How to give up junk food and lose weight: 8 tips

How you want to have a good figure, so that your stomach is flat, your butt is toned, and your breasts are firm. At the same time, it is also important to have smooth, beautiful skin. But how to achieve this? Exhaust yourself with workouts that are so difficult to find time and energy for, or go on a strict diet? Nutritionists promise - eat right and you won’t need any diet, and your appetizing butt will pump up twice as fast. But how to give up junk food and finally lose weight? How to learn to pass by shelves with sweets and all sorts of snacks? How can you refuse such delicious French fries and not order another tasty treat in a cafe? We'll talk about this in this article.

The “Ideal Figure” project has collected only working tips that will help you give up junk food forever and stop loving it.

Drink more

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Nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of warm still water 20 minutes before each meal. This will not only put the gastrointestinal tract on alert, but will also help reduce appetite. This way you are guaranteed to eat less. But it is not recommended to drink food with food, as water will dilute gastric juice and digestion will worsen.

On a note!
The daily water intake is different for each person and is calculated according to the principle: 40 ml per kg of weight. However, in hot weather and during high physical activity, the daily water intake should be increased by 10-20%. READ OTHER INTERESTING ARTICLES ON THE TOPIC

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Overeating and unhealthy choices

Questions about why we eat a lot and why we are drawn to unhealthy foods always bother humanity. After all, to maintain health and treat any diseases, doctors first of all recommend adjusting your diet and getting rid of extra pounds, which grow by leaps and bounds on junk food. And it is precisely at this point that the greatest difficulty always lies. After all, the body is accustomed to consuming kilograms of sugar, spoonfuls of salt, spices and flavor enhancers, fried foods, which are tastier the browner the crust and the more oil drips. Experts note that there are definitely some catalysts for adherence to junk food.

“Our body is structured very wisely - the so-called “food center” consists of many nervous elements and interconnected processes occurring in the central nervous system. This constitutes a single mechanism for the functioning of the power system. Any disruptions in it can lead to eating disorders and extremes in the relationship with food - refusal of food, which can lead to weakening of the body and anorexia, or the need for overeating, which will result in excess weight and accompanying diseases. We are also talking about an extreme degree - bulimia, that is, morbid gluttony,” says a psychologist at the Institute of Child and Adult Neurology and Epilepsy. St. Luke Zinaida Roshal.

People choose unhealthy foods, and often overeat, because they do not always feel the difference between the concepts of “appetite” and “hunger.” “The feeling of hunger is given to humans by nature for survival - it is a signal from the internal environment of the body, telling us that it is time to recharge the batteries. Appetite is more of a need to enjoy food. It is sometimes very difficult for a modern person to distinguish between these two concepts. Here the sensation of taste and the natural biological need to be satisfied with the amount of quality food necessary for balanced life are mixed,” says the psychologist.

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Dependence on “bad” food develops quickly, because it is provoked by food processing, salt, sugar, fat, and seasonings that are added here. Such components, says Zinaida Roshal, very actively affect the “reward system”, which is located in brain cells. “All of them enhance the taste of the prepared dish, making it aromatic, bright, attractive, and desirable. I want to eat more. The brain remembers the pleasure received and reminds you of it at every opportunity, and this stimulates the appetite. As a result, you want to eat something tasty and unhealthy just like that, out of nothing to do, out of a bad mood, in a warm friendly company, etc. The entry into the body, for example, of sugar and fat stimulates the release of opioids, serotonin, dopamine, etc., causing a temporary sensation joy, well-being, pleasure and euphoria, they also reduce stress levels. And also, acting on pain receptors, they can temporarily dull even the feeling of pain,” says Roshal. Naturally, against this background, a person needs such a unique doping more, more and more.

The specialist cites the example of research conducted by Danish scientists. According to their theory, “sugar can change the reward system of the brain in 12 days. Scientists even compared the effects of sugar with the effects of drinking alcohol. In other words, while enjoying food, we strive to increase its volume and frequency of consumption. Food addiction is developing.”

Eat your favorite foods, but only before 12:00

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In the first half of the day, the body has a high level of enzymes that break down substances. Therefore, until 12:00 the body can process any fats. But in the afternoon you should refrain from eating fast food, fatty meats, cakes, etc.

