Three baked dishes in pots: potatoes with rice, with vegetables and delicious stewed potatoes

  • Meat and poultry - one-pot recipes
  • Julienne - a trendy recipe in a pot
  • Fish - recipe options in pots
  • Vegetables and cereals - low-calorie recipes in pots

Pots are truly a magical kitchen device! It’s not for nothing that in the fairy tales of different peoples of the world the pot plays almost the main role. Its miraculous properties have been known since time immemorial, and in the image and likeness of the cooking method, a double boiler was once even invented, and in the 19th century, a multicooker. But this does not change the useful essence of the pot. And no matter what you cook in it: roasts, soups, casseroles, porridges - everything comes out of the “stove” tasty, aromatic and healthy! We have collected on one page all the most interesting recipes, where the main cooking method is a pot, cocotte makers, julienne makers or heat-resistant molds and molds.

Pearl barley porridge with meat


400 g of dietary meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken, beef, veal are suitable);

  • 1.5 cups pearl barley;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 g mushrooms (champignons can be used);
  • 3 tbsp. l. broth (can be replaced with water);
  • salt, ground black pepper.
  • Recipe:

    1. Peel the onions and carrots, wash the champignons. Cut the mushrooms into slices, and other vegetables into cubes.
    2. Boil water, add salt and put pearl barley in it. Cook until half cooked, place in a sieve.
    3. Fry the carrots and onions in a non-stick frying pan until soft. Add champignons, cook for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
    4. Place the chopped meat at the bottom of the pot. Place pearl barley and fried vegetables on it in layers. Add 3 tbsp. l. water or broth.
    5. Cook covered or with foil at 200°C. After half an hour, take it out and mix gently.

    Dishes in a pumpkin pot. Ingredients:

    I’ve already cooked pumpkin roast once – about ten years ago.:) Then we ate the filling and threw away the pumpkin... Now I found out why this happened and made an edible version. The fact is that in baking a whole pumpkin there are simple but important nuances, which I will tell you about now.

    First, let's prepare the filling. Peel and wash the onions and carrots; Finely chop the onion and start sautéing in a frying pan with sunflower oil. Stirring, cook the onion over low heat for 2-3 minutes.

    Then add grated carrots to the onion and continue to sauté for a couple more minutes, stirring.

    Cut the meat into small pieces and add to the vegetables.

    After frying the meat until the color changes, pour water into the frying pan so that it covers the meat, add salt and pepper, cover with a lid and simmer for 15-20 minutes.

    In the meantime, wash the pumpkin, carefully cut off the top to form a lid, and remove the seeds from the middle.

    Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes. Add potatoes to the meat with carrots and onions, and simmer together for another 10 minutes

    Place the pumpkin in a fireproof form or cast iron frying pan with 2-3 cm of water poured into the bottom.

    Place the meat and vegetables along with the broth in a pumpkin pot.

    Cover with a pumpkin “lid”.

    And then we cover the top with foil, trying to make it more or less airtight.

    These are the three points:

    • put the filling with the broth;
    • pour water into the bottom of the mold;
    • cover the pumpkin with foil

    - I didn’t even take it into account when I cooked it the first time: then I put rice with meat inside and baked the pumpkin just like that, as a result of which it remained raw inside and dry on top. Thanks to the broth inside, water outside and foil, the whole baked pumpkin and the roast in it turn out soft and juicy.

    Place the entire composition - the mold with the pumpkin in it and foil on top - in the oven at 180C and bake for about an hour and a half.

    You can check for doneness by piercing the pumpkin with a toothpick: if it’s soft, it’s ready!

    We gather with the whole family around the table and eat delicious roasted pumpkin straight from the edible “pot” with spoons!

