Diet for pancreatitis: 9 basic principles and menu

For patients diagnosed with pancreatitis, nutritionists have developed a special dietary menu card, taking into account the characteristics of the pathology.

A diet for pancreatitis, namely the 5p treatment table, thanks to well-chosen products, can help gain weight in those patients who are experiencing rapid weight loss due to a highly progressive disease.

The 5p diet for pancreatitis involves regulating the processes of the pancreas and the entire gastrointestinal tract system. Prevents fat formation and degenerative phenomena, reduces excessive activity of the gallbladder.

The essence of table number 5p

For pancreatitis, 2 Pevzner tables are prescribed. In the acute form of the disease (without complications), during the first 2-4 days they adhere to diet number 0 - fasting. If the patient's condition improves, they move on to diet number 5.


If the patient becomes worse or complications of the underlying disease develop, eating is contraindicated.

Table 5 p is prescribed to patients with pancreatitis in order to reduce the production of enzymes by the pancreas. The affected organ actively produces secretion with an increased enzymatic composition. It is dangerous because it can destroy gland tissue, less often than other organs, which causes severe and irreversible consequences both for the pancreas and for the body as a whole.

The diet is characterized by a high concentration of protein in the diet, but a reduced content of carbohydrates (especially sugar) and fats. The consumption of cholesterol-containing foods, essential oils, foods with extractive substances, purines, refractory fats, and coarse fiber is sharply limited.

Dietary food can be prescribed in 2 options. The choice depends on the general condition of the patient, the affected pancreas (prevalence of the lesion), the presence of concomitant pathologies (cholecystitis and/or cholelithiasis, insufficiency of the functions of other organs and systems).

The essence of the 5p table comes down to minimizing damage to the pancreas and other organs, stimulating restoration processes in the body, and restoring gland function.

Chemical composition of the diet for inflammation of the pancreas for a day:

  • energy value of consumed products (calorie content) – 2600 kcal (kilocalories);
  • carbohydrate content – ​​350 g;
  • sugar consumption – up to 40 g;
  • protein content - up to 120 g, but not less than 70 g. 60% should be animal proteins;
  • proportion of fats – 70-90 g. 20% should be vegetable fats;
  • salt consumption is limited to 10 g;
  • It is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid.

Important! The calculation is given for the average person who is not exposed to significant physical activity.

5 p first part

Dietary nutrition is prescribed from 3-4 days after the patient’s condition has improved and the enzymatic activity of the secretion of the affected organ has decreased. At this time, there is a decrease in clinical symptoms (pain symptoms, organ failure, disruption of the digestive tract, etc.).

The first part (1st option) of the diet has a low energy level. Proteins predominate, the proportion of carbohydrates and fats is reduced.

The patient should eat small meals often.

The recommended frequency of meals is 5-6 times/day. Considering the time range, the patient needs to eat every 3-4 hours. The consistency of the food should be semi-watery or watery.

You need to follow this table until your condition improves significantly or until pancreatitis enters the chronic stage.

Important! There are restrictions on the temperature of food - it should not be hot or cold.

5 p second part

The diet is less rigid than the previous version. It is prescribed after a noticeable improvement in the condition (minimization of clinical manifestations of pancreatitis) or chronic pancreatic disease.

The use of the second part of the table number 5 p comes down to maintaining stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reducing the rate of pancreatitis, and preventing complications.

The diet allows you to speed up the recovery processes in the gland and stabilize the level of enzyme secretion.

The calorie content of the food is not high. The diet limits the content of fats, carbohydrates, essential oils, and salts. The concentration of proteins, vitamins, substances that improve the function of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, and intestines has been increased. Avoid eating fried foods and foods that cause increased formation of gases that enhance fermentation processes in the intestines.

General rules

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas.
The causes of its damage are varied: obstruction (blockage) of the pancreatic duct, toxic poisoning, exposure to drugs, vascular disorders, infectious and parasitic diseases, trauma. There are acute and chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis is based on enzymatic damage to the pancreas. Often occurs when taking medications ( methyldopa , azathioprine , 5-aminosalicylates , tetracyclines , furosemide , cimetidine , metronidazole ). In half of the cases, the cause is cholelithiasis, and 25% are associated with alcohol abuse.

Symptoms and treatment of the disease depend on the degree of damage to the gland and intoxication. Mild degree ( serous edema ) is characterized by moderate pain, single vomiting, nausea and, in general, satisfactory condition of the patient.

The average degree of intoxication (fine-focal necrosis of the gland) is characterized by persistent pain in the epigastrium, repeated vomiting, pallor of the skin, and a rise in temperature.

Severe degree (widespread necrosis of the gland) is manifested by painful vomiting, severe pain and severe general condition. Jaundice and symptoms of peritonitis often appear .

Treatment solves the following problems:

  • combating shock and toxemia ;
  • elimination of pain and spasm;
  • suppression of the activity of glandular enzymes (hunger, proton pump inhibitors, aspiration of gastric contents).

Patients with severe forms require infusion therapy and continuous feeding with tubes (enteral nutrition mixtures).

Chronic pancreatitis is a long-term, progressive disease and each episode of exacerbation causes the replacement of pancreatic tissue with fibrous tissue. As a result, exocrine and endocrine failure of the organ develops. Signs of exocrine insufficiency are steatorrhea and manifestations of malnutrition (weight deficiency, calcium metabolism disorders).

Therapeutic nutrition (Diet 5P according to Pevzner) plays an important role at all stages of the disease and helps reduce stasis in the ducts, suppress hyperenzymemia , and reduce excitability of the gallbladder. For symptoms of pancreatitis, treatment with Diet No. 5P has a positive effect not only in the acute period. In a chronic course, it helps to improve metabolic processes in the pancreas, restore its function and the patient’s impaired nutrition, and helps prevent relapses and progression of the disease.

