Preparing dishes and drinks from parsley for weight loss

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Parsley and lemon: recipes for losing weight and relieving puffiness

Parsley with lemon for weight loss is included in the TOP 10 natural remedies that help in the fight against excess weight. In just a week, the volume of adipose tissue decreases, metabolism is restored, excess fluid disappears, and along with it swelling. Thanks to improved intestinal motility, toxins and waste are removed from the body.

Benefits of parsley

All parts of the plant are eaten: seeds, roots, greens. Parsley is equally useful in fresh, frozen or dried form - its properties are not lost during processing. The composition is rich in healing substances:

  • peptides;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • essential oils.

Among the unique properties of the plant, scientists note:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • purgation;
  • increased peristalsis;
  • rejuvenation effect;
  • normalization of hormonal levels in women.

Parsley is actively used for weight loss due to its proven qualities:

  1. The negative calorie content of the spice helps you lose weight. Digesting greens requires more energy than comes from food.
  2. Fiber normalizes intestinal function, clearing its walls of mucus and waste products.
  3. Essential oils affect the area of ​​the brain responsible for satiety, which prevents overeating.
  4. Diuretic properties not only reduce swelling, but also significantly reduce body volume.
  5. Protein synthesis is stimulated, which triggers metabolism.

Parsley, ginger and lemon for weight loss are one of the most effective tandems among natural remedies.

Chemical composition and calorie content of parsley juice

The medicinal properties of spicy herbs are explained by its chemical composition, consisting of many valuable components: vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The content of nutrients per 100 g of product is presented in the table:

NutrientsVitaminsMicro- and macroelements
Carbohydrates7,6A (Retinol)0,42Calcium240
Squirrels3,7C (Ascorbic acid)150Manganese0,16
Fats0,4K (Phylloquinone)1,64Magnesium85
Alimentary fiber2,1E (Tocopherol)1,8Iron1,9
Water95PP (Niacin)1,6Potassium800
B1 (Thiamin)0,05Sodium34
B2 (Riboflavin)0,05Phosphorus95
B4 (Choline)12,8Zinc1,07
B5 (Pantothenic acid)0,05Copper0,15
B6 (Pyridoxine)0,2Selenium0,0001
B9 (Folate)0,11

The calorie content of green juice is low, 49 kcal per 100 g of liquid.

Attention! When drinking juice, nutrients are absorbed much faster and better than when absorbing a sprig of grass.

Each of the substances that make up parsley has a specific effect:

  • vitamin A – supports the functioning of the heart and kidneys, has a rejuvenating effect;
  • vitamin C – protects the body from the effects of carcinogenic substances (exhaust gases, radiation), helps restore damaged tissue cells;
  • vitamin K – regulates blood clotting, promotes the absorption of calcium necessary for bone tissue;
  • vitamin B4 – part of lecithin, which is responsible for cell restoration; deficiency of the substance leads to the development of fatty liver;
  • Vitamin B2 – helps renew skin cells;
  • vitamin B9 – the production of proteins and red blood cells is not possible without the participation of this substance;
  • phosphorus – participates in protein-carbohydrate metabolism;
  • manganese – helps maintain the required level of insulin in the blood;
  • selenium – stimulates the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

A large number of valuable elements makes the product not only healthy , but also allows it to be used in the preparation of cosmetics.

Benefits of lemon

The use of sunny citrus has long gone beyond cooking. The fruit with its characteristic sourness is used to treat colds and get rid of extra pounds.

  1. Thanks to its diuretic properties, the water-salt balance is restored.
  2. Pectins enhance metabolism, launching natural processes for weight loss.
  3. Essential oils help normalize appetite.
  4. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and promotes the production of natural fat burners - thyroxine and carnitine.

In just a few days, digestion improves and the body gets rid of toxins.

Basic recommendations

An infusion or decoction of parsley for weight loss helps you lose at least 5 kg in 1 month. In this case, you need to follow the recommendations listed below:

  • minimize the consumption of foods that contain a large number of calories;
  • drink enough fluid (about two liters of fluid);
  • refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • visit the gym regularly;
  • do gymnastics at home;
  • go walking or cycling.

Parsley for weight loss - recipes

Making any cocktail for weight loss or snacking is very simple - just have a blender at home and a minimum set of ingredients: parsley, lemon, low-fat kefir.

Parsley cocktail with lemon juice

A fat-burning cocktail with a minimum calorie content (3 kcal/100 g) has a tonic and diuretic effect.

How to cook:

  1. Grind 100 g of parsley in a blender;
  2. squeeze the juice of 1 lemon.
  3. Mix the resulting mixture with 250 ml of clean water.

