How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones: face building, makeup, injections

Why cheekbones lose shape: main reasons

The most common reason for the appearance of chubby or bulldog cheeks, a double chin and nasolabial folds is a genetic predisposition, not excess weight. A person inherits his basic facial features from his closest relatives: mom, dad, grandparents. As a rule, unattractive cheekbones and a small chin go along with ugly cheeks.

How to get rid of nasolabial folds at home

There are other reasons why cheekbones may lose their shape and clearly defined contours:

  • disturbance of the water balance in the body - if the body does not have time to remove excess fluid naturally, then edema occurs. Hence the effect of large cheeks;
  • Excess weight and poor diet - fat is deposited throughout the body. Some people get fatter in their thighs and buttocks, while others get fatter in their face. Please note that with sudden weight loss, sagging of the cheeks occurs, and the problem can only get worse;
  • hormonal imbalances in the body - chubby cheeks can appear in thin teenagers during puberty. When the process ends, most often the face returns to its previous shape.

However, there are many ways to get rid of this cosmetic defect. Let's talk about the three simplest and most popular methods.

How to tighten your facial contour?

Modern methods of appearance care offer a choice of several options for restoring elasticity to the skin of the face.

Daily care

Sagging cheeks and skin laxity should first of all be combated with the help of skincare treatments and cosmetics.

Face massage

Improves blood circulation, promotes proper blood circulation in skin tissues and timely renewal of epidermal cells. For massage, you can use medium-hard brushes and towels made of natural fabrics. If you do not neglect this procedure and carry out it twice a week, your skin will always be in good shape.


One of the most important stages of cleansing and renewing the skin, thanks to which dead cells are removed. You can use this method at home, using appropriate purchased or homemade cosmetics. In a cosmetologist's salon during the cold season, when solar activity is not so high, you can do deep peelings that completely renew the epidermal cells.

The right cosmetics and ice

Take time to choose high-quality skincare products for yourself, and if necessary, consult with a specialist. We are talking not only about moisturizer, but also about age-related serums and sunscreens. Select them depending on your skin type and the content of active substances in the composition. You can wash your face with ice in the morning. Cold cubes improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. Chamomile and mint solutions can be added to the ice base.


Fabric face masks soaked in various herbal or iodized salt solutions have a significant tightening effect when used regularly. After compresses, it is necessary to apply a cream with a lifting effect. Procedures must be carried out several times a week;

Contrasting washes

The best way to remove puffiness and achieve instant results is to wash your face alternately with warm and cold water. If the procedure is repeated daily, the lifting effect can be observed within a week. This method also helps to quickly get rid of swelling.

Changing your diet

As we have already mentioned, poor nutrition and weight gain lead not only to swelling, but also to gradual aging of the skin. If you want to highlight your cheekbones and lose weight in your face, you must follow certain rules:

  • Monitor your fluid intake - scientists have long said that you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. This is important not only for skin hydration (everyone knows that well-hydrated skin is less susceptible to age-related changes), but also for metabolism in general. With a sufficient amount of fluid in the body, metabolic processes in the skin allow it to renew itself in a timely manner, reducing the likelihood of swelling. You can drink green tea - it has a tonic effect;
  • eat small meals often - nutritionists recommend dividing meals into 6 parts: 3 main meals and 3 snacks. Don't overeat, don't eat at night, chew your food thoroughly. This way of eating will not only allow you to lose weight, but will also use the facial muscles responsible for facial expressions. You can think of this as a kind of gymnastics;
  • Don’t eat unhealthy foods – say no to fast food, sugar and salt. They not only retain fluid in the body and lead to swelling, but also add extra calories;
  • include more fruits and vegetables in your diet - they contain fiber and vitamins that have a positive effect on skin elasticity, stimulate collagen production and prevent sagging. It is better to eat them raw so that they do not lose nutrients during heat treatment;
  • Avoid alcohol – it dehydrates the body. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes sluggish, flabby, and ages quickly. You swell and your face becomes round;

Remember that it will not be possible to purposefully lose weight in your face so that you have aristocratic facial features and cheekbones that stand out. You need to follow a comprehensive diet, exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Gymnastics for the face

Specially designed sets of exercises will help improve skin turgor and correct the oval shape. The most important thing is to do them daily, otherwise there will be no effect. Be persistent and do gymnastics constantly. You will be able to evaluate the first results in a month.