Allowed foods in the first week of the diet for pancreatitis

Allowed foods in the first week of the diet for pancreatitis

Basic Diet 5 for pancreatitis is slightly modified and called Diet 5P . In acute and exacerbation of chronic disease, it has a number of features, and the leading principles of diet therapy for pancreatitis are:

  • hunger during the period of pronounced clinical manifestations and autolytic processes in the pancreas (only parenteral nutrition is provided);
  • the transition to nutritious nutrition is carried out as soon as possible (since the patient needs nutritious protein);
  • gradual expansion of the diet by including new foods and dishes;
  • when expanding the diet, a gradual increase in the volume and calorie content of food is carried out;
  • compliance with maximum mechanical and chemical sparing of the pancreas.

Diet Table number 5 for pancreatitis is determined by the patient’s condition and depends on its severity, and therefore has 2 options.

The first option is indicated for acute pancreatitis and a sharp exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. The nutrition of this table creates maximum rest for the pancreas and helps eliminate pain. This most gentle diet is prescribed after fasting days from the third day of the disease, but since it does not correspond to physiological nutritional standards and human needs, it is prescribed for 3-7 days. It is characterized by a low-calorie diet containing proteins - 60-70 g, fats - 50 g and carbohydrates - 200-250 g.

Vegetables allowed for pancreatitis

Vegetables allowed for pancreatitis

Frequent meals (up to 8 times) and small portions (from 100 to 300 g) are recommended. All products are boiled and have a semi-liquid consistency, and by day 5-6 the patient is allowed to eat semi-viscous food.

Since liquid and carbohydrate foods are the least stimulants of pancreatic and gastric secretion, after hunger they start eating with carbohydrates:

  • slimy soups based on various cereals (millet and corn cereals are excluded) or vegetable broths;
  • mashed liquid porridge with water;
  • weak tea with sugar;
  • jellies, jellies and mousses made from fruit juice with xylitol;
  • vegetable purees without oil (potato, carrot, pumpkin, squash) and steamed vegetable puddings;
  • pureed dried fruit compotes;
  • white, yesterday's bread, dry biscuits and crackers.

1-2 days after carbohydrate foods, it is allowed to introduce protein foods:

  • cream soup made from boiled meat;
  • 1-2 eggs in the form of a steam omelet, soft-boiled and in the form of a protein omelet;
  • soufflé, steam cutlets, dumplings from beef, chicken, fish, turkey (before cooking, meat is freed from fat, tendons, fish and chicken from skin);
  • curd paste and soufflé, steam curd puddings made from unleavened cottage cheese (preferably calcined);
  • butter - in ready-made dishes; vegetable oil is not yet included in the diet.

After acute symptoms are relieved and pain is reduced, as the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract improves, the diet is gradually expanded and the 5P Diet according to Pevzner is prescribed, the second option, which is also indicated for mild exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. It is recommended for a long time (up to a year) and is designed to prevent exacerbations in the future. It also preserves the principles of thermal, mechanical and chemical sparing, which reduces nutritional stimulation of the diseased organ. All dishes are boiled or steamed, first consumed in pureed form, and a little later - chopped.

Main characteristics

  • The protein content has been increased compared to the first option, as well as the amount of fat and simple carbohydrates. However, the total amount of fat is no more than 80 g, and they are introduced gradually from the third to keep the patient on this diet option.
  • If the digestion of protein foods worsens, it is possible to temporarily reduce the amount of protein and increase carbohydrates.
  • Dishes are predominantly boiled and steamed, not only in pureed, but also chopped form; the transition from pureed to chopped dishes is also carried out gradually.
  • The amount of salt is limited (6-8 g).
  • Extractive substances and coarse fiber are excluded. To further reduce extractive substances, cook the meat in small pieces (100 g each), draining the first water after 10 minutes of cooking. The meat is used as a semi-finished product for chopped dishes, puddings, and soufflés.
  • Hot and excessively cold foods are not allowed.
  • Fractional meals (5-6 times a day) in small portions.
  • Large meals are prohibited.

Depending on the severity of the phenomena and concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, food can be used in pureed or unmashed form. If the course of the disease is favorable, the pureed version is prescribed on average for up to 2 months, and then the degree of grinding of the products is reduced and the volume of food is gradually increased. If their health worsens, they return to the first version of the table with reduced energy value. During an exacerbation, rest for the digestive organs also ensures a sharp limitation of foods with juice and choleretic effects: fresh fruits and vegetables, juices, vegetable oil, sugar, jam, honey and egg yolks.

Fruits and berries allowed for pancreatitis

Fruits and berries allowed for pancreatitis

In the presence of constipation, the basic pancreatic diet changes - the amount of vegetables and fruits increases, the content of carbohydrates decreases (mainly easily digestible to avoid fermentation and bloating).

The tendency of chronic pancreatitis to progress, the presence of periodic pain and dyspeptic syndrome entails the need for constant adherence to a diet. Stopping alcohol consumption is of great importance.


The main indication for prescribing dietary table number 5p according to Pevzner is the chronic course of pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) or the period of stabilization of a patient with an acute form of the disease.

a man has a stomach ache


Diet helps relieve the following symptoms of the disease:

  • stomach ache;
  • malaise;
  • general weakness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

The first part of the diet is applicable for the treatment of convalescent patients, patients with a tendency to transition from acute pancreatitis to chronic. The second part is used in the treatment of patients with chronic disease.

Is it possible to use vinaigrette for pancreatitis?

A source of vitamins that replenishes deficiencies is vinaigrette. It can improve appetite, normalize food digestibility, and prevent constipation. Vinaigrette for pancreatitis is prepared according to a modified recipe. Surprisingly, this does not negatively affect the taste. On the contrary, the salad turns out tasty and juicy. You will need:

  1. Medium beets - 1 piece.
  2. Potatoes – 2 pieces.
  3. Barrel or pickled cucumber – 1 piece.
  4. Sauerkraut – 1 cup.
  5. Dill.
  6. Olive, vegetable or sunflower oil.

