).

Why do these unaesthetic stripes appear on the body?

The main causes of stretch marks:

  • Rapid weight gain. When the natural process of skin elasticity cannot cope with sudden weight gain, stretch marks will inevitably appear. This can happen to men who do not control their diet and therefore gain excess weight too quickly.
  • Excessive exercise of the muscles. Most often, men who engage in bodybuilding suffer from this. If you do not control the increase in muscle volume, then their rapid increase tears the skin fibers.
  • Hormonal changes along with sudden body growth. For this reason, stretch marks may appear in teenagers.
  • Genetics, or inherited tendency. Studies have shown that children or grandchildren are more likely to develop scars (susceptibility) if a relative has had the problem.
  • Pancreatic diseases. Pancreatic diseases are accompanied by the release of cortisol in the body. Cortisol weakens the connective tissues of the skin.
  • Taking medications that belong to the group of corticosteroids or glucocorticoids. These are steroid hormones. Their long-term use leads to obesity, which is why stretch marks appear.

What can be said about the health hazard if stretch marks appear? The scars themselves are not dangerous; rather, they cause purely psychological problems related to appearance. Many people are embarrassed by these scars and feel awkward, especially in a place like the beach.

If stretch marks appear on the body not due to quickly gained weight or a sharp increase in muscle mass, then you need to see a doctor. Perhaps the appearance of stretch marks is associated with diseases of the endocrine system, such as dysfunction of the thyroid gland, pancreas, diabetes mellitus and a number of other pathologies.

How can you get rid of stretch marks?

One way to remove stretch marks is shown in the video:

An important role in the treatment of stretch marks is played by the time factor, that is, how quickly a person responded to the appearance of scars, so complete treatment is possible in the first stages of the disease. If stretch marks formed more than a year ago and acquired a clear white color, the tissue of such scars is already fully formed, and it will not be possible to completely get rid of them. In this case, you need to look at things realistically and count not on their complete elimination, but on procedures that will make stretch marks invisible to others.

Here are some treatments for striae:

  • LPG massage, the purpose of these procedures is to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the body. This massage also normalizes blood circulation in scars.
  • RF lifting is aimed at activating cell restoration in the affected areas. Prevents an increase in the affected area.
  • During mesotherapy, medications are injected into the affected scar tissue in order to influence the structure of the scars and bring it as close as possible to the structure of healthy skin.
  • Medium peelings, the purpose of the procedures is to smooth the surface of the skin and accelerate cell division.

There are many cosmetics on the market today that claim to treat stretch marks. But practice shows that this is ineffective if you count on reducing the size of the scars. It will not happen. Medicines can usually help speed up the process of scar tissue discoloration, which makes stretch marks less noticeable. It would be correct to use such drugs for the prevention of stretch marks, and not for their treatment.

What does the prevention of stretch marks include?

The principles are very simple. Maintain skin elasticity and hydration. For this purpose, you need to drink enough clean water (on average up to two liters) and reduce salt intake. Don’t forget to monitor your diet to ensure it contains the required amount of microelements and vitamins.

Massage and various water treatments are very useful. This small list of actions helps to minimize the appearance of stretch marks.

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How to remove

On hands

Stretch marks on the arms of men are the most difficult to treat. If stretch marks appear on the forearm or shoulder, exercises with a barbell (push-ups from the chest, from behind the head, exercises with dumbbells in a standing position) are effective.

You can use any type of salon procedures (for example, chemical peeling or mesotherapy) and home masks if there are no contraindications.

On the stomach

Stretch marks on the abdomen are the most common in men.

Exercises that help prevent the formation of new ones and promote the removal of old ones. Aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles. It is effective to bring your legs to your stomach while sitting, and to lift them at the same time when lying down.

In the groin

Typically, inguinal stretch marks indicate a hormonal imbalance in the body - before treating such a defect, the cause of its appearance should be eliminated.

Many salon procedures are not recommended for use in the groin - therefore, for this dose it is better to use masks (including algae and honey), as well as pharmaceutical creams and ointments (after establishing the absence of hypersensitivity to the components and consulting with a specialist).

Causes of stretch marks in men

Striae in men can occur in various parts of the body.

