Diet 20 kg in 20 days - menu for every day and recommendations from specialists

Losing excess weight is a fairly pressing problem of our days. Thanks to a developed system of various workouts and the availability of all kinds of food products, getting rid of the hated kilograms becomes easily accessible. Sometimes it is urgent to lose weight within a short period of time. However, even in such conditions, the task of losing excess weight is quite feasible. So, this article will cover the question of how to lose 20 kg in 20 days.

The principle of the 20 kg diet in 20 days

Diet minus 20 kg. for 20 days consists of separate power elements. In addition, it is based on alternately skipping meals. If breakfast is missed, then after 4 days they skip lunch, then dinner and so on. When losing weight, you need to give up many foods, which affects the constant feeling of hunger. It turns out that every day a person burns 1 kg.

The advantage of such a diet is that a person gets used to low-calorie foods and refuses unhealthy, fried foods. It is important to enter the diet correctly. And for this, 2 days before the start, drink only kefir or tomato juice with a slice of rye bread.

It is advisable to leave the diet unnoticed so as not to cause harm and not return to your previous weight. In the first days after the diet, meat broths and other types of cereals are gradually introduced. If necessary, you can repeat the diet only after 3 months.

Important! If you need to get rid of 10 kg. excess weight, then you should choose a different diet, not so radical.

Basic principles

The 20-day diet is based on the principle of alternating protein and low-carbohydrate foods, which works great. In addition to this successful combination of products, the diet offers maximum fat restriction, a complete rejection of fast carbohydrates and a minimum daily caloric intake. Thus, the attack on excess weight occurs simultaneously on all fronts.

This system is quite effective for losing weight and gives good results only if all requirements and instructions are strictly followed. If you constantly allow deviations and changes, and supplement the diet with foods not included in the recommended menu, then the effectiveness of the diet is reduced by at least half. Therefore, before you start, you should think carefully about how suitable it is for you.

Contraindications for use

Diet to lose 20 kg. 20 days is not suitable for everyone. The express diet is not for everyone. It is prohibited to use the diet if:

  • chronic diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • under the age of 18;
  • during the recovery period after surgery;
  • To old people.

It is also important to consider that during the initial period of the diet, complications may arise in the form of headaches and depression. But, as a rule, side effects go away after a few days. Throughout the diet, various disruptions may occur in the body due to the heavy load on the kidneys and liver.

What should you avoid?

The key to effective and quick weight loss is giving up so-called bad habits in food and lifestyle.

Frequent snacking

Almost everyone likes to while away the time with a cup of coffee or tea. Coffee itself does not contain a large amount of calories, and drinking tea is a must in the process of getting rid of extra pounds and centimeters. However, such snacks are not limited to these drinks. As a rule, they are accompanied by waffles, cookies, chocolate, as well as other flour products and sweets. For this reason, you should forget about this way of spending time.

Lack or excess sleep

According to statistics, people who are accustomed to spending too little or too much time on sleep during the day are 20% more likely to suffer from excess weight. In this case, you need to stick to the golden mean: get enough sleep.

Recommendations from experts

To lose 20 kg. For 20 days it is useful to follow the recommendations of nutritionists:

  • The diet is used after a thorough health check. There should be no chronic diseases.
  • Drink a lot of clean water, up to 1.5 liters. per day.
  • If your health worsens, you need to stop the weight loss process or use half of it.
  • Avoid physical activity, as this further overloads the body.
  • Avoid spices, sugar and salt.
  • If necessary, consult a doctor about taking a vitamin-mineral complex while losing weight.
  • Do not eat food after 20:00.
  • The time gap between the first and last meals should not be more than 12 hours.
  • It is useful to do an enema during the period of losing weight - cleansing the intestines.
  • To achieve the desired result, it is important to follow your diet, without changing food products to more favorite or tasty ones.

If the desire to eat is constantly present, then you need to drink a glass of kefir or a cup of tea. You can drink green tea without limiting the quantity. To prevent your skin from sagging and your muscles from becoming flabby when losing weight, you can go swimming and hiking. You should not overload your body with physical training in the gym or fitness classes.

To distract your body from the obsessive feeling of hunger, you can do what you love. This will also relieve depression. The support of loved ones and family plays an important role. If you don’t have enough willpower, you shouldn’t sit down together at the same table filled with forbidden foods. To stimulate yourself from time to time, you can try on old clothes to clearly see the results of the diet.

Important! Fasting is not a solution, as it harms the body and has the opposite effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the diet is its richness and balance. Moreover, the absence of one of the meals will work to reduce weight and appetite, so this diet rule should not scare you. Moreover, the diet accustoms the body to consuming less food, which is already very useful in the fight against excess weight.

The disadvantages of the diet include the fact that weight loss is noticeable only after the first week, so you should not expect quick results.

Moreover, the most difficult are the first 5 days of the diet, when the body adjusts to a new diet.

During this period, you may suffer from headaches, apathy and depression. However, after just one or two days, the symptoms disappear.

Recommended number of kilograms for weight loss per month

The process of losing weight in 20 days allows you to lose 20 kg. For those who are overweight, for example 200 kg, burning 20 kg of excess weight is 10%. In this case, the diet must be balanced so that the diet is 20 kg. in 20 days could do more good than harm. But if you need to lose 70 kg. up to 50 kg, then this is too great a loss for a person.