Boil the beets without adding salt for 90 minutes. Then drain the liquid and add cold running water. Boil the peeled potatoes for half an hour. Soak sauerkraut in cold boiled water for half an hour. This trick will help remove excess acid and salts. We also soak the cucumber cut in half for half an hour in cold water.

Meanwhile, cut the peeled beets into cubes. Place the vegetable in a container and add a small amount of vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly. Next, peel the cucumber, first rinsing it under water. After cutting into cubes, place in a salad bowl with the beets. Add washed and finely chopped dill to the salad. Only greens are used. We also cut the peeled potatoes into cubes. Wash the sauerkraut thoroughly and squeeze it out. Mix the components. The vinaigrette is ready!

In case of chronic disease, salad is consumed in small portions, which should not exceed one hundred grams. In the weekly diet, vinaigrette is present once or twice. The dish is eaten fresh and warm. Chilled salad can harm the pancreas. In case of exacerbation and acute attack, salad is strictly prohibited.

Among the dangerous properties of lettuce for pancreatic disease are stimulation of secretion, irritating effect, increased swelling. Salts in the composition and coarse plant fiber can cause a new inflammatory process, therefore, for pancreatitis, vinaigrette is recommended only with the permission of the attending physician. The salad is introduced gradually, carefully monitoring the reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to the components.


Compliance with the 5 p diet in any form is strictly contraindicated in case of kidney disease:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • any form of renal failure (acute, chronic).

Table 5p will have to be abandoned if hepatitis activates (transformation from chronic to acute).

This is due to the increased load on the organ, which is unable to cope with lost food, especially its protein content.

The presence of constipation due to insufficient fatty acids in the diet or intestinal dysfunction is an indication for stopping the diet.

5p table is prohibited when:

  • the presence of intestinal diverticula (pouch-like protrusions of the intestinal wall);
  • polyps in the intestines or stomach;
  • oncological diseases;
  • organic pathologies of the intestine, disorders of the regulation of its work on the part of the nervous system;
  • after removal of a significant amount of intestines or stomach.

Basic recommendations from doctors

Chronic pancreatitis (diet No. 5p is very effective for this disease) in the acute stage is treated not only with medications, but also with appropriate nutrition. Doctors advise you to take diet No. 5p with all responsibility. Do not indulge in sweets without a doctor’s prescription, as consuming sugar in quantities of more than 60 g can cause an exacerbation of pancreatitis.

It is useful to drink mineral water during therapeutic nutrition. It is best to consume it warm before bed, in small sips. All food must be ground; rough pieces will irritate the internal organs. Parsley and dill are allowed from greens.

Doctors with pancreatitis advise not to disturb the pancreas again and stick to a gentle menu.

The first version of diet No. 5P is prescribed to patients with acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. For convenience, we provide a sample menu for the week, starting from the 3rd day after an attack of pancreatitis. The menu is scheduled according to the days of illness.

The first version of diet No. 5P is prescribed to patients with acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. For convenience, we provide a sample menu for the week, starting from the 3rd day after an attack of pancreatitis. The menu is scheduled according to the days of illness.

In addition to each dish, the approximate content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calorie content (for a given serving size) is indicated, and at the end the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calorie content per day is calculated. Increasing the volume of portions and caloric content is carried out gradually, according to the recommendations of the diet.

We remind you that in the first week of an exacerbation, dishes are prepared without sugar and salt, then sugar and salt are allowed to be used in the form of weighed portions (in the hands of the patient) for adding to ready-made dishes. From the second week from the onset of an exacerbation, the daily caloric content of the diet should be in the range of 1300-1600 kcal, and a patient with pancreatitis should receive at least 70-80 g of protein per day, fat - no more than 40 g, and carbohydrates - about 200 g per day.

Diet 5 for pancreatitis is the leading direction for effective treatment of the disease. This therapeutic nutrition is designed to reduce the production of pancreatic secretions, which, for various reasons, can self-digest the organ and deprive it of its functionality. Patients with pancreatitis, eating in accordance with treatment table 5, normalize the functioning of the pancreas, bile ducts and other internal organs.

Product tables and recipes for diet No. 5p

Diet rules

All diet dishes should be boiled, baked or steamed. It is prohibited to eat food prepared in any other way or prepared using combined cooking products (for example, frying and then baking).

cooking food


Food should not injure or irritate the organs of the gastrointestinal tract - it should not be hard or dry, its temperature should be within 23-35 ⁰ C (thermal sparing method). Harsh, too hard foods that can damage the walls of the digestive tract are prohibited.

Purine-containing products (smoked meats, wild bird meat, duck, goose, animal entrails) and foods rich in oxalic acid (spinach, rhubarb, lemons, leeks, sorrel, sprouted wheat grains, peanuts, parsnips) are excluded - a method of chemical sparing.

foods high in oxalates

Foods rich in fiber (vegetables, a number of fruits) should be ground or crushed in a blender, ground in a meat grinder - a method of mechanical sparing. In patients with pancreatitis, fiber has a negative effect on the digestive tract, because. excessively irritates the intestinal walls.

Since sugar consumption is limited, it is recommended to use sweeteners. They do not load the pancreas, which speeds up its recovery.

Sugar can be replaced:

  • xylitol;
  • sorbitol;
  • fructose;
  • steviositis;
  • erythritol;
  • aspartame;
  • sucralose;
  • saccharin.

The diet should only be prescribed, modified or discontinued by a physician. It is forbidden to resort to it yourself, change it, violate the regime or stop following the therapeutic diet. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing a health-threatening condition.

The components of the dietary table are selected by the doctor in accordance with the patient’s taste preferences. You can eat the same foods several times a day. The main thing is not to deviate from the recommended daily dosage of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salt, and water balance.

For chronic pancreatitis, it is recommended to perform special exercises. Since energy is spent on their implementation, the caloric intake of the diet can be changed. You must notify your doctor about performing a set of exercises. If necessary, he will adjust the diet.