  • stretch marks on the stomach;
  • stretch marks on legs;
  • stretch marks on the thighs;
  • stretch marks on the buttocks;
  • stretch marks in the groin area;
  • stretch marks on the back and other places where the skin and muscles are subject to particularly strong stress.

Below are the main causes of stretch marks in men.

  1. Physical inactivity and poor nutrition. Most often, stretch marks occur in men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, whose diet is replete with excessive amounts of foods rich in fats and carbohydrates. Which, in turn, leads to obesity and stretching of the skin under the pressure of fatty deposits.
  2. Rapid increase in muscle volume due to intense physical activity. As a rule, stretch marks develop in men involved in bodybuilding and other activities associated with the constant movement of heavy objects. Anabolic steroids, which are popular among bodybuilders, also contribute to intense muscle growth. The growth of muscle mass should be controlled, otherwise stretching of the skin, its micro-tears and, as a result, the appearance of stretch marks cannot be avoided.
  3. Long-term treatment with hormonal drugs based on glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone, etc.). Under their influence, specific obesity develops, accompanied by the appearance of stretch marks, not only in men, but also in the fair sex.
  4. Age-related changes in hormonal levels, which can lead to the appearance of stretch marks in teenage, mature and elderly men.
  5. Hereditary genetic predisposition. It has been scientifically established and confirmed by practice that children and grandchildren of people suffering from stretch marks are most susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks.
  6. A number of diseases of endocrine origin that can cause obesity with the concomitant development of stretch marks.

General methods for getting rid of stretch marks on the body of men


Medical methods of treating stretch marks involve a series of procedures to remove existing stretch marks and reduce the risk of new ones.

A popular treatment method is mesotherapy, for which a course of treatment is provided.

For each patient, the ratio of necessary drugs is individually selected, which are subsequently injected under the skin into the scar area with a pistol using a small syringe.

The amount of active substance administered is influenced by the patient’s health status, skin type, old age of stretch marks and the reasons why the formation appeared. 3-4 procedures are enough to show results.

Deep chemical peeling is one of the most effective treatment methods that can help permanently solve the problem of stretch marks.

However, the procedure has a number of contraindications and may not be used on all areas of the body. Typically, stretch marks are chemically removed from the facial area and abdomen.

It is not recommended to perform the procedure in the groin area in men.

During therapy, an acid of a certain concentration is applied to the prepared area of ​​skin.

The substance is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, which is a decisive factor in effectiveness - acids start the process of cell renewal from the inside.

Side effects of the procedure may include redness of the skin (lasts up to 48 hours after treatment) and sensitivity. However, minor stretch marks may disappear after the first peel.

The effect is achieved by removing the top layer of skin - this stimulates its enhanced renewal. Therapy for stretch marks with laser resurfacing works similarly.

Microdermabrasion is a new method of skin resurfacing.

The skin is polished with special microscopic crystals, which are placed in the tip of a hardware device under high pressure. The diamond tip does not require additional use of crystal structures.

Microdermabrasion is especially often used on areas of the skin where laser correction is contraindicated - for example, on the chest. The procedure helps to get rid of only recently appeared stretch marks.

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A number of folk remedies have proven themselves to be effective in the treatment of stretch marks. The action of such drugs is aimed at increasing skin tone and elasticity.

You can add several mummy tablets, previously dissolved in a small volume of water, to any body cream. The solution is mixed with cream and rubbed into the skin in areas where there are stretch marks. During breaks between rubbing honey, the mixture is stored in a cool, dark place.

The course of treatment should be at least 90 days when used 1 or 2 times a day.

Badyagi masks are effective in treating stretch marks on the hands. The powder of the substance is mixed with hydrogen peroxide to a paste-like state. The mixture is applied to areas with stretch marks for 10-15 minutes. For complete disappearance of stretch marks, 10-12 procedures may be sufficient.

Laminaria is used to wrap the skin against stretch marks. The algae is poured with warm water and, after swelling, applied to problem skin for 20 minutes. During this time, you can apply cling film to the skin to prevent the mixture from dripping and to create a thermal effect - this way, beneficial substances penetrate into the layers of the epidermis better.

Pharmacy products

Retinoid ointments based on vitamin A or similar substances have proven themselves to be effective in the prevention of stretch marks. Over-the-counter ointments are suitable for treating minor stretch marks.