Drink a cocktail in the morning after waking up for 5 days. After a 10-day break, you can repeat the course. Contraindications include: gastritis, peptic ulcer.

Vitamin green smoothie with kefir

Vitamin smoothie is suitable for a light snack or as a main dish for a fasting day. Kefir with parsley for weight loss is nutritious, healthy and very tasty.

How to cook:

  1. 2 stalks of celery, lemon and 100 g of parsley, pre-cut, scroll in a blender;
  2. add 50 ml of kefir, stir until smooth.

The calorie content of the smoothie is 240 kcal/100 g, and the effect will be enhanced by minor physical activity.

Lemon water with parsley

Lemon water with parsley for weight loss improves body tone and strengthens the immune system, which is important in the cold season.

How to cook:

  1. boil 1 liter of water, add 1 tbsp. l. parsley, boil for about 5 minutes;
  2. Cool at room temperature, strain, add 70 ml of lemon juice.

The drink must be stirred before drinking. Take 250 ml of vitamin water three times a day before meals - the weight loss course is not limited in time.

Parsley decoction for weight loss with lemon

A decoction of parsley with lemon has proven itself well for weight loss.

How to cook:

  1. chop 100 g of parsley, pour 2 liters of boiling water;
  2. cook over low heat for no more than 10 minutes;
  3. Cool to 50 °C, add 100 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, strain.

The course is designed for 2 weeks, the decoction should be taken 100 ml three times a day before meals.

How to make parsley juice at home

To prepare a healing drink, all parts of the plant are used: leaves, stem, root. The main thing is that the greens are fresh. Freshly cut grass has a rich green hue, a characteristic smell, and elastic (not flaccid) leaves. You can use parsley picked in advance only if it is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. When purchasing packaged greens, you need to make sure that the packaging is intact and that there is no condensation on the inside.

When preparing juice from grass roots, you need to pay attention to the color and structure of the roots. They should be yellow-white, without stains, flaws, or fungus.

Before juicing, the greens need to be prepared. First, sort out the grass, cutting off dry and damaged leaves. Rinse with running water, washing away dirt. To remove pesticides, parsley is soaked for 30-60 minutes in cold water, then rinsed with boiled water. The washed grass should be dried by blotting with paper towels.

Important! Using a microwave oven to dry parsley is not recommended, as all vitamins and microelements will be lost.

To obtain nutritious juice, greens are passed through a juicer. It is advisable to use a screw model designed for grinding fibrous products. When using other models, the device quickly becomes clogged due to fibers.

You can get a green drink without the help of a juicer. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Grind the greens in a blender until pureed, separate the fibers by passing the pulp through a sieve.
  2. Grind the herb with a meat grinder, squeeze out the liquid through 2-3 layers of gauze.
  3. Grind the parsley with a porcelain or wooden mortar and strain through cheesecloth.

To prepare juice from the root, a fine grater is used, on which the roots are grated, then the mixture is squeezed through cheesecloth.

The healthiest drink is obtained from parsley grown between June and September.

How to take for weight loss

All parts of the plant are edible - roots, leaves, stems and seeds . They are used to prepare a variety of drinks and salads for weight loss.


To prepare a healthy mixture, the roots are grated , transferred to a glass jar and seasoned with olive oil. The mixture is consumed once a week throughout the day. The course of admission is 1-3 months. Weight loss per month is about 5 kg.

Leaves and stems

Green aromatic leaves and stems are used to prepare salads, juice, smoothies, decoctions and infusions with the addition of a variety of herbs, spices, vegetables and fruits. Thick stems are an excellent snack that will discourage the desire to eat candy or cookies.


Parsley seeds have a distinct aroma due to the presence of essential oils and effectively reduce hunger . They can be chewed as seeds or prepared as infusions. For 200 ml of boiling water take 2 tsp. seeds and leave for 20-30 minutes in a thermos.

The infusion is drunk between main meals, cold or hot.


Parsley juice in its pure form has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa , so it is recommended to combine it with vegetable or fruit juices 1:1. Spinach, carrots, apples, cucumbers, pumpkins, oranges, and pears are suitable.

The juice mixture is diluted in 600 ml of water and stirred . This fresh juice is consumed for breakfast or dinner, replacing a full meal. The daily intake rate is 0.5 liters of the drink. The duration of treatment is not limited. The result will be noticeable no earlier than in a month.

Possible harm and contraindications

Main contraindications:

  • cystitis, large stones and inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • allergy;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy - due to accelerated blood circulation in the pelvic organs, placental rejection and premature labor may occur.