On a note! You need to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime. To diversify your menu, you can use diet dinner recipes.

how to give up food to lose weight

FOOD AND WORKOUT “People often think they can burn off those bad lunch calories by going to the gym, especially if they're feeling hungry after a workout,” Elizabeth explains. “But according to numerous studies, we tend to overestimate the intensity of our fitness activities in terms of energy expended, while at the same time underestimating the number of calories consumed. We often don't take into account snacks: a handful of nuts, a drink, half an apple - but they also contain calories, which over time turn into kilograms. It's simple math. To lose weight, you need to burn more energy than you consume."

IT'S ALL ABOUT DIET “If you exercise vigorously and then eat junk food or simply overeat, you will not be able to lose weight. To avoid feeling hungry longer, eat foods rich in fiber and protein. The idea that carbohydrates are evil is wrong, they are a necessary part of a balanced diet, so half of your meal should be vegetables. But you really should give up sugary drinks.”

MUSCLE VERSUS FAT “A kilogram of muscle tissue weighs the same as a kilogram of fat. But because muscle tissue is denser, it takes up less space in your body than fat. So if you exercise a lot and become leaner and fitter, your weight will increase. Measure your progress not in kilograms, but in the size of your waist and hips: if these indicators decrease, then most likely you are moving in the right direction.”

WEIGHT OF WATER “Our body is approximately 80% water. Therefore, our weight may vary slightly from day to day, including in the direction of increase. In order not to gain excess water, you need to exercise, drink enough water (because when dehydrated the body retains fluid), avoid salty foods and eat foods rich in fiber."

WHAT EXERCISES HELP? “Cardio training, such as running or cycling, allows you to burn more calories during exercise. Strength training helps you burn calories consistently throughout the day. These types of training must be combined. In addition, some healthy habits will help you stay in shape and burn calories just on the way to work or home - take the stairs instead of the elevator, get off the bus one or two stops earlier, buy a pedometer - the norm for a healthy person is not less than 10,000 steps per day.”

CONCLUSION “For most people, achieving an ideal weight is easier with the help of a proper diet than with rigorous training. But if your goal is not only to lose weight, but also to maintain a healthy lifestyle, then you need to combine proper nutrition and exercise. You should also objectively evaluate your actions and their results: if after a month of evening jogging you suddenly find that you have gained weight, it is unlikely to be muscle, most likely you are either overeating or not eating properly. Replace cola with plain water, walk more, give up fast food - the road to health and beauty begins with these simple but very important steps.”

Eat small meals

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To lose weight, you need to eat not less often, but more often, but in small portions. This approach has two important advantages. Firstly, split meals allow you to maintain optimal levels of insulin in the blood. Secondly, the stomach, stretched by a large amount of food, will gradually begin to shrink, and you will eat small portions.

Drink fat-burning drinks

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Kefir with spices, drunk 20-30 minutes after a meal, helps destroy fats obtained from food. It is also worth noting that kefir contains probiotics (beneficial microorganisms), which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help normalize weight.

Recipe for a fat-burning drink : add a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon, a few pinches of red pepper and half a teaspoon of chopped ginger to a glass of one percent kefir. Mix well.

On a note! If kefir with spices is not to your taste, then you can use recipes for other fat-burning cocktails.

Paradoxical dependence

At the same time, a rather ambiguous situation arises when a person realizes his dependence on food, correctly assesses the risks of overeating and cravings for potentially harmful foods, and sometimes observing the consequences of overeating, but still cannot cope with his cravings for harmful things. It is especially difficult for him in those moments when there is gray, dank weather outside, the mood is at zero, problems have piled up, or depression is overwhelming.

“The fact is that in the frontal lobes of the brain there are so-called “control zones” that help us manage eating behavior and give up unhealthy or untimely eating, as well as overeating. However, if for some reason the activity of this zone is reduced, it becomes more difficult for us to control our eating behavior. That’s why it can be so difficult to limit yourself to one piece of candy and not gobble up a whole pan of fried potatoes,” says the psychologist.

Reduce the calories in your favorite foods

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In some dishes, you can replace harmful ingredients with healthy and less calorie ones. For example, add boiled meat instead of sausage to salads, and use homemade sauce or low-fat Greek yogurt instead of high-fat mayonnaise. If you love homemade baked goods, then add stevia (a natural sweetener) or fruit instead of sugar.

Use the above methods, lose weight with pleasure and enjoy excellent results!

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