The active substance accelerates skin regeneration and promotes the renewal of skin collagen fibers. The drug is especially effective on new stretch marks that have not yet become old.

Striae may not disappear completely from the ointment, but in almost all cases there is a reduction in the ear.

The use of such therapy is especially effective for stretch marks on the sides and back. The ointment is used strictly according to the instructions.

Oils can have a preventive effect:

  • ethereal,
  • vegetable.

They restore and moisturize damaged skin, stimulate regeneration and renewal of fibers.

Essential oils are always used diluted when added to oil or cream mixtures, as they have increased activity.

Esters stimulate blood circulation near the affected area of ​​the epidermis.

Vegetable oils soothe the skin. Oils are especially often used:

  • cocoa,
  • coconut,
  • jojoba and olives.

You can also use creams based on these oils.

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Treatment of stretch marks in men using COLLOST® gel

It is impossible to eliminate old stretch marks at home. Until recently, effective removal of these stretch marks in men was practiced only with the use of such serious cosmetic procedures as laser/chemical peeling or abdominal plastic surgery (excision). Such treatment of stretch marks is accompanied by pain and carries a certain degree of risk to the health of patients.

It was possible to radically improve the situation with getting rid of old stretch marks in men only after the introduction into cosmetology practice of such an innovative biomaterial as COLLOST® collagen gel based on natural collagen.

Collostotherapy is a currently widely used method that allows you to remove stretch marks in men without any problems. It consists in the fact that COLLOST® gel is administered intradermally by injection into the stretch area. Under the influence of COLLOST® gel on stretch marks, healthy tissue is restored.

Collagen gel COLLOST ® has the following main advantages.

  1. Safety. COLLOST ® gel is non-toxic. When using it to eliminate stretch marks in men, you don’t have to worry about undesirable consequences, and a preliminary test will help you avoid allergic manifestations.
  2. Comfort of use. Relieving men of stretch marks using COLLOST ® gel is a virtually painless cosmetic procedure.
  3. High performance. Injecting COLLOST® gel directly into stretch marks is the surest way to quickly achieve the expected result.

Judging by numerous reviews from patients and data from official tests, the removal of stretch marks in men using COLLOST® gel is superior in effectiveness to all other methods of cosmetic treatment of stretch marks.


It is easier to prevent the appearance of stretch marks than to fight those that have already appeared. There are a number of simple recommendations that, if followed, will help a man minimize the risk of stretch marks.

These include:

  • food quality control: the foods consumed should be varied and include a sufficient amount of amino acids, microelements and vitamins; if necessary, you can consume useful substances as part of complexes;
  • increasing the proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • increasing the amount of water consumed daily;
  • increasing the content of protein-rich foods in the diet;
  • consuming sufficient quantities of tocopherol acetate, retinol acetate and ascorbic acid;
  • preventive use of creams and ointments;
  • regular exercise.

By following these rules, you can minimize the risk of stretch marks on any part of the body. The therapeutic effect of such measures increases with the additional use of preventive creams and applications.

Stretch marks are not a dangerous abnormality. The defect can only cause inconvenience of an aesthetic nature. At the same time, correct determination of the type of lesion, the reasons that caused it, as well as well-chosen therapy can minimize the consequences and rid a person of stretch marks completely.

Prevention of stretch marks on the skin of the hands

Stretch marks on the arms are difficult to remove without resorting to radical methods of solving the problem, so it is easier to prevent the appearance of scars on the skin.

It is important to adhere to proper nutrition to avoid weight gain and provide the body with all the necessary substances. It is necessary to monitor the amount of protein; for this you need to increase the consumption of legumes and grains. The main thing is that the menu should be balanced. The diet should be rich in all microelements, while avoiding fatty foods, sweets and alcohol.

It would be a good idea to take vitamins from time to time to avoid vitamin deficiency. It is recommended that pregnant women do not forget about this; for them there are special complexes that contain double the amount of useful microelements.

You definitely need to use creams. This is the best remedy to help prevent the formation of stretch marks on your arms. With their help, the skin will remain elastic even in the event of a serious increase in muscle mass or fat deposits. Men should also take this seriously and should not hesitate to purchase these cosmetics.