We recommend watching a video from therapist Natalya Nikolaevna Chainikova, who will talk about the variety of diet 5 according to Pevzner and give examples of permitted and prohibited foods.

Basics of cooking from the table 5

Table 5 has its own special rules for preparing all dishes that must be followed, otherwise the effect will not be achieved:

  • All products are steamed or stewed. Omelettes, meat, and vegetables cannot be fried, only cooked in a slow cooker or boiled in a pan with water, and vinegar must not be added.
  • Grind everything thoroughly. The smaller the ingredients in a dish, the easier it will be digested by the stomach. This is especially useful for children whose digestive systems are not strong enough to handle large pieces.

Authorized Products

Nutrition should be based on recommended products. They are not only healthy, but also have good taste. You can combine them and prepare a variety of dishes with them. We provide a table of the groups of foods allowed for regular consumption for pancreatitis (included in the first and second types of diet number 5 p).

ProductsUsedKcal per 100 g.
Vegetables (prohibited to eat raw)
White cabbage1,7/0/5,327
Brussels sprouts0/0/052
red cabbage1,5/0/5,924
boiled potatoes1,7/0,2/15,874
mashed potatoes2,2/3,1/13,892
Bell pepper1.1/0/5,717
vegetable stew2.2/4,5/6,899
boiled beets1,8/0,2/1152
leaf salad1,5/0/2,216
pumped salad1,2/0/214
Fruits (the first diet option involves only baked apples, the second - other fruits)
cherry plum0,3/0,6,528
light varieties of raisins17/0/71300
dark raisins19/0/71290
butter (no more than 30 g/day)0,2/84,4/0,2780
cow's milk3,3/3,5/4,665
condensed milk7,8/8,8/55,6346
low-fat cream3/10/4,2111
sour cream2,6/29,6/2,7300
hard cheese26,6/30,1/0,2380
low-fat cottage cheese15,7/0,5/2,885
Bakery products
bread made from premium flour10/2,2/53,8284
pancakes made from premium flour4,8/2,9/4,4185
premium pasta12,8/0,1/69,9345
wheat flour 1 grade10,7/4,2/72,8350
cracker cookies (eat softened)11/13,4/67,2351
sugar crackers (eat softened)9/4,8/72,7376
crackers (use softened)11,6/2,1/73,7360
white loaf7,4/7,5/67,8371
whole grain bread11.3/1,95/56,5299
dry biscuit8,48/4,85/58,36311
porridge "Hercules"12,9/5,9/65,5304
semolina with cow's milk3,1/5,1/15,5120
oatmeal with milk (part 2 of the diet)4,5/5,1/13,5114
oatmeal on water1,4/1,3/9,248
millet on water4,5/1,4/25,8132
Rice porridge with milk (2 type of diet)2,8/1,6/17,8102
rice porridge with water2,2/0,4/63,3105
boiled rice7,4/0,9/75,8352
barley porridge with cow's milk (part 2 of the diet)3,8/2,2/19,8107
Vegetable oils
sunflower (up to 10 g/day)0/99,8/0898
olive (no more than 16 g/day)0/99,8/0899
still water0/0/00
green tea without sugar0/0/00,1
carrot juice0,8/0,1/5,829
grape juice0,3/0/13,854,5
Pineapple juice0,2/0/13,352
cocoa with cow's milk without sugar3,3/3,6/4,747
unsweetened dried fruit compote0,7/0/14,362
weak black tea without sugar0/0/00,5
Meat and meat products
lean lean beef25,9/9/0177
chicken breasts29,7/16,9/0138
chicken fillet26/14/1200
steamed beef dumplings15,6/11,1/8,2195
beef roll14,1/5,1/1,3102
chicken meatballs12,61/14,41/10,71221,1
Fish and seafood (lean and boneless)
blue whiting16,2/0,9/071
creamy potato soup1,5/1,4/7,627,6
rice with milk2,7/2,2/9,165
with vermicelli with milk2.8/2,4/8,565
half a yolk per day4,27/15,5/0181
steamed egg white omelette14,2/14,7/1.8210

Products should be low-fat and non-acidic. It is recommended to puree vegetables. Fruits can be consumed finely chopped, grated, or in puree form. Carbonated drinks and water are prohibited. All juices must be diluted with water in a juice/water ratio of 60/40%. Low-fat varieties of meat and meat products are recommended.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to eat dumplings?

You can eat dumplings in small quantities and no more than 1-2 times a month. The dish must be made from premium flour and minced lean lean beef or lean chicken. You can serve a little low-fat sour cream with the dumplings.

It is prohibited to use hot seasonings. It is contraindicated to eat dumplings with fatty sauces, mustard, and vinegar.

Includes table number 5 honey?

Due to the minimal sugar content in the product (1-4%), honey is an alternative to traditional sugar and sweetener substitutes. The high content of fructose and glucose in the product allows you to reduce the load on the secretory system of the pancreas and speed up its recovery.

Is monastery tea effective in treatment?

The exact composition of tea is unknown; each manufacturer makes amendments to the recipe. Scientific medicine is skeptical about such products. Their effectiveness is questionable. Therefore, it is impossible to recommend drinking monastery tea.

We invite you to watch a video from Dr. Evdokimenko, who will talk in more detail about nutrition for pancreatitis.

Recipes for every day

Recipes for dietary dishes have some differences from standard options for their preparation. Some ingredients are excluded. The dishes recommended by the 5p Diet are prepared only by stewing, boiling, steaming and baking. The amount of salt, sugar and vegetable oil should be limited.


  1. To prepare borscht, you will need half a head of Chinese cabbage, one tomato, beets, carrots, three potatoes, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, water, and salt.
  2. You can add boiled beef to the ingredients, but not meat broth.
  3. Grind all ingredients and add water.
  4. The cooking process takes an average of thirty minutes.
  5. Before serving, you can add a small amount of parsley to the borscht.