    Buckwheat with beef

    Required Products:

    • 400 g buckwheat;
    • 700 g beef;
    • 2 carrots;
    • 2 onions;
    • 1 liter of hot water;
    • salt, pepper, bay leaf.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Cut the meat, fry over low heat for 5-7 minutes without oil.
    2. Peel the vegetables. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into rings.
    3. Add the vegetables to the pan and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring regularly. Sprinkle with pepper and salt.
    4. Distribute the mixture among the pots. Add 3 tbsp to each. l. dry or pre-soaked buckwheat, bay leaf, a little salt. Pour boiling water so that it covers the food by 10 mm.
    5. Cook covered in an oven preheated to 180–200 °C. Cooking time: 60–90 minutes.

    Recipe Vegetables in a pot. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

    Nutritional value and chemical composition of "Vegetables in a pot."

    The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

    NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
    Calorie content57 kcal1684 kcal3.4%6%2954 g
    Squirrels2.4 g76 g3.2%5.6%3167 g
    Fats0.3 g56 g0.5%0.9%18667
    Carbohydrates11.2 g219 g5.1%8.9%1955
    Organic acids0.2 g~
    Alimentary fiber2.2 g20 g11%19.3%909 g
    Water83.5 g2273 g3.7%6.5%2722 g
    Ash1.154 g~
    Vitamin A, RE106 mcg900 mcg11.8%20.7%849 g
    beta carotene0.646 mg5 mg12.9%22.6%774 g
    Lutein + Zeaxanthin0.21 mcg~
    Vitamin B1, thiamine0.084 mg1.5 mg5.6%9.8%1786
    Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.077 mg1.8 mg4.3%7.5%2338 g
    Vitamin B4, choline4.14 mg500 mg0.8%1.4%12077 g
    Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.225 mg5 mg4.5%7.9%2222 g
    Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.318 mg2 mg15.9%27.9%629 g
    Vitamin B9, folates18.487 mcg400 mcg4.6%8.1%2164 g
    Vitamin C, ascorbic acid45.64 mg90 mg50.7%88.9%197 g
    Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE0.454 mg15 mg3%5.3%3304 g
    Vitamin H, biotin0.336 mcg50 mcg0.7%1.2%14881 g
    Vitamin K, phylloquinone24.6 mcg120 mcg20.5%36%488 g
    Vitamin RR, NE1.4706 mg20 mg7.4%13%1360 g
    Niacin0.898 mg~
    Potassium, K382.18 mg2500 mg15.3%26.8%654 g
    Calcium, Ca38.66 mg1000 mg3.9%6.8%2587 g
    Magnesium, Mg18.15 mg400 mg4.5%7.9%2204 g
    Sodium, Na272.25 mg1300 mg20.9%36.7%478 g
    Sera, S21.22 mg1000 mg2.1%3.7%4713 g
    Phosphorus, P63.8 mg800 mg8%14%1254 g
    Chlorine, Cl32.14 mg2300 mg1.4%2.5%7156 g
    Aluminium, Al481.1 mcg~
    Bor, B90.3 mcg~
    Vanadium, V62.61 mcg~
    Iron, Fe0.809 mg18 mg4.5%7.9%2225 g
    Yod, I2.73 mcg150 mcg1.8%3.2%5495 g
    Cobalt, Co2.731 mcg10 mcg27.3%47.9%366 g
    Lithium, Li32.353 mcg~
    Manganese, Mn0.1403 mg2 mg7%12.3%1426 g
    Copper, Cu90.34 mcg1000 mcg9%15.8%1107 g
    Molybdenum, Mo5.462 mcg70 mcg7.8%13.7%1282 g
    Nickel, Ni5.252 mcg~
    Rubidium, Rb210.1 mcg~
    Selenium, Se0.336 mcg55 mcg0.6%1.1%16369 g
    Fluorine, F14.71 mcg4000 mcg0.4%0.7%27192 g
    Chromium, Cr5.25 mcg50 mcg10.5%18.4%952 g
    Zinc, Zn0.3046 mg12 mg2.5%4.4%3940 g
    Digestible carbohydrates
    Starch and dextrins6.021 g~
    Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)3.9 gmax 100 g
    Glucose (dextrose)0.798 g~
    Sucrose0.336 g~
    Fructose0.378 g~
    Essential amino acids0.379 g~
    Arginine*0.06 g~
    Valin0.063 g~
    Histidine*0.018 g~
    Isoleucine0.047 g~
    Leucine0.067 g~
    Lysine0.07 g~
    Methionine0.016 g~
    Methionine + Cysteine0.029 g~
    Threonine0.05 g~
    Tryptophan0.014 g~
    Phenylalanine0.053 g~
    Phenylalanine+Tyrosine0.103 g~
    Nonessential amino acids0.674 g~
    Alanin0.056 g~
    Aspartic acid0.141 g~
    Glycine0.052 g~
    Glutamic acid0.168 g~
    Proline0.051 g~
    Serin0.066 g~
    Tyrosine0.048 g~
    Cysteine0.014 g~
    Sterols (sterols)
    beta sitosterol0.42 mg~
    Saturated fatty acids
    Saturated fatty acids0.1 gmax 18.7 g
    14:0 Miristinovaya0.001 g~
    16:0 Palmitinaya0.044 g~
    18:0 Stearic0.008 g~
    Monounsaturated fatty acids0.082 gmin 16.8 g0.5%0.9%
    16:1 Palmitoleic0.003 g~
    18:1 Oleic (omega-9)0.079 g~
    Polyunsaturated fatty acids0.066 gfrom 11.2 to 20.6 g0.6%1.1%
    18:2 Linolevaya0.065 g~
    18:3 Linolenic0.034 g~
    Omega-6 fatty acids0.1 gfrom 4.7 to 16.8 g2.1%3.7%

