Diet on salads: -5 kg, menu for 3 days, 7 days, and chicken. Reviews

Benefits of a vegetable salad diet

The easiest and most effective way to lose weight is to include only salads in your daily menu. Vegetables are rich in fiber and valuable vitamins, so this diet has the following benefits:

  • High-quality intestinal cleansing due to high fiber content;
  • If you stick to it seasonally, this diet will be very affordable;
  • Variety - you are allowed to eat a large number of vegetables;
  • Taste characteristics - fresh vegetables are very tasty, especially if you approach the preparation with imagination;
  • Fortification - a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients strengthen almost all body systems and promote health;
  • Low calorie content - all vegetables have very low energy value, so you can literally eat them unlimitedly;
  • Easy to tolerate - since vegetables are low-calorie, you can eat them often and in large portions to satisfy your hunger;
  • Easy to organize - to prepare a salad you just need to wash and cut the vegetables.

Vegetables are rich in fiber and valuable vitamins

The main nuances of the salad diet

The main nuances that should be taken into account when eating a salad diet:

  1. Vegetables should be chosen of high quality, in season, to minimize the risks of nitrate poisoning.
  2. Toxins and excess water leave the body. To avoid dehydration, you need to drink plenty of clean water between meals. This helps speed up metabolic processes and reduce appetite.
  3. Green vegetables are considered the least nutritious - cucumber, cabbage, bell pepper, greens. Therefore, it is recommended to add components of this color to every salad.
  4. When creating a menu, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics and preferences, and to make the diet easier, you should choose your favorite foods and those to which you cannot be allergic.
  5. In case of acute illness, the diet must be agreed with a doctor.

Dietary salads for weight loss: main ingredients

The main ingredients of diet salads for weight loss are vegetables, both raw and boiled. Salads should also contain eggs, low-fat hard cheeses, lean meats and fish. Combining the main source of protein (meat) and fiber (vegetables) allows you to perfectly balance the menu. Diet salads for weight loss should also be supplemented with grain bread and vegetable broths.

The following components should be avoided in diet salads for weight loss:

  • Fatty dressings - sour cream, mayonnaise, sauces;
  • Sausages and smoked products;
  • Canned meat and fish;
  • Any ingredients that go through the frying stage (mushrooms);
  • Canned, pickled vegetables;
  • Legumes.

Also, when preparing salads, it is necessary to use spices to a minimum; to enhance the taste, you can add herbs (dill, parsley, basil), as well as ginger, horseradish, and cinnamon. Salad recipes may include nuts rich in vitamins A, E, as well as B vitamins, microelements (iron, calcium, phosphorus), and fatty acids. Walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, and almonds can be used in dietary salads.

Types of salad diet

There are several types of salad diet according to duration:

  • Fasting day on salads;
  • Express diets lasting 3-7 days;
  • Detox programs last on average from 7 to 10 days;
  • Long-term diets up to 30 days.

According to the products that are included in the salad before the diet, there are:

  • Diets on vegetable salads;
  • Diets on fruit salads;
  • Diets on protein salads;
  • Balanced diets with salads from different ingredients.

Express diet

Express diets based on salads are a great way to achieve quick and healthy weight loss of up to 5 kg in 7 days. You can follow it from 3 to 7 days and during this time the following are allowed for consumption:

  • Green vegetables: greens, spinach, cucumber, zucchini, all types of cabbage, bell pepper, celery;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Beet;
  • Onion;
  • Carrot;
  • Fermented milk products with minimal fat content: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese 0%, sour cream and cream 10%;
  • Vegetable oils that cannot be heat treated;
  • Flax seeds, chia, walnuts;
  • Dry fiber and bran.

The menu for each day looks like this:

  1. Breakfast - salad of boiled beets, walnuts, seasoned with 10% sour cream.
  2. Snack : tomato juice.
  3. Lunch - salad of baked eggplants, zucchini and greens.
  4. Snack : cucumbers.
  5. Dinner - salad of cottage cheese, tomatoes, bran lettuce leaves and herbs.

