Dr. Laskin's anti-cancer diet: stages, menus and contraindications

Dr. Laskin's diet is a method of curing cancer patients from cancer using a special nutrition system. Its author, Russian oncologist Wulf Laskin, developed his diet after thirty years of practice and an endless search for a medicine that can cure a person from this deadly disease. And he succeeded - while researching the problem of cancer, Laskin came across the work of his Japanese colleague, doctor George Ozawa. Aesculapius from the land of the rising sun treated his patients with a strict diet based on brown rice, which in 90% of cases led to complete recovery from cancer.

The doctor adapted the Japanese oncologist’s system, replacing exotic brown rice with our usual buckwheat. This is how the Laskin diet was born - an amazing method of curing cancer.

What is its essence?

Diet, first of all, is needed for prevention, as well as the elimination of malignant tumors, by influencing them with a special element, the so-called quercetin.

Quercetin is a naturally occurring compound that slows the growth of cancer cells. It is a fairly strong antioxidant. Triggers the protective and restorative functions of the body, which is very important for cancer.

This compound is found in many vegetables and fruits, so there are a lot of them on the menu in the second stage. This is what the idea is based on.

What remains important is how responsibly a person approaches a given lifestyle and diet, whether he adheres to it, and whether he eats other foods. It is important to strictly follow the system that this brilliant doctor outlined for us. This will allow you to achieve the best results in the fight against cancer.

Highlights of the Laskin Diet

The basis of the Laskin anti-cancer diet and, therefore, the main tool in the fight against the disease is buckwheat porridge. It should be eaten without salt, adding a spoonful of wheat bran and seasoning with extra virgin olive oil.

What is the secret of the healing effect of ordinary buckwheat, and how can buckwheat porridge overcome such a formidable disease? The answer is in the chemical composition of buckwheat: its kernels contain a special substance - quercetin, which has an antitumor effect. It stops the growth of cancer cells and provokes their death, preventing the affected cells from reproducing. By constantly eating “shock” portions of buckwheat porridge, a sick person supplies the body with the necessary amount of this antioxidant, preventing the cancer tumor from growing. This is why constant intake of buckwheat porridge is so important in Laskin’s diet, without any deviations from the menu.

In addition to healing buckwheat porridge, Laskin’s diet includes the mandatory intake of rose hips. It is ground into flour and poured with cold boiled water, adding honey. The resulting mass should be taken 30 minutes before meals.

Throughout the diet, the following foods are strictly prohibited:

  • White bread and pastries;
  • Confectionery;
  • Red meat, sausages and smoked meats;
  • Canned food;
  • Milk and any dairy products;
  • All vegetable oils, except olive;
  • Salt, sugar;
  • Alcohol;
  • Lemonades and store-bought juices.

The diet consists of two periods, each of which has its own characteristics and tasks.


Despite the fact that there are only two stages in the diet, there are some key points that should not be violated under any circumstances.

Avoiding salt, sugar, juices from the store, fried and cooked vegetables and fruits, as well as red fish will have a beneficial effect on a cancer patient. He will have to eat a lot of raw plant foods.

This is also worth taking into account, because a small hidden thought may arise about eating something forbidden, but different in taste from the new menu. This feeling must be actively fought. One small defeat in the battle with oneself can mean defeat in the big war against the disease.

The support of loved ones, attention and care will help smooth out all the problems that may arise on the path to recovery.

Before using this diet, you should consult a dietitian.

Nutritional Features

  • You need to eat 300 g of buckwheat daily, which is equivalent to 24 g of quercetin.
  • Consumed fats should be predominantly of plant origin and occupy no more than 10% of the diet.
  • The protein norm for women is 40 g per day, for men – 60 g per day.
  • You need to eat often and in small portions.
  • It is preferable to eat vegetables and fruits raw (choose red or green fruits).
  • You should drink a lot of plain water, tea and juices, at least 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • It is advisable to take your last meal 6 hours before bedtime.

Stage one

Strict and harsh, it is the hardest to get used to. This menu should be followed for one and a half months (47 days). Then you can move on to the second stage.

  • Half an hour before meals, eat carefully ground rose hips, diluted with a small amount of water and honey.
  • They have breakfast with buckwheat prepared in a special way. Take half a glass of cereal in a glass of water and cook until tender. A couple of minutes before this, throw in a spoonful of bran, and then a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.
  • If you are hungry before lunch
  • For lunch and dinner - everything is the same as for breakfast, the only difference is that lunch should be washed down with pineapple juice.
  • the juice at your discretion.