Combined vegetable soup:

  1. To prepare the soup you will need one carrot, three potatoes, a small zucchini, one tomato, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, salt, water.
  2. Cut all vegetables into cubes (carrots can be grated).
  3. Pour water over the vegetable stock and add salt.
  4. The cooking process takes approximately thirty minutes.

Pumpkin cream soup:

Chicken dumplings:

  1. To prepare the quenelle you will need 500 g of minced chicken, 100 g of rice, butter, one carrot, salt.
  2. Pre-boil the rice and carrots (grate the carrots).
  3. All ingredients are combined into a homogeneous mass (you can add egg white).
  4. You can cook quenelles by baking or in a double boiler.
  5. Cooking time depends on the chosen method.

Prohibited Products

Both types of dietary table include prohibited foods. In the first version of the 5p table there are more of them, the second type is softer.

Prohibited foods for the first part of the diet:

The second part of the dietary table number 5p according to Pevzner is inferior to the first in terms of restrictions. The diet allows you to eat:

  • bananas;
  • low-fat milk soups;
  • finely chopped fruits;
  • boiled and/or steamed chopped vegetables.
ProductsUsedKcal per 100 g.
Fatty meats
fatty beef19,2/12,6/0202
Meat products
beef brains11,7/8,8/0123
beef tongue23,8/15,2/0234
beef liver17,3/2,9/0122
boiled sausage11,7/28,1/2,8300
pork cutlets11,7/19,5/9,7262
Cereals and crumbly porridges made from them
pearl barley11/0,8/74,2360
unpolished rice2,6/0,8/36,2124
Eggs (raw are strictly prohibited)
boiled whole12,5/12/0,752
Bakery products
"Borodinsky" bread6,6/13,2/40,6200
Rye bread5,8/1,1/44,5216
rye/wheat bread6,6/0,9/42,2215
grain bread8,4/1,6/43,7213
curdled milk2,8/3,2/4,260
fatty curdled milk3,5/3,9/3,966
fat sour cream2,6/25,3/3,2249
fat cottage cheese13,2/19,9/2,5251
salted mushrooms3,5/1,6/0,931
dark chocolate6,1/35,2/49540
milk chocolate4,8/3,5/52,5550
chocolate bars4,2/24,8/69,1510
lollipops, caramel0/0,2/97,1400

For any type of diet, it is prohibited to consume alcohol in any form, coffee and caffeine-containing products.

Beet salad recipes

For inflammatory damage to the pancreas, it is very useful to eat beets

This product contains a lot of fiber, and therefore you still need to eat it carefully. First of all, the root vegetable is thoroughly boiled - the duration of the heat treatment should be at least 2 hours

After this, the vegetable must be finely chopped.

If prepared correctly and without spicy dressing, it is acceptable to eat beetroot salad.

In order not to harm your body, you should not put lemon juice, garlic or vinegar in beet salad. It is best to use olive oil for dressing.

Beetroot and carrot salad has excellent taste. Vegetables need to be boiled, peeled and chopped using a grater. After which the salad can be dressed with a light sauce. Regular sunflower oil is also an excellent option. This salad is recommended to be eaten as a side dish in combination with boiled meat or fish.

Weekly menu for adults

By following dietary table number 5p, you can eat a balanced and tasty diet. Your diet can be tailored to suit your individual taste preferences. Before planning a diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist.

girl preparing food

We present to your attention an approximate menu for a week for the average adult:


  • breakfast - oatmeal soup, crackers with low-fat milk;
  • 2 breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese, cocoa with milk;
  • lunch – vegetable soup, chicken fillet, vegetable puree, juice diluted with water;
  • afternoon snack – crackers, baked apple, still mineral water;
  • dinner - steamed protein omelet, mashed potatoes, weak black tea;


  • semolina in water, weak black tea, baked apple with low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch - fruit puree, ½ glass of low-fat cow's milk with crackers;
  • lunch – beef roll, potato soup, juice with water;
  • afternoon snack – grated vegetable salad (carrots, beets), compote;
  • dinner - buckwheat porridge, meatballs, vegetable caviar, ½ glass of low-fat milk;


  • 1 meal – baked pie with cottage cheese, semolina porridge with milk, weak black tea without sugar;
  • Meal 2 – oatmeal or Hercules;
  • Meal 3 – creamy soup with cheese, vegetable stew, steamed beef dumplings;
  • Meal 4 – grated vegetable salad;
  • Meal 5 – baked boneless hake, boiled buckwheat porridge, vegetable stew;


  • breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese with raisins, 2 pancakes with cottage cheese (dietary pancake recipes), cocoa with milk;
  • Meal 2 – baked apple with cottage cheese, weak green tea without sugar;
  • lunch – chicken fillet, boiled rice porridge, pumpkin pudding, juice diluted with water;
  • afternoon snack – cocoa with milk, dry biscuit;
  • Meal 5 – boiled buckwheat porridge, baked pollock with vegetables, weak green tea;


  • breakfast – protein omelet, boiled vegetable salad, juice to taste, diluted with water;
  • Meal 2 – salad of apples, peaches, raisins;
  • lunch – rice soup, baked flounder, weak unsweetened black tea;
  • afternoon snack - pudding with apple;


  • breakfast - semolina porridge with low-fat milk, baked apples with cottage cheese, weak green tea;
  • lunch – salad of boiled vegetables with sunflower oil;
  • 3rd meal – soup with noodles and lean beef, beef dumplings, juice diluted with water;
  • afternoon snack – grated apples with honey;
  • Meal 5 – chicken fillet with baked vegetables, egg white omelet, compote;


  • 1 meal – boiled buckwheat porridge with chicken fillet or breast, baked apple with cottage cheese, cocoa with milk;
  • lunch - fruit salad;
  • lunch – steamed hake, mashed potatoes, vegetable soup, dried fruit compote;
  • Meal 4 – cottage cheese casserole with apples and raisins, diluted juice;
  • dinner - mashed potatoes, lean lean beef roll, pudding with apples and pumpkin, weak green tea.