Daily moderate exercise will not only help the skin remain elastic and toned, but will also benefit the entire body. You can go to yoga, swim, or go to aerobics. If this is not possible, it is important to do exercises regularly in the morning, otherwise your health will be weaker and stretch marks on your hands will appear on a larger scale.

People who are involved in bodybuilding can gain no more than 4 kg of weight per month. If the weight increases no more than this figure, and stretch marks appear, then the intensity of strength exercises should be reduced.

Don't underestimate the importance of regular exfoliations. They will help reduce the likelihood of stretch marks appearing on your arms and make existing ones more invisible. You can also use store-bought scrubs, but those made from natural ingredients are no less effective. One of the most popular and simple home scrubs is the grounds of ground natural coffee. Lemon peeling also helps a lot. To prepare a skin scrub, you need to grind lemon seeds and mix them with any gel. Using these products, you need to cleanse the dead skin cells several times so that the epidermis is renewed and restored.

Stretch marks on the arm appear in the form of purple or white stripes. You can see what they look like in the photo.

The best drugs for stretch marks

Since stretch marks are a common problem, the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry has developed many drugs to eliminate it. Unfortunately, not all remedies give good results.

The following drugs are considered the most effective:

  • Egallohit . Cream and gel on a natural basis stimulate healing and prevent the formation of scars of various origins. Activates metabolic and regeneration processes, increases the resistance of the dermis to the effects of negative factors.
  • Imoferase . The use of cosmetic cream helps improve the appearance of stretch marks, increase elasticity, and moisturize the dermis.
  • Retin-A. A product based on vitamin A increases the number of epidermal cells and elastic fibers.

The drugs have contraindications; consultation with a doctor is required before use.

How to get rid of stretch marks for a man?

Striae are scars, the effectiveness of treatment of which depends on how long ago they occurred. Stretch marks that appeared less than a year ago can be completely eliminated. But mature stretch marks cannot be eliminated at all.

No single remedy has yet been invented that can help get rid of this defect. To eliminate a cosmetic defect, it is necessary to carry out a set of procedures. Treatment of skin scar fibers is a labor-intensive, long-term process based on alternating different techniques.

The main ways to combat stretch marks on the stomach

When the problem makes itself felt, it is already too late to think about prevention, which we will discuss below. Here you need to take specific steps, although you must understand that these cosmetic defects will never completely disappear without the intervention of an experienced plastic surgeon. However, they can be made completely unnoticeable and pale.

Cosmetic camouflage

The easiest way to avoid worrying about your belly skin not looking the way you want is to have it cosmetically camouflaged. This means that with the help of different products you can simply hide skin defects. They can easily be found in almost any woman’s cosmetic bag, and for men, we can advise you to rummage through the stocks of your girlfriends or wives.

  • Powder.
  • Foundation or foundation.
  • Corrector or concealer.
  • Bronzer.

You should not expect a striking effect from such funds. Rather, they can be used as emergency measures in case of urgent need. A special makeup spray, which can be bought at any specialty store, will help to lightly fix the “makeup” of your belly. However, you need to understand that it is better not to conduct such experiments on the beach or in the gym, where you will sweat profusely. So it’s not far from embarrassment, when all your beauty and silkiness of your skin begins to fade.

The most determined ones can pay attention to the camouflage of stretch marks with the help of a new service provided by tattoo parlors. You are invited to simply inject a carefully selected pigment under the skin that matches the natural color of the skin. In addition to pain, the tattoo procedure has other negative aspects. For example, over time, the pigment is “squeezed out” by the body, as it is introduced to a shallow depth. Therefore, once a year you will also have to go for a correction.

Creams and lotions for rubbing

Continuing the theme of the cosmetic industry, it is necessary to note the various creams, oils, sprays and other products positioned by the manufacturer as capable of removing stretch marks.

If this is clearly written on the bottle or bottle, then this means that this is clearly a low-quality product. A smart manufacturer, realizing that there is no way to completely get rid of the defect, will never write anything like that. Using creams or lotions, you can improve the elasticity of the skin, make it smoother, and even out the tone. Because of this, stretch marks will appear paler or completely invisible.