Anti-cancer diet of Dr. Laskin

Ecology of health: Cancer is so far stronger than the efforts of hundreds of thousands of scientists, biochemists, and doctors. The dream of finding a miracle cure that directly targets a malignant tumor remains a dream. Somewhere at the dawn of the last century, a person who found a panacea for this ominous disease was promised a monument would be cast from pure gold. Work continues to find a panacea. As we know, the road can be mastered by the one who walks.

To use recommendations, it is advisable to know who is offering them to you. Wulf Laskin is a doctor with almost half a century of experience, and has been exclusively involved in oncology for more than 30 years.

You can start the buckwheat diet today:

a) three times a day porridge from 1/2 cup of buckwheat;

b) at least 8 glasses of pure water or half-diluted juices.

Cancer is still stronger than the efforts of hundreds of thousands of scientists, biochemists, and doctors. The dream of finding a miracle cure that directly targets a malignant tumor remains a dream.

Somewhere at the dawn of the last century, a person who found a panacea for this ominous disease was promised a monument would be cast from pure gold. Nowadays, gold is used to produce toilets for rich sheikhs and even new Russians. God is their judge. But work continues to find a panacea. As we know, the road can be mastered by the one who walks.

Our story is about one of these people. We are starting a publication about Dr. Laskin's anti-cancer diet for two reasons. First, we know specific people to whom his technique restored life and health. Secondly, it cannot harm anyone; on the contrary, its “side effects” help cleanse and strengthen blood vessels.

Imagine this picture: an oncologist from Moscow is invited to Obninsk to see a seriously ill patient. The diagnosis is lymphosarcoma. There is no need to examine him; he has already been examined dozens of times. The sick Vladimir Tsarev is 46 years old, thin as a teenager, with an unnaturally large belly, as if a man had swallowed a watermelon. He practically does not get out of bed, the fatal diagnosis is known to him, and therefore he greets the new doctor without much enthusiasm. A man of science, he no longer believes in miracles.

On the other hand, the patient, condemned by the inevitable horror of the diagnosis, has the right to expect at least words of hope from the specialist! And the visiting doctor started talking about nutrition, which was extremely necessary in this case, and in conclusion he took a bag of cereal from his briefcase. The amazed patient, not having the strength to even get up from his bed, put his hand into the inside of the bag and saw brown grains on his palm.

- Buckwheat? - Tsarev asked in amazement.

“Yes, buckwheat,” answers Laskin, who has long been tired of astonishing his incredulous patients. “And if you want to get better, this will be the basis of your diet for quite a long time.” But I will return to you exactly in a week. Then we’ll talk in more detail.

A week later, Dr. Laskin was again in Obninsk. And although he was almost accustomed to the fact that the effect can sometimes be amazingly quick, Tsarev still surprised him by meeting him at the door of the room on his own legs, and the watermelon-shaped belly had disappeared, now the hospital gown was defiantly tied with a belt, indicating the waist.

I understand that, having reached this point in the article, any reader with an average set of knowledge about human physiology, and even more so familiar with how the process of cancer occurs, will not experience any other feelings other than disbelief.

Can simple buckwheat fight cancer? The same one, familiar to us from childhood, which, it seems, quite recently (people of the older and even middle generations remember this well) was issued exclusively in orders and only on red dates in the calendar, and today it can be purchased on every corner in any store? That can't be true!

Frankly, we perceived this new information for us with a great deal of distrust and skepticism. And although Dr. Laskin came to the editorial office, as they say, not from the street, but on the recommendation of a long-time friend of the editorial office and co-author of this unique technique, Alexander Balyura, Candidate of Medical Sciences, to believe in healing with three meals a day of liquid buckwheat porridge, accompanied by plenty of drinking - at least 8 glasses per day (preferably not from the tap, since in many of our cities and towns God knows what comes out of the taps, but not life-giving moisture), it was very difficult.

It took many hours of conversations, a thorough study of a multi-page patent, V. Laskin’s publications in the specialized press, consultations with specialists to come to the conclusion: there is no miracle, there is a deep knowledge of the functioning of the body and its dependence on nutrition.

But why buckwheat?