    The energy value of vegetables in a pot is 57 kcal.

    Primary Source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

    ** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

    Chicken with vegetables


    • 350 g boneless, skinless chicken breast;
    • 1 kg pumpkin;
    • 200 g frozen vegetable mixture;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 onion;
    • 2 tbsp. l. tomato puree;
    • salt, pepper, herbs.

    You need to prepare the dish like this:

    1. Wash and peel the carrots and pumpkin, cut into cubes.
    2. Add frozen vegetable mixture, diced chicken fillet, chopped onions, and herbs. Pepper and salt.
    3. Distribute food into pots.
    4. Add tomato puree. Pour boiling water so that it covers the ingredients.
    5. Cook for 30 minutes covered in the oven. The recommended temperature is 220 °C.

    Meat and poultry - one-pot recipes

    Pot - what's good about it?! It retains all the most valuable and nutritional properties of foods, without requiring additional oil or a lot of spices. Meat, giblets or poultry cooked in the oven receive gentle heat treatment, and with it a natural taste. In fact, you have an absolutely healthy dish... Almost the same as what our grandmothers once “simmered” in the oven.

    Turkey fillet in pots with vegetables and chanterelles

    Ingredients: turkey fillet, chanterelles, potatoes, carrots, onions, sour cream, salt, black pepper...

    6.96 100 m 90

    Pork stew

    Ingredients: pork, potatoes, shallots, garlic, red sweet pepper, olive oil, ground...

    3.28 80 m 230

    Liver in pots

    Ingredients: chicken liver, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, cream, dill, salt, pepper...

    0.6 80 m 98

    Meat in pots

    Ingredients: beef, potatoes, tomato paste, carrots, onions, champignons, garlic, butter...

    2.92 220 m 124

    Baked chicken breast

    Ingredients: chicken breast, bacon, sage, rosemary, parsley (greens), basil, zucchini, olive...

    3.2 45 m 165


    Ingredients: pork, smoked brisket, raw smoked sausage, white cabbage, apples, onions...

    4.2 120 m 206

    Pasta casserole with minced meat

    Ingredients: pasta, minced chicken, shallots, sun-dried tomatoes, olive oil, cream, ...