Diets on vegetable salads

Useful tips:

  • In order for everything to be absorbed better and the weight loss process to happen faster: do physical exercise. It can be anything - running in the morning, exercise after sleep and before bed, cycling and much more.
  • The salad diet excludes the consumption of salt and sugar. Try to hold out for 7 days.
  • The mandatory water consumption rate is 2 liters per day. Water must be clean, potable and still.
  • For more vitamins, you can alternate different oils: olive, flaxseed, sesame, camelina and others.
  • You need to have breakfast before 12-00, lunch before 16-00 and dinner before 20-00. Despite the generally accepted concept that you should have dinner before 18-00, here you can stretch out the pleasure to make it easier for you.
  • If it is difficult for you to stay on this diet for 7 days, reduce their number.
  • Make one day a shock for the body - sit on lettuce leaves. They are nutritious and have many beneficial properties, but psychologically such a day will be difficult for you.
  • Feel free to improvise with products and swap what you want. Everything is very individual, so navigate according to yourself, as is most convenient for you.

The salad diet has only positive reviews from girls and women who have tried the system on themselves. Everyone is satisfied with the results and the weight loss process itself. Negative reviews are extremely rare, and are most often associated with the lack of animal protein. But in 7 days without meat, nothing terrible will happen to anyone.

A salad system for weight loss with a simple menu is ideal during your vacation or long weekends or holidays. Professional nutritionists call this diet for weight loss a fasting diet. Even if you don’t make it through the week, the diet will still have a positive effect on your body.


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Fruit salad diet

Diteta on fruit salads is also called delicious due to the pleasant taste characteristics of the fruit. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and is easily tolerated by those losing weight. Absolutely all fruits are allowed for consumption, but sweet ones (bananas, grapes, mangoes) are best consumed in the first half of the day.

Diet menu for fruit salads for the day:

  1. Breakfast - banana, strawberry and grape salad.
  2. Snack : melon.
  3. Lunch - salad of kiwi, pear and grapefruit, seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt.
  4. Snack : applesauce.
  5. Dinner - citrus salad seasoned with cinnamon.

Interesting. Cinnamon in fruit dishes is not only a spicy flavor, but also an effective appetite blocker. American scientists have proven that its smell helps reduce appetite within a few minutes after a person inhales it.

Menu for 3 days

The most optimal for healthy weight loss are diets that consist of protein, vegetable and fruit salads at the same time. An example of a menu for such a balanced diet for 3 days:

1Fruit salad of peach, nectarine, banana and any berries, seasoned with natural yogurtSalad of baked eggplant, zucchini and bell pepperSalad of chicken fillet, cabbage and cheese with minimal fat content
2Pear, apple and kiwi saladCabbage salad with chicken breastBeet salad with prunes and walnuts
3Mixed berriesSalad "Brush"Seafood with cucumber and egg

You can eat any raw vegetables and fruits as snacks.

Pasta salad

The simplest salad recipes for weight loss

There is nothing complicated in preparing these salads; all kinds of heat treatment options are excluded. It is seasoned, as mentioned above, with vegetable oil. Next, we will consider a step-by-step method for preparing a low-calorie salad for those losing weight.

A salad combining carrots and beets.

Food products included in this dish:

  • Fresh beets – 2-3 pcs.;
  • Fresh carrots – 2-3 pcs.;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Fresh greens.

First, the vegetables are washed and then chopped. Chopped herbs and garlic are added to them. Everything is mixed and seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice.


In addition to salads, the food menu includes stewed vegetables. As an option, vegetable stew is suitable; the recipe will be described below.

Various vegetables are available for preparation. There are no restrictions. You should refrain from adding salt and vegetable oil.


  • Eggplant;
  • Zucchini;
  • Carrot;
  • Tomato;
  • Bulb onions;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Garlic;
  • Greenery.

Vegetables are washed and chopped. Then boil water in a saucepan and put vegetables in it. Simmer until juice appears and water evaporates. When finished, sprinkle with herbs and garlic.