Yes, because it contains the largest amount of vegetable protein . And to suppress the cancer process, it is necessary to limit the entry of arachidonic acid and other fatty acids into the developing tumor and introduce into the body a certain amount of quercetin, which is most found in buckwheat and rose hips.

This same quercetin was discovered by scientists only at the end of the last decade of the 20th century. When our doctor began developing a diet for cancer patients, no one had any idea about quercetin.

He used buckwheat because it is most suitable in terms of amino acid composition. By the way, the famous Japanese scientist and oncologist Georges Ozawa used brown rice as the basis for his diet, which in those years when the Laskin diet was developed was not even a deficiency, but exotic, and one could read about it only in translated books.

The mention of brown rice is interesting because different scientists and doctors in various countries moved in their searches in one direction - to replace animal protein with vegetable protein. And on this basis, build an anti-cancer diet.

Don't be scared by the meagerness of the proposed diet - porridge and water. This is a strict part of the diet, and in the future there will be vegetables, fruits, chicken, and fish. At the same time, the food sets will be varied and you will be able to create your own diet.

And further. The Laskin diet cleanses blood vessels, that is, it fights atherosclerosis, restoring the density of blood vessels , and therefore it will have a beneficial effect on those who suffer from atherosclerosis, and those who, for preventive purposes, do not want to bring themselves to a critical state: heart attacks and strokes.

But first, about what happens in the body when it is overcome by illness. Word from Dr. Wolf Luskin.

Common truths

Both the healthy and the sick need to know well the work of their body... The sick - in order to believe in the possibility of recovery, the healthy - in order not to become sick, not to be afraid of tomorrow.

So, you need to know how a cell is built and lives, the basics of immunology, what carcinogenic viruses and other compounds that cause cancer are.

If the entire life of our body takes place at the cellular level, then the development of the oncological process also begins with the cell. The cell membrane is built from fat-protein compounds, and on the surface of the cell there are receptors, a kind of antennas, with which the cell captures from the blood the nutrients necessary for its life. The cell membrane has a gate through which the necessary substances enter the cell, and a gate through which the product and waste products exit. Here is an example: adrenal cells produce adrenaline, stomach cells produce the enzyme pepsin, etc.

The protoplasm of a cell contains many inclusions. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell. They produce energy, and the fuel for them is magnesium, and the products containing it are very simple to identify: they are green plants. When we eat vegetables, the cells receive energy, the intestines work in a physiological mode, and the time food stays in the body does not exceed 32 hours. In this mode, carcinogenic substances do not have time to interact with the cell’s gene apparatus. Note that people who have bowel movements every 32 hours are less likely to develop colon cancer than those who have bowel movements every 72 hours.

I repeat, I’m talking about banal things, but be patient - it’s useful to remember this for those who have such knowledge. So, when creating living matter, nature provided unconditioned reflexes that the entire animal world follows.

But not a person.

A tired animal sleeps, a hungry animal goes out to get food. A rested, well-fed animal indulges in mating games.

This entire process is controlled by the endocrine system, built on a hierarchical principle. The system is controlled by the subcortical zone of the brain - the hypothalamus. It regulates the qualitative and quantitative composition of hormones in the blood.

Here are two examples.

Firstly, the amount of glucose in the blood should fluctuate between 60-120 mg. When its content is below 60, a feeling of hunger sets in, and a signal from the hypothalamus forces animals and humans to replenish the body with foods containing glucose.

Secondly, the amount of cholesterol in the blood ranges from 180-240 mg. When its content is below 180, an order goes from the hypothalamus to the liver. The liver synthesizes cholesterol from glucose dissolved in the blood.

Glucose and fats, including cholesterol, are energy sources. When the amount of glucose and cholesterol reaches the upper norm, a signal comes from the hypothalamus to stop.

A person perceives the amount of glucose in the blood above 120 mg as a true feeling of satiety. A reasonable person should stop eating. However, what we lack is rationality.

A person has time to notice a true feeling of satiety if he chews a hard piece slowly: 25-30 times. We usually chew twice as fast and stop when our stomach baroreceptors signal that our stomach is full and distended. This is a false feeling of satiety.

The amount of glucose has long reached 120 mg, but glucose continues to flow. Then the hypothalamus orders the pancreas (or rather, the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas) to produce insulin. Thanks to insulin, excess glucose is bound into glycogen, which is stored in the liver in case of hunger. But hunger does not occur, and glycogen turns into fat.