Products that are used for cooking in the 5p diet

  • White bread crackers.
  • Non-fatty types of meat, poultry and fish.
  • Eggs are only for steam omelettes (whites). The dose of yolk depends on which part of the diet is prescribed.
  • Milk is used for cooking; cottage cheese is used to make pastes and puddings. The second part allows the consumption of pure milk, if there are no restrictions, as well as cheese, which is completely absent in the first part of the diet.
  • Fats of vegetable origin only, only cow's oil is allowed.
  • Oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina.
  • Zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes.
  • Soups are prepared exclusively with water or low-fat meat broth, and should have a slimy consistency.
  • Compote, marshmallows, jelly, jelly, marshmallows without chemical additives.
  • Semi-sweet fruit and berry sauces are allowed.
  • Rosehip drink, lightly saturated tea.

Menu for children

For a child, nutrition is selected together with a pediatrician, gastroenterologist, and nutritionist. The protein content in products should exceed that in the menu for adults, since the patient continues to grow, and proteins are the main “building” material for the body.

mother feeds baby


Here is an example of a menu for every day (it can be adjusted in accordance with children's taste preferences):


  • breakfast – buckwheat soup, sweet crackers, milk cocoa;
  • 2 breakfast – baked apple with cottage cheese;
  • lunch – soup with lean chicken, vegetable pudding;
  • afternoon snack – sweet cracker, diluted juice;
  • dinner – steamed chicken fillet, steamed vegetables with potatoes, low-fat milk;


  • 1 meal – milk rice porridge, protein omelet, low-fat milk;
  • lunch – dry biscuit, honey, cocoa;
  • lunch – beef dumplings, cream cheese soup, tea;
  • afternoon snack – baked apples;
  • dinner – vegetable stew or puree, steamed chicken fillet, sweet cracker, milk;


  • breakfast - pudding with fruit, milk rice soup, milk;
  • Meal 2 – fruit puree;
  • lunch – soup with lean chicken, vegetable salad, steamed chicken dumplings;
  • Meal 4 – fruit puree;
  • Meal 5 – baked cod, vegetable stew or puree;


  • breakfast – cottage cheese casserole with apples, cocoa with milk;
  • Meal 2 – banana mousse, low-fat milk;
  • lunch – chicken meatballs, buckwheat soup, dry biscuit, compote;
  • Meal 4 – milk, cottage cheese pie;
  • dinner - mashed potatoes, baked or steamed hake, diluted juice;


  • 1 meal – protein omelet, baked vegetables, low-fat milk;
  • lunch – dry biscuit with honey, juice;
  • lunch – vegetable soup, baked hake, weak black tea;
  • afternoon snack - fruit pie;
  • dinner - protein omelet, boiled porridge, low-fat milk;


  • breakfast - milk soup, fruit pie, weak black tea;
  • Meal 2 – cottage cheese casserole with fruit; quick recipes for cottage cheese dishes
  • Meal 3 – cream cheese soup, boiled chicken fillet, low-fat milk;
  • afternoon snack - vegetable pie;
  • Meal 5 – chicken meatballs, vegetable stew, juice;


  • breakfast – milk soup with noodles, cottage cheese casserole, cocoa;
  • lunch – dry biscuit or low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch - baked cod, vegetable or rice soup, boiled porridge, diluted juice;
  • Meal 4 – cottage cheese pie, baked apples with cottage cheese;
  • dinner - vegetable stew, boiled chicken breast, noodle casserole (recipes for delicious cottage cheese casserole), diluted juice.

Dishes that can be prepared for pancreatitis

Steamed cutlets. For preparation you will need:

  • beef (250 g);
  • bread (40 g);
  • milk (3 spoons);
  • olive oil (3 l);
  • a little salt.

Make minced meat and add the remaining ingredients. Form balls and place them in a steamer. Add water and boil for half an hour.

Soup with homemade noodles with milk. Take:

  • two eggs;
  • milk (half a liter);
  • a little butter (15 g);
  • 15 g sugar;
  • 150 g flour.

Make the dough, salt it a little. Cut noodles from the dough. Boil it in milk and sugar.

Meat pudding cooked in a double boiler is also suitable for dietary nutrition. The recipe consists of beef (250-300 g), butter (50 g), semolina (30 g), 1 egg. Boil the beef, cool and grind in a blender. Add semolina and egg. Mix everything and shape the improvised dough. Grease a steamer with oil and place the pudding in it to cook.

Sweet dish for dessert. We “extract” the white from the egg, beat it with sugar (40 g) and vanilla. Make balls and drop them into boiling water using a spoon. After the dish has cooled, pour the sauce over it. It is done like this: chopped strawberries are mixed with flour and sugar.

A cake that doesn't need to be put in the oven. You will need a cormorant with peach, non-acidic yogurt, cookies and gelatin. Dissolve it in water. Mix with yogurt. Place in the mold in layers: cookies, yogurt with gelatin, banana cut into rings, yogurt, peaches, yogurt.

Make compote from dried fruits. It's better if it's apples. Wash and boil them in strained water (a handful of dried fruits per liter of water). Add some sugar. Cool and strain. In case of acute pain, it is better to wait a while with the compote and start drinking it from 4-5 days. Don't add sugar. In chronic forms of the disease, doctors do not limit the use of apple decoction.

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Diet for concomitant diseases

Pancreatitis is often accompanied by other diseases - cholecystitis (with or without cholelithiasis), cirrhosis of the liver.

liver problems


For cholecystitis

For cholecystitis (with/without gallstones), it is recommended to prescribe diet number 5 according to Pevzner. Nutritional value of the table per day:

  • proteins – 100 g;
  • fats – 80-90 g;
  • carbohydrates – 400-450 g;
  • calorie content – ​​2.8-3 thousand kcal.