    2.52 40 m 202

    Rabbit in the oven

    Ingredients: rabbit, milk, olive oil, sage, leek, shallot, ground paprika, nut...

    1.96 75 m 169



    • 600 g beef;
    • 4 medium potatoes;
    • 2 onions;
    • 400 g canned beans;
    • 2 carrots;
    • 8 cloves of garlic;
    • a bunch of greenery;
    • salt, suneli hops, bay leaf, black pepper.


    1. Cut the meat into medium pieces. Salt, pepper and fry in a frying pan.
    2. Peel the vegetables. Cut the onion into rings, carrots into cubes, potatoes into large cubes.
    3. Place prepared beef, onions, beans, carrots, bay leaves and potatoes sprinkled with spices into the pots in layers.
    4. Fill with water so that the vegetables are completely submerged. Add black peppercorns.
    5. Cook for 1 hour at 200°C.
    6. When serving, season with a mixture of crushed garlic and chopped herbs.

    Potatoes "Palais"

    Ingredients (for 2-3 servings). 400 g potatoes, 2 tbsp. l. grated cheese, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream (15%), ground nutmeg, salt, ground black pepper to taste.

    Instructions. Wash the potatoes, dry without peeling, wrap in foil and bake in the oven until soft. Cool slightly, peel and mash until pureed, stir in grated cheese and spices (add nutmeg a little at a time). Place in a pot, pour sour cream on top and, without closing the lid, place in an oven preheated to 180°C. Heat for about 10 minutes until the sour cream is lightly browned.

    Fish roast


    • 5 small potatoes;
    • 500 g white fish fillet;
    • 250 g of tomatoes in their own juice;
    • 300 ml water;
    • green onions;
    • spices, salt.


    1. Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes. Do the same with fish fillets.
    2. Place some potatoes in the bottom of each pot. Sprinkle with salt and spices (ground garlic, a mixture of Italian herbs, turmeric, paprika will do).
    3. Add fish fillets and remaining potatoes. Season, add salt.
    4. Place tomatoes on top and add a little water. The more liquid, the less thick the dish will be.
    5. Bake covered at 180°C. After 40–50 minutes, take out one pot and check the readiness of the potatoes. If it is hard, cook the dish for another 10 minutes under the lid. If soft, also 10 minutes, but without a lid.
    6. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

    Tuna with beans in a clay pot

    Ingredients (for 4 servings). 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 onions, 2 large cloves garlic, 1 cup pre-cooked white beans, 1 large tuna steak, 4 tbsp. l. chopped parsley leaves, ground black pepper and salt to taste.

    Instructions. Peel the onion and garlic, cut the onion into rings, chop the garlic. Sauté both ingredients with half the olive oil. Stir in beans and season with salt and pepper. Coat the bottom of the pot with the other half of the oil. Place half the beans on it. Place the tuna on top (you can cut the steak if desired and/or necessary), cover with the remaining beans, add a little water, cover with a lid and place in a slightly preheated oven. Raise the temperature to 200°C and cook for about 20 minutes (until the fish breaks down easily). When serving, sprinkle the dish with fresh parsley.

    Pumpkin with apples

    Required ingredients:

    • 5 apples;
    • 1 medium pumpkin;
    • 40 g raisins;
    • 0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon;
    • honey;
    • water.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the pumpkin and apples, remove the seeds, cut into small pieces.
    2. Add raisins and ground cinnamon, stir.
    3. Pour 1 tbsp into the bottom of each pot. l. water. Lay out the prepared ingredients.
    4. Cook covered for 20 minutes at 250°C. Reduce temperature to 120°C and leave for another 20 minutes.
    5. When serving, pour over natural honey and juice released during baking.

    Asian style eggplants in a pot

    Ingredients (for 2-3 servings). 1 medium-sized eggplant, 2 large cloves of garlic, 1 onion, 1/3 tbsp. dry red wine, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 1 tsp. maple syrup, salt to taste, 1 tsp. corn starch.

