Calories Pork, tenderloin. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

12/09/2014 / Meat products

Pork tenderloin, BJU and calorie content per 100 g of product
Calorie content
142 kcal
19.4 g
7.1 g
0 g

Pork is one of the most popular types of meat today. Store and market counters offer a variety of pig parts for consumption. Pork tenderloin is considered a delicacy and dietary product because... contains a minimal amount of fat layers.

Pork tenderloin in other servings:



QtyA portionCaloriesIn the counter
100 g133
1 g1.33
99 1 chop (from 113g raw) = 74.5g99
603 1 lb = 453.6g603
443 1 cooked piece from 0.5 kg. raw meat = 333g 443
626 1 roast = 470.8g626
38 1 ounce = 28.35g38

How many calories are in boiled pork?

Boiled pork is considered a source of protein and amino acids. It should be included in the diet of nursing mothers for intensive milk production.

Pork is often boiled to obtain a tasty broth, which then becomes the basis for first courses. The calorie content of boiled pork is 375 kcal per 100 grams. However, if you choose lean boiled pork, the calorie content of the dish will be less.

Calories in stewed pork

Another method of cooking meat that is safe for health is stewing, during which no harmful carcinogens are formed. In addition, stewed pork is even better absorbed by the body. By adding vegetables to your dish, you will get maximum benefits without harm to your health.

The calorie content of stewed pork ranges from 235 kcal per 100 grams to 350 kcal, depending on the fat content of the meat. For example, ribs will be lower in calories. Meat is often baked in the oven, which is also an example of a tasty and healthy dish. How many calories are in oven-baked pork depends on the additional ingredients; on average, it is 335 kcal per 100 grams, excluding additional products.

How many calories are in fried pork?

Fried meat is harmful to eat (and is considered the most harmful) due to cholesterol, added fat and frying oil. Therefore, the calorie content of fried pork is on average 489 kcal per 100 grams.

To reduce this indicator, use a non-stick frying pan and add less oil and fat during the frying process.

People suffering from diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular system, as well as atherosclerosis and diabetes should limit the consumption of this dish.

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Pork tenderloin has found wide use in the cuisines of different nations of the world. Due to the high cost of such a product, boiling or stewing it is considered not rational. You can use other parts of pork for these purposes. However, pork tenderloin is ideal for more sophisticated dishes that can decorate both a holiday table and delight you on weekdays. To prepare such dishes, pork is cut into medallions and fried. To make the meat more juicy and soft, it can be marinated in a mixture of seasonings and garlic before processing. Nowadays, there are many other recipes using pork tenderloin. You can serve potatoes or any cereal of your choice as a side dish.

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Composition of nutrients, BJU

Pork tenderloin

For quantity: 100 grams
— 133
Calories from fat - 35
Total fat content3.88g
Total carbohydrate content0.59g
Dietary fiber0g
Vitamins and microelements
A - 0.4 µgC - 0.51 mg
B-6 – 0.68 mgB-12 - 0.61mcg
D - 0.22 µgE - 0.14 mg
Calcium 6mcgIron 1.08 mg
Magnesium 26.83 mgZinc 2.06mg
Potassium 485 mgSodium 192 mg

Distribution of calories for BJU:

Carbohydrates (6%)

Fats (26%)

Proteins (68%)


There are no particularly significant contraindications; the main thing is to cook the meat correctly. People with liver disease or gastritis may not eat pork. However, tenderloin can be classified as a dietary product, so people can eat it, but they shouldn’t rely heavily on it. No other harmful contraindications have been identified; there are no restrictions on its consumption.

There is an opinion that eating pork has a detrimental effect on health, but there is no need to give it up completely, since any person needs good nutrition.

Pork calories

One of the highest calorie types of meat is pork (after rabbit). Despite the fact that the calorie content of pork is high, this meat is included in the diet of many people; it is actively used for preparing broths, soups, minced meats, appetizers, and main courses. When cooked, the number of calories in pork remains almost unchanged, so the calorie content of boiled pork is not very different from the calorie content of fried pork. However, we will dwell on these issues in more detail in our article; we will talk about how many calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in pork per 100 grams, depending on the method of cooking the meat.

Pork is a healthy meat. If we compare it with beef, then it contains less fat, and therefore less harm to blood vessels and the heart. In addition, it is easily absorbed in the human body.

Pork (tenderloin)

  • Calorie content: 142 kcal;
  • Proteins: 19.4 g;
  • Fat: 7.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates: 0.0 g

Pork tenderloin Pork is a popular food product among the population.
But the most popular is tenderloin, which stands out not only for its taste, but also for its low calorie content. Meat lovers appreciate all its beneficial properties. Therefore, they give preference to the most valuable part of the carcass - the tenderloin. The tenderness of the meat and the special taste are due to the fact that this particular muscle of the carcass is not exposed to physical stress throughout the life of the pig.

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