For cirrhosis of the liver

For liver cirrhosis, you need to follow a modified 5 diet according to Pevzner. It eliminates salt, reduces the patient's fat intake by a third, and increases the intake of carbohydrates and fats (except for decompensated cirrhosis). Decompensated disease requires a reduction in protein intake to 20 g/day. You can read more about the diet for liver cirrhosis here.

Green salad for pancreatitis

Eating a green salad before meals promotes better metabolism, which is important for pancreatitis. However, it should be remembered that there are some restrictions and features when preparing snacks and various dishes using a large amount of various greens, including green salad leaves

To reduce vitamin C, the effect of which has a detrimental effect on the digestive system in the case of pancreatic inflammation, lettuce leaves should be soaked in milk for at least 10 minutes, or dipped in boiling water for a couple of seconds. Next, prepare the salads according to the recipe.

Many recipes for green salads include avocado pulp, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and even strawberries, however, when following therapeutic diet No. 5, you should introduce all of the listed products with caution, try not to combine them, but use them in small quantities separately from each other. .


Kissel with berries

To prepare the drink, you can use a wide variety of berries (raspberries, strawberries, currants, etc.). You will also need 4 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of starch, water (2 l).

If there are seeds in the berries, you need to get rid of them. Starch is dissolved in water, after which it is poured over the berries, put on fire and cooked for 15 minutes until the jelly becomes thick. Sugar is added at the end of cooking.

Rose hip decoction

To prepare the decoction you will need water and rose hips. For one part of berries take 10 parts of water. To reduce the infusion time of the decoction, you can pre-chop the berries. Then they are filled with water, put on fire and brought to a boil. You can add a little sugar to the broth, after which it is covered with a lid and the pan is left to steep for 12 hours.

Find out more: rosehip decoction

Tender chicken quenelles

Per serving take:

  • minced chicken fillet – 100 g;
  • milk – 30 ml;
  • white of one egg;
  • flour – 1 dessert spoon;
  • a little salt.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. The baking dish is greased with butter. Milk, protein, flour and salt are added to the minced meat. Mix by hand or with a blender. Place the quenelles into the mold with a spoon. Bake for 25 minutes.

Fifth table recipes for children

A tasty and varied diet for children should consist of healthy soups, cereal porridges and a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, the daily children's diet includes meat and fish, for the preparation of which there are many recipes, for example, steamed cutlets, meatballs and casseroles, etc.

Minced chicken meatballs

You need 500 grams of minced meat, 1 cup of rice, green onions, dill, parsley, egg, salt. For the sauce you need 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of tomato.

The rice is washed and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Then the finished rice is washed again. Next, add minced meat, egg, salt, chopped green onions and form round meatballs that can be rolled in flour, semolina or breadcrumbs.

For the sauce, mix 100 ml. water, sour cream and tomato paste.

Place the meatballs in a greased frying pan, pour in the sauce and simmer covered for a quarter of an hour. Before serving, sprinkle the meatballs with finely chopped dill and parsley.

Millet porridge with pumpkin

To prepare tasty and healthy pumpkin porridge, you need 500 grams of pumpkin, a glass of millet, 750 ml. milk, a tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of salt.

The pumpkin must be peeled and cut into cubes. Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil and add pumpkin. After 15 min. add millet, sugar and a pinch of salt. Cook the porridge for about 20 minutes. over low heat.

Curd jelly

To prepare curd jelly, you need the following ingredients: a pack of cottage cheese (350 grams), 30 grams of gelatin, half a glass of milk and yogurt without fillers, 3 tablespoons of honey, sweet fruits (strawberries, peach, etc. are suitable).

Pour milk over gelatin and leave for half an hour. During this time, mix cottage cheese, yogurt, honey with a blender to obtain a creamy curd mass. Then place the milk mixture over low heat and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. The milk mixture needs to be heated as much as possible, but not brought to a boil.

Next, remove the pan from the heat, and after a quarter of an hour, mix the curd and milk mixture. You will need berries to decorate the curd jelly: they can be placed on the bottom of a glass bowl, and then poured into the curd-gelatin mass, or decorated with jelly berries on top.

To bring the curd jelly to readiness, place the bowls with dessert in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Berry soufflé

For the souffle you will need the following ingredients: berries (blueberries, currants, strawberries, etc.) - 2 cups, chicken egg whites - 5 pcs., sugar - 2 tbsp.

The berries are ground with sugar and boiled until it becomes jam for about half an hour. During this time, beat the whites well. When the berries are ready, you need to mix the jam with the whites. Next, grease the pan with butter, pour in the resulting mixture and bake for 15 minutes. in an oven at 200 degrees.

Bake the soufflé immediately before serving. Hot soufflé can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Lazy dumplings with dried apricots

A quick and tasty dish for which you will need 250 grams of cottage cheese, 1/3 cup of flour, 1/3 cup of semolina, one egg, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 100 grams. dried apricots, butter.

To prepare the dough, grind cottage cheese with sugar and egg, add semolina and flour. The curd dough is rolled into a ball, covered with cling film and left for 20 minutes. During this time, the dried apricots are ground using a meat grinder or blender.

Make a thin roll from the dough and filling. To do this, the curd dough is rolled out into a long rectangle, along which the filling is laid out in a thin strip in the middle, and the upper and lower edges of the dough are tightly connected. Next, the roll is cut into small pieces 1-1.5 cm wide and cooked for 4 minutes.

Lazy dumplings with dried apricots are served hot, with melted butter poured on top.

Nutritional Features

Meals on the fifth diet are fractional and involve at least 5 meals in small portions (up to 350 grams).

Products that negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system are excluded from the diet, namely:

  • spicy;
  • salty;
  • smoked;
  • fried;
  • meat and fish semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • alcohol.

According to the rules of diet 5, preference should be given to recipes that involve stewing, boiling and baking dishes.

Chemical composition and energy value

The main chemical composition that must be followed when using the 5p table:

  1. Proteins – 100-120 grams (most of animal origin).
  2. Fats – 70-80 grams (about 20% from plant products).
  3. Carbohydrates – 300-350 grams (about 40 grams from sugar).
  4. 10 grams of salt per day.