Problems may arise in the cardiovascular system, the functioning of the pancreas, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract may worsen. In addition, the reverse process may occur. Since the body, with a sudden change in nutrition, sets a course for accumulating fat reserves for a “rainy day”. The condition of nails, hair, and skin can worsen due to missing vitamins and minerals. For women, large weight changes can cause hormonal imbalances, even infertility. But in order not to worsen your health, it is recommended to lose 10 kg in a month.

How to overcome physical inactivity?

If monotonous exercises do not excite you, dance. If you like to swim, sign up for a swimming pool. Don't miss the opportunity to walk a few stops, take a walk in a park or square, or play in the fresh air.

Movement will not only enhance the process of thermolipolysis (fat burning), but will also speed up metabolism. Thus, it helps to activate the functions of the excretory system, freeing the body from excess fluid and toxins. In addition, regular physical activity will help improve health, increase the body's immune defense, and improve appearance by training muscles and tightening the skin.

What foods can you eat?

Diet 20 kg. 20 days means taking certain foods on the menu. All recommended products are in the table.

Recommended FoodsServing per meal
cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice)100gr.
dietary meat (chicken, turkey, veal)200 gr.
boiled eggs150 gr.
cottage cheese, milk200 gr.
green tea200 gr.
fruits (grapefruit, apples)1 PC.
vegetables (broccoli, white cabbage, cucumbers, greens, beans, tomatoes, beets, carrots)150gr.

Prohibited Products

Wanting to lose kilos minus 20kg. for 20 days, it is important to give up some foods.

ProductsDanger while dieting
coffeehigh-calorie drink
marinadescontains high-calorie broths, spices
confectionery and bakery productsfoods rich in unhealthy fats and calories
fatty fish and meatsfat content exceeds protein
saltinterferes with the excretion of water in the body
fast foods and semi-finished productsjunk, high-calorie food
sugarhigh-calorie product
spicesincrease appetite
alcoholincreases appetite, leads to failures during dieting

Diet menu 20 kg. 20 days per week

Dietary nutrition should be balanced and rich. Nutritionists recommend drinking 1 glass of non-carbonated pure water 1 hour before eating. It is easier to stick to a diet in the spring and summer, when there are plenty of fresh vegetables and herbs. Apples, greens, and vegetables contain a large amount of essential vitamins. Grapefruit and tomatoes have fat burning properties. All food is boiled, baked or stewed. You can lose weight by using the developed diet menu every 4 days:

  1. Breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese, green tea with fructose. For lunch - rice, chicken fillet, salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, olive oil, 1 glass of milk. They refuse dinner.
  2. Instead of breakfast, they drink green tea without sugar or refuse it altogether. They have lunch with buckwheat porridge and fish, one egg and green tea. For dinner, make cabbage salad with tomatoes, sprinkled with lemon juice.
  3. Have breakfast with cucumber salad seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil. For lunch you can drink 1 glass with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and honey or skip. Dinner is stewed beans with chicken fillet.
  4. Breakfast consists of green tea and low-fat cottage cheese. They have stewed broccoli for lunch. For dinner they eat 1 apple or refuse it altogether.
  5. For breakfast, drink green tea or refuse to eat. They dine on fish with lemon juice, salad with 2-3 cucumbers and herbs. Dinner consists of boiled rice with 2 tomatoes.

The most difficult thing about the diet is to endure the first 5 days without your usual food. During the 20-day diet, the body gets used to eating a little food.

“Real” diet

The “Real” diet contains low-calorie foods that have a positive effect on the immune system. These include:

  • White cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • greenery;
  • broccoli;
  • cucumbers;
  • beans;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • eggs;
  • a small portion of sea fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • green tea.

The products listed above can be steamed, boiled or baked. An important condition for losing weight through the diet mentioned above is the principle of alternation. A woman should avoid breakfast, lunch or evening meals every day.

The best way to lose weight is effective diets

When you need to lose weight in a short time, the thought of fasting immediately comes to mind.

The body, in the absence of food intake, will begin to burn its own reserves and the extra pounds will melt right before our eyes. Needless to say, such diets are extremely harmful and can lead to unpredictable consequences?

Diet is, first of all, the normalization of all metabolic and digestive processes, and not a sharp refusal to eat.

Is it possible to lose twenty kilograms without giving up food and without harming your health? Maybe!

So, if the task is to lose 20 kilograms in three weeks, you need to follow a diet. Below are the 3 best diets for sustainable results.

How to stay in shape while losing weight quickly

If you lose 20 kilograms in three weeks, you can expect the appearance of stretch marks and sagging skin. These unpleasant phenomena can be prevented by:

  • Massage. The massage should be performed using anti-cellulite essential oils that tighten the skin.
  • Wraps. Here it is also worth using products that increase skin elasticity.
  • Sports. Stretching exercises will help maintain the elasticity of the skin; when losing weight, it will recover much faster than without training.

In general, it is enough to follow a healthy diet and do squats and stretching exercises every day to always stay in good shape.

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