Salad diet menu for 7 days

Within a week, you can lose up to 5 kg using the salad method. The menu might look something like this:

1Fruit salad with yogurtHandful of nutsVinaigrette without potatoes with green peasAppleSquid, cucumber and egg salad
2Fruit smoothieYogurtCabbage, tomato and cucumber saladKefirDietary Olivier made from chicken breast without potatoes, seasoned with low-fat sour cream
3Fruit saladBaked appleRoasted vegetable saladKiwiTuna salad in its own juice, boiled carrots and onions
4Fruit sorbetCitrus saladBeet salad with prunes and nutsAppleChicken and seaweed salad
5Berry smoothie with yogurt and chia seedsFruit sorbetSalad from any raw vegetablesKefirDiet fur coat
6Fruit salad with yogurtHandful of nutsSalad from different types of cabbageGrated carrotsSalad "Brush"
7Fruit saladHandful of dried fruitsBaked vegetable saladKiwiDiet Caesar

Classic salad diet

The classic salad diet is a three-day menu, each day of which is a mono-ration with one variety of vegetable dishes.

Its menu looks like this:

  1. The first day is a salad of grated carrots, seasoned with low-fat sour cream in the morning, olive oil at lunch, and lemon juice in the evening.
  2. Second day - salad of cabbage, herbs and cucumbers, seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice.
  3. The third day is a salad of boiled beets, seasoned with vegetable oil, preferably olive or sesame.

Cabbage salad

When and what salad to eat

The correct distribution of BJU throughout the day is another principle of dietary nutrition. In total, there should be at least 4-5 meals a day. Which one has salads made from vegetables or fruits, meat, cheese or eggs? The final result—a reduction in weight and waist size—depends on the knowledge and application of such subtleties.

For breakfast, it is better to prepare a fruit or vegetable salad with the addition of nuts, raisins, flax or sunflower seeds. To balance carbohydrates, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of cereal flakes: oatmeal or buckwheat. Vegetable salad with mushrooms, eggs or cheese is a complete lunch. Fiber, proteins, calcium - a whole chemical laboratory works and gives the body the necessary strength and energy.

For an afternoon snack - a monosalad of boiled beets or carrots, baked apple or zucchini. Light, tasty monosalads will calm your hunger and allow you to hold on until dinner. A piece of lean meat, fish and some vegetables are the basis of evening salads. Nutritionists recommend eating most of your protein at dinner.

Knowing these simple rules, you can create approximate salad diet menus for weight loss. There are ready-made menu options designed for 3, 7, 14 days. They are easy to adapt to your own capabilities and tastes.

Diet on salads and chicken

The salad and protein diet is a type of protein diet that is often followed for intensive fat burning. It lasts 7-10 days, during which time you can only eat chicken meat prepared using gentle methods (boiling, steaming, stewing, baking), vegetable and fruit salads.

Sample menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast - fruit salad with natural yogurt and chia seeds.
  2. Snack - any citrus.
  3. Lunch - boiled chicken breast, cabbage salad.
  4. Snack - kefir.
  5. Dinner - warm salad of baked vegetables and chicken.

How to switch to a normal diet?

This takes time, otherwise the extra pounds will come back. To ensure that all efforts and labors are not in vain, a gradual transition is necessary. For example, in the food menu you should leave vegetable salads for breakfast and dinner, and for lunch prepare soups or side dishes from vegetables with fish and meat. For breakfast, cook porridge with milk, and in the evening eat stewed vegetables.

It is worth understanding that the specific nutrition does not include physical activity. But after completing the diet, this rule no longer applies. Because proper nutrition and regular physical activity together will bring good results.

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Diet on salads and water

Any diet using the salad method can be called a diet based on salads and water, because maintaining a drinking regime while losing weight in this way is the main rule.

A more stringent option for eating salads on a diet without harm to health and for quick weight loss is to eat a certain type of salad for one day for a week and, besides it, drink only water. Salads can be like this:

  1. Carrot with vegetable oil and lemon juice.
  2. Beetroot with the same dressings.
  3. Cabbage with herbs and lemon juice.
  4. The vinaigrette.
  5. “Brush” salad made from raw beets, carrots and green apples.
  6. Fruit salad “Brush” made from prunes, cue and grapefruit.
  7. Protein salad made from chicken breast, cabbage and greens.

What is the essence of losing weight on salads: benefits and harms

The essence of the technique is the extremely low calorie content of the ingredients used. With a lack of fast carbohydrates and calories, the body begins to independently break down fat layers, due to which weight loss occurs.