Exercise 1

To remove excess fat deposits on the chin and visually narrow the oval of the face, perform chin stretches. Place your hands on the surface of the table at which you are sitting and rest your chin on them. For some time, tilt your head towards your palms as much as possible, as if overcoming their resistance. Repeat 20 times.

Exercise 2

Puffing up your cheeks will help highlight your cheekbones. Take more air into your mouth and “roll” it from one side to the other. Repeat until you get tired.

Exercise 3

The following gymnastics helps prevent sagging cheeks: close your teeth and lips tightly and push the lower part of your jaw forward. Be careful not to open your mouth. Repeat 10 times, holding for a few seconds in the final position.

Exercise 4

Another good exercise for shaping your cheekbones is the counter smile. Pull your cheeks in as much as possible and press on them with your index fingers. Without changing the position of your cheeks, try to smile. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 5

Having taken a sitting position, tilt your head back and try to capture your upper lip with your lower lip. Perform 15 times in several approaches.

Exercise 6

Place a pencil between your teeth, hold it tightly and try to write a few words in the air. Repeat for as long as you can.

Exercise 7

Stand up and straighten up. Wrap your arms around your shoulders. Stretch your neck as far as possible and take a deep breath. Stay in this position for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 7

Pull out your lips and pronounce all the vowels of the alphabet. Try to do this in such a way that you feel the tension in your facial muscles.

Exercise 8

Close your mouth tightly and draw air into your cheeks through your nose. Release it slowly through slightly parted lips. Repeat several times.

Exercise 9

Lie down on the floor and stretch out properly. Lift your head from the surface and very slowly lift it towards your chest, and then turn it in different directions. Don't lift your shoulders off the floor! Perform 10 repetitions.

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones - face building, diet, surgery
set of exercises

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones - face building, diet, surgery
most popular exercises

Cosmetology procedures

If changing your diet, cosmetics and gymnastics do not have the desired effect, you can seek the help of cosmetologists. Modern technologies allow you to quickly adjust your appearance according to your wishes.

Contour plastic

A proven way to correct the shape of your face. This correction method uses fillers - products based on hyaluronic acid, which fill the folds of the skin and allow you to highlight individual parts of the face. The advantages of the procedure include:

  • quick results;
  • long-term effect (in some patients it lasts more than a year);
  • relative painlessness of the procedure;
  • no serious contraindications.

This procedure is preferred by young girls whose signs of aging and sagging skin are not yet so noticeable. Filling with fillers allows you to make your cheekbones more pronounced and smooth out the effect of “chubby cheeks.”

Laser rejuvenation

A safe and effective method to give your appearance aristocratic features. The surface of the skin will be treated with laser beams that penetrate the lower layers of the skin and heat them. As a result, blood circulation improves and the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated. After the procedure, the oval is noticeably tightened, skin sagging is reduced, and “bulldog cheeks” disappear. Usually a course of 10-15 sessions is prescribed. This method is often combined with plasma lifting. In this case, a person’s own plasma is injected into the skin tissue. As a result, regeneration processes are accelerated, the face looks healthier and younger.


One of the newest techniques for correcting the oval of the face is a lift using mesothreads. They allow you to solve problems with age-related changes and highlight your cheekbones. Using very thin needles, polydioxanone threads are inserted under the skin. This is an absolutely non-allergenic and safe material that is eliminated from the body naturally within 10 months. The threads create a frame of collagen and elastin fibers, tighten the oval and prevent the cheeks from sagging, thereby advantageously outlining the cheekbones. The procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • blood diseases;
  • oncology;
  • acute infections;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin.

Endoscopic lifting

This surgical method involves the administration of general anesthesia. Small incisions are made along the hairline. A small camera (endoscope) is inserted into them. The doctor separates the soft tissue from the muscles and stretches them, securing them with a special material that dissolves naturally after some time. The operation lasts no more than 2 hours; traces of the intervention completely disappear after 2 weeks. It allows:

  • get rid of the “tired” look;
  • remove deep wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose;
  • tighten the cheeks and highlight the cheekbones;
  • raise the corners of the mouth, thereby giving the face a more aristocratic look.

This lifting is contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes, oncology and bleeding disorders. It is not performed on patients over 50 years of age, since it is not effective at that age.