Masks and scrubs

This is a fairly reliable remedy for stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth, and not only after childbirth. Professional special equipment is also suitable for men. They perform exactly the same functions as creams or lotions, but at the same time they also polish the skin, remove the upper stratum corneum, and eliminate flaking of the skin. There are many different options, which are better to choose individually, depending on your skin type, personal preferences, reviews of effectiveness and other considerations.


Another good way to make stretch marks less noticeable, almost invisible, is, of course, wraps. In this case, natural remedies are mainly used for the procedure. Here you will have to observe regularity; you will need not one, but several procedures, or even several dozen, to achieve a significant effect. Over time, the set of procedures will have to be repeated several times.

Chemical peeling

Traditionally, chemical peels are used on the face, décolleté and neck. However, in our case we are talking about stretch marks on the abdomen. Surprisingly, the area of ​​action of acids, and we are talking about their effect, can be significantly expanded and good results can be obtained.

Previously, peeling agents were excessively traumatic, especially for such a serious problem, but over time, scientists invented a protocol for the treatment of stretch marks, consisting of an acid solution, as well as an active post-peeling cream. It is applied immediately after the procedure is performed to negate the negative effects (burns). With such means you can fight not only stretch marks, but also relieve the symptoms of acne, tighten sagging skin, and smooth out pigmentation disorders.

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy: methods of prevention

We have already found out that connective tissue tears due to the lack or destruction of elastin and collagen. Therefore, to prevent such an unpleasant skin defect, you need to do everything possible to provide the skin with adequate nutrition and hydration.


A correct, balanced diet for a pregnant woman from the first days is of enormous importance. This is the first point in preventing excessive stretching of the skin, which ultimately leads to tears and stretch marks.

  • Consume legumes, whole grain breads, don't forget about beef, chicken, nuts and hard cheese.
  • Include in your set of standard foods those that contain a lot of protein and vitamin E, which is also called “feminine.”
  • Always be aware of how much your body weight is growing. Excess weight while carrying a baby can lead not only to the appearance of stretch marks, but also to more serious consequences.
  • Fatty fish, such as salmon, should not be excluded from the diet. It is these varieties that contain omega fatty acids, which increase the elasticity of the skin and its ability to stretch.
  • If you choose between a bun and porridge, choose the latter. It is better to refuse baked goods in general, especially rich ones, and at the same time sweets.
  • Sugar, French fries, smoked ribs - it's best to stay away from all of this.
  • Try to eat more vegetables, fruits, and lactic acid products. All this stimulates collagen synthesis.

If you absolutely cannot live without sweets, you can come up with a way out. Sugar-free candied and dried fruits will help satisfy your cravings. But when you really can’t bear it, you should try the stevia plant, which even doctors call a worthy replacement for beet or cane sugar.

Physical training

The second step in preventing the occurrence of stretch marks is regular exercise. The key here is moderation, as excessive effort, such as high-interval strength training or marathon running, can harm your baby. Particular attention should be paid to training the lower body - legs and hips. However, you need to monitor the load on the press, which is unacceptable.

Well-stretched muscles, ligaments, and a trained body are the best way to prevent stretch marks. It is worth choosing special complexes for pregnant women or going to the pool. Even long walks will be a good solution. They are very effective and do not cause any unpleasant consequences.

Special bandages and underwear

Properly selected clothing during pregnancy will help relieve stress and also protect the skin from damage. This is especially true in the last trimester, when the tummy is already sticking out sensitively and it becomes difficult to wear. It makes sense to pay attention to special supportive underwear and bandages, which should be selected according to the following criteria.

  • The priority is naturalness.
  • All items of clothing must be true to size.
  • Minimum number of seams.

As a rule, from about the beginning of the second trimester, you need to constantly wear a bandage, as well as a prenatal bra. This precaution will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Contrast shower and various home remedies

To maximize the elasticity of the skin, its elasticity, and ability to stretch, it does not hurt to regularly carry out such procedures. However, we must remember that in cases of uterine bleeding or the threat of miscarriage, a contrast shower is completely excluded. If everything is in order, then it will be a good means of preventing stretch marks.

After a shower, it is good to massage the surface of the skin, using various creams, scrubs, masks, essential and base oils or other products for home use. In addition, it would not hurt to massage the thighs and/or buttocks with a dry brush.

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