The benefit of a salad diet for the body is that throughout its entire duration it is saturated with vitamins and minerals, which improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include its high efficiency and rapid weight loss, and the disadvantages include the following nuances:

  • It is suitable for use only in summer, because... for cooking you can use only fresh, not greenhouse vegetables and fruits;
  • With a long-term diet, allergic rashes and diarrhea may occur;
  • The technique cannot be used for hypertension, obesity, atherosclerosis and renal failure.

The effectiveness of weight loss depends on what the dishes are prepared from: for example, most vegetables are lower in calories, but more filling than fruits.

Doctors often recommend this method for pregnant women: it is relatively easily tolerated, but in addition to vegetables, lean meat and fish should be included in the diet.

How much can you lose?

The average number of calories consumed per day is 1200-1300 Kcal - this is a small indicator. By eating light food for a week, many manage to lose 4 to 7 kilograms.

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Salad diet and porridge

A diet on salads can last longer than 3-7 days if you include a variety of fruit, vegetable, protein salads and cereals in its menu. In fact, you get an example of a balanced, healthy diet. Despite the fact that porridges have a fairly high calorie content, they are considered dietary products and the main sources of slow carbohydrates.

It is better to eat them for breakfast, for lunch - in a limited amount (up to 100 g of ready-made river and brown rice), and in the afternoon, give preference to proteins and vegetables.

Salad with arugula

Sample menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit salad.
  2. Snack - any fruit.
  3. Lunch - buckwheat porridge, vinaigrette salad without potatoes with beans or beans.
  4. Snack - kefir.
  5. Dinner - protein salad with seafood and cucumber.

The essence of the salad diet, beneficial properties, main rules and advantages

A salad diet will provide you with healthy and tasty food; your diet will be rich in vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of systems and organs. You can use the diet only when fresh, ripe fruits and vegetables are in season. A salad diet is a healthy, balanced diet. Beneficial properties of the salad diet:

  • Fast results by eliminating carbohydrates from the diet;
  • Intake into the body of vitamins that are necessary for normal life;
  • Removing excess water from the body;
  • Improving the condition of hair and nails;
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Improving the appearance and condition of the skin;
  • Improvement of the body as a whole.

Before using the diet, you need to read and remember some rules that will help you achieve results more effectively. The main rules of the salad diet:

  • Consult a nutritionist before use;
  • It is necessary to exclude salt, pepper and other spices from the diet;
  • Refuse sweets, sugar, honey for the duration of the diet;
  • A serving should not consist of both fruits and vegetables;
  • Eat in small portions and often;
  • Season salads with lemon juice or olive oil (in small quantities), you can add a little soy sauce;
  • Eat vegetables boiled and fresh, as well as cooked in a double boiler (with the exception of potatoes);
  • Fruit salads should be seasoned with kefir or yogurt (without fat or additives);
  • One of the main ingredients should be greens;
  • During the diet, you need to eat slightly sweet fruits and forget about bananas, melon and sweet grapes;
  • During the diet, you need to drink a lot of water (plain, still, if you wish, you can add a slice of lemon or lime);
  • Before the diet you need to do a fasting day;
  • You can also drink herbal or green teas, coffee without milk and sugar.

If you follow these simple but important diet rules, the result will not disappoint you, but will surprise you.

Recipes for light salads for every day

With a huge number of salad recipes suitable for dietary nutrition, you can choose the most suitable for a particular person and create a menu based on them.

Diet Caesar

Diet Caesar is a protein salad and is ideal for losing weight on chicken and salads. To prepare it you need:

  • 200 g chicken fillet;
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • 100 g tomatoes;
  • 4 quail eggs;
  • A piece of rye or whole grain bread;
  • Half a lemon.


  1. Bake the chicken breast in the oven for 20 minutes.
  2. Cut a piece of bread into small cubes and dry in the microwave for 60-90 seconds.
  3. Boil quail eggs, cut in half.
  4. Finely chop the tomatoes and tear the lettuce leaves into pieces.
  5. Cut the chicken breast into slices.
  6. Mix all ingredients, season with lemon juice.

Brush salad recipe

“Brush” is considered the most effective dish for weight loss. In addition to the fact that the salad has a very low calorie content, all its components have a laxative effect. You need the following products (all in equal proportions):

  • Raw beets;
  • Raw carrots;
  • White cabbage;
  • Green apple.