Side effects from excessive consumption of parsley drinks:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • muscle pain;
  • rapid weight loss.

Sample menu for the day

An approximate menu for weight loss is presented below (using the example of one day’s diet).

EatingApproximate menu
Breakfast200 grams of porridge made from oatmeal, without salt and sugar, 2 whole grain breads
2 breakfast100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 apple
DinnerA serving of rice soup cooked in vegetable broth, 100 grams of boiled veal, 150 grams of seaweed salad
High tea menuA small amount of dried apricots
DinnerSteam omelette made from three eggs, 250 grams of vegetable salad with parsley

Salads with parsley help suppress appetite and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. There are the following recipes for preparing low-calorie dishes:

  1. You need to chop the parsley, then cut 1 sour apple into slices. Celery and lettuce are added to these ingredients. Season the finished salad with a small amount of lemon juice. If desired, you can add a little dill to the dish.
  2. Grind 1 medium carrot and small beet on a grater. After this, you need to add shredded white cabbage and parsley leaves to the salad. Season the finished dish with a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice.

During the hot season, this salad can be eaten instead of the main meal.


Positive reviews about losing weight with parsley were left by those who simultaneously adhered to proper nutrition and worked out in the gym.

Valeria, 25 years old : “On my mother’s advice, I drank kefir with parsley and ginger. I needed to lose 2-3 kg and fit into my favorite dress before my friend’s wedding. Two weeks later, the scales showed the cherished figure: 2 kg went away quickly, but returned just as quickly. This method of weight loss is effective when you need to tighten your stomach before an important event, and nothing more.”

Inna, 37 years old: “I tried a lot of different diets for weight loss and fasting days. I recently found information about the effect of parsley on excess weight and decided to try drinking a smoothie in the morning. In addition, I signed up for the gym and adjusted my diet. I combined different products: spinach, cucumbers, orange, apples, strawberries. Of course, not everyone will like the drink due to the noticeable smell and taste of parsley, but I liked it. At the control weighing a month later, the scales showed minus 5 kg. I think this is the merit not of the smoothie, but of the PP and training in the gym. In any case, it hasn’t gotten any worse, because greens have a lot of beneficial properties.”

Olga, 30 years old : “I love parsley - it’s my favorite green. Recently, a nutritionist friend advised me to drink tea from the leaves and stems or add greens to kefir to speed up metabolism. I gave myself a fasting day once a week for a month. I drank only kefir cocktail with parsley, orange or apple. I lost 3 kg in a month without much effort.”

How to drink lemon juice with olive oil

Nutritionists recommend drinking fresh lemon mixed with olive oil. This mixture removes toxins from the body and removes harmful low-density cholesterol. Therefore, this useful home remedy cleanses the liver and strengthens the heart. Using a cocktail in the morning helps get rid of symptoms of intoxication and can treat bad breath.

If you take castor oil instead of olive oil, you will get an effective cocktail that has a laxative and cleansing effect. It is an excellent alternative to an enema. The use of castor oil is contraindicated if you are prone to constipation.

Lemon with flaxseed oil is an effective detoxifier that is easy to use at home. It is important to drink it during rehabilitation after poisoning.

Benefits of lemon juice for women

The antioxidants contained in fresh lemon juice improve the functioning of the epidermis, eliminate pimples, blackheads, and rashes. After internal and external use of this drink, women's skin improves. Lemon drink improves the condition of premenstrual syndrome. It is necessary for women's diseases (it works as an anti-inflammatory agent without the side effects of NSAIDs).

Before drinking the drink during pregnancy and breastfeeding, consult a doctor. Pregnant women may develop individual intolerance to this drink. In the absence of contraindications, lemon juice improves a woman’s well-being and helps cope with the manifestations of toxicosis.

Despite the fact that lemon juice is considered an allergen, it is not harmful in small quantities. Fresh juice must be drunk through a straw because it can destroy tooth enamel.

Fresh juice is useful for both the baby and the woman during breastfeeding. It enhances milk production. And the presence of ascorbic acid in its composition will protect the body from viral and bacterial diseases. It is recommended to introduce this medicine into the diet one month after birth. On the first day after you start taking the juice, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction.

How much can you lose on parsley?

By following the rules for taking fat-burning drinks based on parsley roots, herbs and seeds, you can lose weight by 1.5-3 kg in a week , and by 5-7 kg in a month. The rate of weight loss depends on your diet and level of physical activity. You won't be able to lose much weight with green smoothies alone.

The weight loss effect is achieved primarily through the removal of excess fluid . Controlling your caloric intake and exercising 2-3 times a week will help you achieve lasting results.

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