From this article we learned about effective methods for correcting facial contours. If you want to highlight your cheekbones or get rid of chubby cheeks, choose any of the methods described in this material.

How to quickly remove cheeks and make cheekbones with exercises

Facebuilding is a fashion trend that means physical exercise for the face. With its help, you can restore the previous facial contour over time.

How to quickly remove cheeks and make cheekbones with exercises
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Here are some effective exercises for reducing cheeks and creating sharp cheekbones that you can do at home:

  • Clench your jaw tightly and try to move the muscles in the ear area, as if you were chewing hard food.
  • Fold your lips into a “bow” and move them to the sides, up and down, in circles.
  • Purse your lips tightly. Try to lower the corners as low as possible, being careful not to use the rest of the facial muscles.
  • Hold a pencil or juice straw in your mouth. For 3-5 minutes, continuously “write” or “draw” something.
  • Stretch your lips into a wide smile. Slowly lower your lower jaw as if you want to say, “Ahh.”
  • Raise your head. Move your lower jaw forward while simultaneously folding your lips into a tube.

The exercises are suitable for both women and men. In about a month, they will help tighten sagging, thick cheeks and emphasize the contours of the cheekbones.


Positive dynamics and the desired result can be noticed if you eliminate all bad habits from your life and move more. The use of alcohol-containing drinks and tobacco products will sooner or later lead to the fact that in the mirror you will be able to see a flabby face with grayish unhealthy skin.

How to lose weight in your face so that your cheekbones appear and your cheeks fall in?

Daily exercise (at least 15 minutes a day), including a basic set of gymnastic exercises, will help you get yourself in order Lack of rest, especially sleep, affects your appearance.

Good to know! Drinking a lot of fluids shortly before going to bed at night is not recommended, as your face will be swollen and tired in the morning. For sleeping, it is recommended to choose high-quality pillows, but not high ones. Unwanted defects on the face can appear if a person reads while lying on his back or constantly slouches.

How to lose weight in your face so that your cheekbones appear and your cheeks fall in?
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How to highlight cheekbones with makeup

A competent make-up can make a girl’s cheekbones much more expressive. Most often, ladies with a round face shape suffer from this problem. Therefore, the main rule is to visually stretch and narrow it.

How to highlight cheekbones with makeup
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These simple techniques will help correct chubby cheeks and properly emphasize (highlight) cheekbones:

  • Apply a foundation 1-2 shades darker than your skin color to the cheek area. Rub it thoroughly so that a shadow effect appears, but the transition border is not visible.
  • Use 2 shades of matte blush. The lightest one is for the upper part of the cheekbones, the darkest one is for the lower part.
  • Pull in your cheeks and apply a little dark face sculptor to the hollows that appear. Do the same with the lower jaw line.
  • Lighten the middle of the forehead, chin, and bridge of the nose with highlighter. This will make your face look more elongated.
  • Focus on the eyes. A win-win option is a black and white smokey eye.

How to remove sagging cheeks using cosmetology

You can quickly give yourself cheekbones in just 1 day; you can remove sagging cheeks and nasolabial folds using cosmetic procedures.

How to remove sagging cheeks using cosmetology
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A dense gel made from hyaluronic or poly-L-lactic acid is injected into the cheekbone and chin area. As a result, the zones acquire relief, facial features become clearer, and visually look more harmonious. After a few weeks, a correction is made, and the result lasts for about a year.


These are special fat-burning “cocktails” based on lecithin. They are injected under the skin and activate blood microcirculation and normalize lymph circulation. As a result, the face becomes thinner, and the cheekbones become clearer and more prominent.


An effective way to lose weight in the face is massage, which helps remove excess fluid and normalize blood circulation. A morning lymphatic drainage massage using a special cheek massager is effective.

Simply tapping the face and cheek areas with your palms will also help improve lymph flow. The procedure is best carried out in the morning and evening. Duration – 5 minutes. The tapping should be noticeable, but without strong pressure. After 4 weeks of cheek massage, the result will exceed all expectations.

Note! Special massagers have contraindications for use: the location of blood vessels close to the skin, wounds and cuts on the face, skin diseases, pregnancy and high body temperature.

How to lose weight in your face so that your cheekbones appear and your cheeks fall in?
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