All ingredients are grated, mixed and consumed with or without dressing. A small amount of cold-pressed vegetable oil (sesame, flaxseed, olive) or lemon juice is suitable as a dressing.

You can use the “Brush” salad on fasting days, three-day express diets, two-week diets, in which this dish must be eaten every day for dinner.


Cabbage salad recipe for weight loss

Cabbage salad is an absolutely dietary dish. Even without special diets, it promotes weight loss if consumed regularly. It's easy to prepare - shred white cabbage and season with lemon juice. Afterwards, you need to let the cabbage release its juice, during this time chop up the greens, add to the cabbage and consume.

You can just as successfully lose weight on a cucumber and cabbage salad - you can add cucumbers to taste without fear that it will somehow affect the calorie content or effectiveness of the dish for weight loss.

Cucumbers and tomatoes

You can also lose weight with a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes - the most successful and favorite combination for the summer. Prepared from cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley and cold-pressed vegetable oil. Vegetables are cut into pieces, mixed and seasoned with herbs and oil.

Salad for weight loss from fresh vegetables

In the summer-autumn period, it is easiest to lose weight on salads, because all the necessary products are available and presented in a wide range. The most delicious vegetable salad is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 100 g white cabbage;
  • 100 g tomatoes;
  • 100 g cucumbers;
  • 100 g bell pepper;
  • 60 g onion;
  • Garlic clove;
  • 40 g of greens;
  • 20 ml olive oil.


  1. Chop the cabbage, chop all the vegetables as desired, chop the greens, and squeeze the garlic through a garlic press.
  2. Mix garlic with olive oil.
  3. Mix the vegetables, add herbs and season with butter and garlic sauce.

Recipe from Ekaterina Volkova

A light salad from Ekaterina Volkova is a protein-rich dish that can be eaten as part of a healthy diet.

Required ingredients:

  • 400 g shrimp;
  • 100 g arugula;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 30 ml lemon juice.


  1. Boil shrimp and peel.
  2. Tear the arugula with your hands and mix with the shrimp.
  3. Season the salad with oil and lemon juice.

This salad can also be prepared on lettuce leaves if you don’t have arugula nearby.

Recipe from Ekaterina Volkova

Salad diet: menu, rules, best recipes

Rules for losing weight:

  • You should remove smoked and fried foods from your diet, as well as sausages, canned food, legumes, sweets, alcohol, various sauces, sour cream and mayonnaise. It is best to use vegetable oils for dressing, and use fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, fish and dairy products in the menu;
  • To increase efficiency and minimize hunger, you need to drink 1.5 liters of water daily;
  • Food should be eaten slowly, chewing thoroughly.

Salad diet for 7 days

This technique is based on alternating meals, and in a week you can lose up to 7 kilograms.

Menu for the week:

  • Day one: we eat only fruits and salads made from them;
  • Day two: we eat vegetables and vegetable salads;
  • Day three: eat meat, prepare vegetable side dishes;
  • Day four is fish day: we eat boiled fish with seaweed and vegetables;
  • On days 5, 6 and 7 we repeat everything from the beginning.

Menu for 2 weeks

For two weeks, in this case, you are allowed to eat cereals, meat, vegetables, soups and fruits. Everything decreases by 7-8 kilograms.

Approximate menu:

  • For breakfast we eat any vegetable salad;
  • We have lunch with soup, salad and boiled egg;
  • We have an afternoon snack with orange;
  • For dinner - salad and egg.

On Greek salad

This diet is based on nuts, chicken, rice, fish, olive oil, herbs, fruits, cheese, dairy products and dried fruits. You can use it for a month, because... they are easy to carry and reduce weight by only 5-7 kilograms.

Indicative menu:

  • For breakfast we eat whatever we want, because... all calories, according to the Greek method, are consumed in the first half of the day;
  • After 2 hours, eat an avocado and 30 g of nuts;
  • For lunch we eat a Greek dish, boiled chicken and stewed vegetables;
  • We have an afternoon snack with nuts and fruits;
  • We have dinner with Greek salad and 70 g of fish.