It is important to control the drinking regime; patients should drink 1.5 liters of fluid throughout the day. The energy value of the diet is 2600 kcal.

Therapeutic diet

The list of permitted products is quite wide.
Restrictions apply only to fatty, spicy, salty and fermented foods, because such food increases the secretion of digestive juices of the pancreas and irritates the gastric mucosa. Below is a list of foods that should be limited or completely eliminated. Table ration number 5

  • vegetable soups with permitted ingredients (no meat);
  • the first with cereals or noodles;
  • milk soups;
  • fruit soup from permitted ingredients;
  • vegetarian borscht, cabbage soup, beetroot soup.
  • meat and fish broths;
  • mushroom broths;
  • cold soups;
  • any okroshka;
  • the first with beans;
  • soups with spinach and sorrel.
  • seaweed;
  • boiled, baked and pureed: potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, carrots;
  • Chinese and cauliflower cabbage, broccoli;
  • green beans;
  • limited: tomatoes, lettuce;
  • avocado;
  • cucumbers;
  • celery.
  • turnips, radishes and radishes;
  • onion and garlic;
  • eggplants and sweet peppers;
  • corn;
  • rhubarb, spinach, sorrel;
  • arugula, parsley, dill (maximum for flavor and very rarely);
  • canned vegetables (including green peas and corn);
  • tomato paste;
  • white cabbage (prepared at least).
  • without skin: turkey, chicken, pigeon, quail;
  • lean: beef, rabbit, veal, horse meat;
  • homemade dumplings and cabbage rolls (a little, without onions and garlic)
  • milk sausages.
  • offal: liver, kidneys, tongue;
  • sausage;
  • lard in any form;
  • fat meat;
  • duck, game, goose;
  • canned meat.
Fish and seafood
  • hake, pike perch, pollock, cod, tuna;
  • oysters in their natural form;
  • limited: mussels, shrimp, squid;
  • 1-2 times a week salmon as a snack.
  • fatty fish: mackerel, catfish, stellate sturgeon, eel, trout and others;
  • crab sticks, fish by-products;
  • caviar;
  • canned and salted fish;
  • sushi.
  • diet bread;
  • crackers without additives;
  • bran, rye and wheat bread (1st and 2nd grade);
  • biscuits;
  • dry cookies and biscuits;
  • limited: well-baked pies with approved products (yesterday's).
  • fresh bread and pastries;
  • puff pastry and butter dough (in any form);
  • crackers with flavorings or from butter dough;
  • fried dough: donuts, pies, belyashi, pancakes.
  • well boiled: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • pilaf with dried fruits and boiled meat;
  • muesli and oatmeal;
  • bulgur, millet, couscous;
  • flax seeds.
  • lentils, peas, beans (except green beans);
  • limited to: pearl barley, corn and barley grits;
  • sesame.
Milk products
  • milk in its pure form, no more than 200 g per day;
  • low fat content: kefir, sour cream, yogurt;
  • low-fat cottage cheese in its natural form or in dishes: puddings, casseroles;
  • limited: feta, hard cheese without additives (nuts, herbs, spices).
  • feta cheese and other salty cheeses;
  • serum;
  • cream and fermented baked milk;
  • fatty types of dairy products.
  • egg white omelettes;
  • boiled proteins;
  • half an yolk a day.
  • fried eggs;
  • whole egg dishes.
Berries and fruits
  • ripe and non-sour apples, baked, boiled or grated puree;
  • pomegranate and bananas (1 per day);
  • dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, dried melon;
  • compotes and decoctions of berries (do not eat fruits);
  • watermelon (limited).
  • any nuts and seeds (except flax);
  • raw berries;
  • raw fruits;
  • ginger;
  • grape;
  • citruses.
  • homemade puddings and jellies from berries and fruits;
  • marshmallows and meringues;
  • honey, non-acidic jam (preferably in tea);
  • dry biscuits and cookies;
  • marmalade;
  • nougat and Turkish delight (without preservatives and nuts);
  • lollipops and sweets without cocoa and chocolate;
  • a little sugar (substitutes).
  • products with cream and chocolate;
  • chewing gum;
  • halva, kozinaki;
  • desserts with seeds, almond flakes, sesame seeds, nuts;
  • condensed milk;
  • hematogen;
  • chocolates and granola bars.
  • black tea (not strong, sometimes with milk);
  • non-acidic compotes, fruit drinks and jelly;
  • decoctions of rose hips, chamomile and bran.
  • alcohol in any form;
  • coffee, chicory;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • cocoa;
  • hibiscus and green tea;
  • tea with knotweed and stevia;
  • store-bought juices;
  • cold drinks.

Having a list of acceptable dishes and products, you can create therapeutic nutrition. It is recommended to prepare the menu in advance, at least 2 days in advance. This way you can stock up on the necessary products and select recipes, and preparing dishes will take less time. Exact adherence to all diet rules will protect against exacerbation of the disease and speed up recovery.

Terrine or meat loaf recipe PP

Dietary PP dish. Very tasty both hot and cold for a sandwich.

  • minced turkey thigh - 500 g,
  • zucchini - about 1/3 young
  • parsley - 1 tbsp.
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • oat flakes - 40 g,
  • Parmesan or semi-hard cheese - 40 gr.,
  • salt to taste

Grate the zucchini and cheese on a fine grater, finely chop the parsley, mix all the ingredients, form a loaf, put in a patch and bake at 180-190 degrees for about 40 minutes. Let cool slightly.

Cauliflower casserole PP recipe


  • cauliflower – 500 g;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • egg whites – 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese – 50 g; salt.

Cauliflower is separated into inflorescences and cooked for 5 minutes after boiling. At this time, the oven is preheated. Beat milk, egg whites and salt in a blender. Lightly coat the mold with butter. The cabbage inflorescences are placed in a mold and filled with milk and egg mixture. Sprinkle cottage cheese on top. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

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