When the amount of cholesterol in the blood is 240 mg, the liver stops synthesizing cholesterol. We move little, so cholesterol is not consumed as an energy material, but, alas, goes to the formation of vascular atherosclerosis. If we had maintained the mobility of a 13-year-old until adulthood, all the cholesterol would have gone into use and we would have lived to be a hundred years old. And even more.

High cholesterol levels in the blood are the problem of a modern sedentary and well-fed lifestyle.

The center responsible for the amount of cholesterol ensures that its concentration does not exceed 240 mg per 100 g of blood and does not fall below 180 mg. Since cholesterol is synthesized in the human body, it should come from outside with food, no more than 15% of the daily amount of fat. In adults, 85% of the amount of fat consumed should be vegetable oils, preferably olive oil. While working on my diet, I recommended any vegetable oil. Later I found out: Spaniards, Italians, and Greeks suffer least often from atherosclerosis. And they only use olive oils. Nowadays, enough food products are produced either without cholesterol or with low cholesterol content.

Excess cholesterol in the body is the cause of atherosclerosis.

Everything can be learned in practice: I noticed, having put women suffering from breast cancer on a buckwheat porridge diet, that some of them, who also suffered from cardiac diseases, stopped taking the appropriate medications.

This might interest you:

Cortisol, estrogen, insulin: How to balance the main hormones with nutrition

Signs of Poor Circulation You Shouldn't Ignore

Looking ahead a little, I’ll note: the cause of cancer is overeating animal protein and oversaturation of the body with cholesterol. published

Author: Vladimir Dobkin

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening; consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatment methods.

PS And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Stage two

The second stage differs from the first in greater variety, which means it will go better and easier. It should be followed for six months to achieve positive results.

  • Before meals they also eat rose hips with honey, but your breakfast . There are only three options: porridge, as in the strict stage, oatmeal or brown rice, all with green tea (any will do), bran bread and raisins.
  • A snack could consist of pineapple, grapes or blueberries.
  • Dinner . There are still three options. The first is lentil soup, salmon with vegetables and a salad consisting of tomatoes, onions and cucumbers with olive oil. The second is bean soup, chicken and cabbage salad with carrots. The third is beetroot soup with vegetable or fruit salad.
  • Dinner includes the opportunity to eat vegetarian food.

Second period of the diet

In the second period, the diet is replenished with various products.


  • Nuts, legumes;
  • Fruits - grapes, apricots, cherries, cherries, plums;
  • Berries - currants, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries;
  • Vegetables – tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, sweet peppers, carrots, cabbage;
  • Dried fruits - figs, dried apricots, prunes.

Boiled fish is allowed in limited quantities. Red meat (pork, veal, lamb) is strictly prohibited, but you can enjoy a little poultry.

The second period of the Laskin anti-cancer diet lasts 5-6 months, depending on the stage of the disease. This stage of the diet is characterized by a significant improvement in the patient’s well-being, the disappearance of painful sensations and a gradual return to the normal rhythm of life.

What then?

As you might have already guessed, it is very difficult to leave such a diet without gaining a few extra pounds. Those who have used this diet are advised not to suddenly rush to tasty, but heavy food. Gradually introducing broths and light dishes is a great start.

You cannot load your body with excessively high-calorie foods. This will negatively affect your well-being. Therefore, do everything gradually and carefully. Of course, some recovered patients no longer return to meat or become raw foodists, but this is not necessary.

Prevention of tumor formation

Serven-Schreiber's popular book captures the essence of "anti-cancer biology." It consists in the daily formation of cancer cells even in a healthy body. Only under certain conditions do they begin to provoke the growth of tumors. In the case of properly functioning protective mechanisms of a healthy body, it is possible to protect a person from mortal danger.

Preventive measures to protect against cancer include the following:

  • protection from harmful environmental influences;
  • avoiding foods that can trigger the development of cancer cells (sugar, white flour and animal fats);
  • maximum consumption of foods containing phytocomponents that help fight cancer (green tea, turmeric, all cruciferous vegetables);
  • gaining mental comfort (any stressful situations contribute to the activation of biochemical processes that stimulate the development of cancer cells);
  • supporting the body's immune system.