    Instructions. Cut the eggplant into cubes. Peel the onion and garlic and chop finely. Mix all ingredients and place in a pot. Cover with a lid and place in a slightly preheated oven. Raise the temperature to 230°C and cook for half an hour. Then add cornstarch, stir and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

    Baked eggplant


    • 1 eggplant;
    • 2 onions;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 bell pepper;
    • 100 g champignons or other mushrooms;
    • salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the eggplant and cut into cubes. Sprinkle with coarse salt and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly under cold water.
    2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the pepper into strips. Add salt and pepper.
    3. Peel, chop and fry the onion in a non-stick frying pan. Add chopped eggplant and bell pepper. Fry until done.
    4. Cook the champignons in a separate bowl.
    5. Place all ingredients in pots and fill with water.
    6. Cook in the oven at 200 °C for half an hour. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

    Julienne - a trendy recipe in a pot

    The homeland of julienne is France. However, the inhabitants of the Champs-Elysees use this word to call young July vegetables cut into thin strips. In Russian cuisine, everything is a little different: our julienne is mushrooms, chicken or shrimp covered with a crust of cheese in a sauce made from flour and milk. So our French julienne is a cat. But, as they say, even if you call it a pot...and put it in the oven, it will be equally delicious!

    Julienne with mushrooms

    Ingredients: porcini mushrooms, onions, sour cream, butter, hard cheese, garlic, salt, pepper...

    0.8 25 m 142

    Chicken julienne

    Ingredients: chicken breast, Parmesan cheese, mushrooms, cream, salt, pepper mixture, high-grade wheat flour...

    3 60 m 256

    Julienne with chicken and mushrooms

    Ingredients: chicken breast, champignons, onions, sour cream, hard cheese, vegetable oil, ...

    2.76 30 m 196

    Julienne in tartlets

    Ingredients: champignons, onions, sour cream, butter, tartlets, hard cheese, salt, pepper...

    1.92 40 m 184

    Liver with mushrooms

    Ingredients for 2 pots:

    • Beef liver - 800 g;
    • Sour cream - 1 glass;
    • Onion - 2 pcs;
    • Dried mushrooms - 5-6 pcs;
    • Sugar - 2 tsp;
    • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l;
    • Butter - 50 g;
    • Flour – 0.5 cups;
    • Salt and ground pepper - to taste.

    Pre-soak the mushrooms in water for a couple of hours.

    Cut the liver into finger-thick slices, sprinkle with salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry in butter until browned. Fry until done, so that when pierced with a fork, red juice will come out of a piece of fried liver.

    Boil the mushrooms, chop finely and fry along with chopped onions.

    Place the liver along with mushrooms and onions in clay pots, pour half a glass of mushroom broth into each pot, add half a glass of sour cream, a spoonful of tomato paste and simmer until the liver is ready for 15-20 minutes in the oven.

    Tomato soup baked in the oven

    Tomato soup Ingredients for 6 servings:

    • Tomatoes – 1 kg;
    • Broth (chicken or vegetable) – 800 g;
    • Onion – 3 pcs;
    • Hard cheese - 150 g;
    • White bread - 3 pieces;
    • Garlic – 3 cloves;
    • Olive oil – 3 tbsp;
    • Salt, pepper - to taste.

    Finely chop the onion and garlic. Chop the peeled tomatoes into small cubes.

    Take white bread made from wholemeal flour. You can lightly dry it in the oven or toaster. Cut into small slices.

    Pour olive oil into a cauldron or thick-bottomed pan, add onions and garlic, lightly fry, add tomatoes.

    Pour in the broth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Close the lid and leave on low heat for 40 minutes.

    Pour the soup into pots, put a slice of bread grated with garlic into each pot, sprinkle generously with cheese, and drizzle with butter.

    Bake the soup for 15-20 minutes until the cheese crust is crispy and golden brown. Cool slightly and serve. Eat straight from the pot.

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