To effectively fight cancer, it is necessary to stop progressive inflammatory processes and prevent the formation of new blood vessels. It is with their direct help that cancer cells can form a tumor. Some experts recommend abandoning perfume in favor of eau de parfum, since the concentrated liquid contains ingredients hazardous to human health. After cleaning clothes with chemicals, it is necessary to ventilate them with special care to completely get rid of harmful carcinogenic substances. A calm emotional state and spiritual harmony will have a positive effect on the state of the immune system.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the system include:

  • cancer prevention;
  • elimination of existing cancer cells;
  • cleansing of blood vessels, which reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack;
  • prevention and control of diseases such as ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis.

Among the disadvantages of the anti-cancer diet of Dr. Wolf Laskin is a monotonous diet , especially at the first stage, and also the fact that any deviation from the diet will reduce all work to zero.

In some cases, low amounts of animal protein and fat in the diet may have a negative impact.

Breathing exercises

To improve the condition of cancer patients, doctors developed gymnastics , which is based on proper breathing techniques.

Gymnastics includes one exercise.

It is performed no more than 3 times a day like this: several small breaths, then a short breath-hold, then the collected air is exhaled in the same small portions.

You should approach this exercise with caution, as dizziness may occur.

Gymnastics is used not only to prevent cancer, but also to improve the functioning of the heart and lungs.

How does the exercise work? During its execution, a slight lack of air occurs, which causes hypoxia.

This leads to the restoration of the activity of a special gene , which in the body is responsible for suppressing cancer cells.

Detailed description of anti-cancer nutrition

The anti-cancer diet for oncology was invented by Dr. Wolf Laskin. The essence of the system is to influence cancer cells with substances that are found in large quantities in certain products.

These products have become staples in the anti-cancer diet menu.

The idea came to the doctor after communicating with a Japanese scientist named George Ozawa. He practiced an anti-cancer diet based on brown rice with his patients.

Taking his method as a basis, Laskin invented the buckwheat porridge diet . Both doctors emphasized plant protein in their nutrition systems.

Buckwheat contains a substance such as quercetin . It affects the cancer tumor, suppresses and stops the activity of diseased cells.

The substance is also contained in sufficient quantities in rose hips, so flour from it has become the second main product.

During the diet, animal protein is limited. Laskin believes that consuming it in large quantities causes the development of cancerous tumors.

You can achieve the effect if you unquestioningly follow the recommendations and do not deviate from the diet.

5 basic principles of the anti-cancer diet:

  • separate meals;
  • refusal of canned foods;
  • eating vegetables and fruits raw;
  • volume of fluid per day – at least 2 liters;
  • daily counting of proteins and fiber in the diet.

Alcohol, sugar, red meat, baked goods based on wheat flour, and oil (except olive oil) are excluded from the diet. Daily protein intake is no more than 60 grams for men and 45 grams for women.

Despite the obvious results of the diet, not everyone can follow it.

It is contraindicated:

  • for stomach cancer;
  • for other diseases of the stomach, including its inflammatory processes;
  • with advanced constipation.

You will learn a few more nutritional principles when following the Laskin anti-cancer diet from this video:

Is it possible to cure cancer on your own?

It has long been known that cancer is not a death sentence. And it’s not always a matter of hours-long operations or chemotherapy. Thousands of attempts have been made to cure people using certain plants, fruits, soda, rare mushrooms or carefully designed diets. Many of the attempts were successful.

But victory over the disease is the merit, first of all, of the patient himself. A person, showing a desire to live, moves forward, learns to look at the world around him with different eyes, managing to enjoy the most ordinary little things.

And it is this change in consciousness, together with proper work on your body, that is the reason for success and recovery. There are many cases in which a patient at the most severe stage was miraculously cured in a couple of weeks. And such events are not isolated.

Diet against cancer

A proper diet for cancer patients plays a very important role. Cancer appears due to increased acidity in the human body and is of a fungal nature; fungi thrive in an acidic environment and develop, spreading to all parts of the body.

Acidity depends on a person’s nutrition and his emotional state. So, with anger and negative emotions, it increases, which creates a huge risk. But we cannot, along with our emotional background, forget about what we eat.

Recommended duration

The duration of the diet depends on the severity of the disease . The minimum period is 6.5 months, of which 50 days are spent on the first stage, and the remaining days on the second.

Longer adherence to nutritional rules may be dictated by necessity.

If a cancerous tumor is detected, the patient in any case needs to reconsider his diet. The diet during the second stage of the diet is varied, includes fats, carbohydrates, proteins (including animals in minimal quantities), then it can be maintained for a long time, as long as there is a need for it.

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