Recipe :

  • Cut half a Crimean onion into half rings and add vinegar;
  • On top we place tomatoes (2 pcs.), cut into cubes, then - sweet pepper, chopped in the same way, after that - half rings of olives (12 pcs.);
  • The last layer is grated cheese and oregano;
  • Pour in olive oil and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

With vegetables

To lose 5-6 kg in a week, you should include eggs, meat, cottage cheese and fish in your diet.

Sample menu for the week:

  • We have breakfast with a hard-boiled egg and a salad made from vegetables;
  • For lunch we cook chicken fillet and eat it with salad;
  • We have dinner with a mix of seaweed and vegetables, boiled fish;
  • Before going to bed we drink kefir.

With fruits

To reduce weight by 5 kg per week, you should use this sample menu, especially for lovers of sweets:

  • We have breakfast with yogurt and a few pieces of melon;
  • For lunch we prepare a fruit salad consisting of sliced ​​kiwis, oranges and strawberries, and topped with yogurt;
  • For an afternoon snack we eat plums;
  • We have dinner with 70 g of chicken fillet and grapefruit.

With cabbage

This diet is a combination of sauerkraut and fresh white cabbage. You can use it for 3 days, but the weight reaches 5 kilograms.

Approximate menu:

  • We have breakfast with a salad of sauerkraut with onions and cucumbers, dressing - vegetable oil;
  • We have lunch with a salad of fresh cabbage mixed with peas, herbs and onions;
  • For dinner, chop broccoli salad, add onions and boiled chicken fillet to it.

Green salad diet

The principle of this diet is to use only green vegetables for three days: cabbage, lettuce, spinach, peppers, cucumbers, parsley, dill, celery. In 3 days, weight indicators decrease by 3-4 kilograms on average. In addition to vegetables, you can eat lean meat and fish, as well as soups.

Sample menu:

  • We have breakfast with a salad of green vegetables;
  • After 2 hours, drink a glass of vegetable juice;
  • For lunch we make vegetable soup, eat it with a piece of meat;
  • We have a salad with celery for dinner.

With kefir

For diseases of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder, it is useful to arrange fasting days on a salad prepared according to the following recipe:

  • We grate 2 fresh carrots on a fine grater, then do the same with rare ones (3 pieces), but choose a larger grater;
  • Cut 2 apples into cubes, mix everything with kefir (100 g);
  • After mixing, sprinkle chopped onion and cumin on top.

With cucumbers and tomatoes

This dish, which is familiar to everyone, can be used to correct your figure by including it in your diet for a week. It is also allowed to eat meat, rye bread, tea and coffee without sugar.

Sample menu:

  • We have breakfast with a salad of a couple of cucumbers and one tomato, dressing - olive oil;
  • For lunch we eat 2 tomatoes with a slice of rye bread, drink tea with 1 tsp. honey;
  • For dinner – boiled chicken (300 g) and 2 tomatoes.

With tomatoes

For a fasting day, you can use this menu:

  • For all meals we eat a salad of finely chopped tomatoes, dressed with olive oil and sprinkled with green onions (3-4 times a day);
  • We drink green tea and water.

Diet on lettuce brush (broom)

To normalize metabolism and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you should include in your diet a dish with the non-gastronomic name “Pastel”, and eat it for lunch for a month.

Approximate menu:

  • We have 100 g of cottage cheese or yogurt for breakfast, drink tea with rye bread;
  • For lunch we eat soup and salad;
  • We have an afternoon snack with fruit mix;
  • For dinner - any vegetable salad.

Recipe for the classic Panicle salad:

  • Grate beets, apples and carrots (0.4 kg each);
  • Season with olive oil and lemon juice (2 large spoons).

With Chiken

To lose weight by 3-4 kilograms over three days, you should follow the following diet:

  • We eat the Panicle salad (servings of 200 g) 3-4 times a day; the recipe for its preparation is written above;
  • We eat up to 1 kg of boiled chicken fillet or breast.

We also recommend that you read the article Soup Diet.

To contents

Pros and cons of the salad diet

The main benefits of the salad diet:

  • High-quality and quick cleansing of the intestines, blood, liver;
  • Improving the functioning of the digestive organs, normalizing the microflora of the stomach and intestines;
  • Saturation of the body with plenty of vitamins;
  • Guaranteed quick results that persist if you exit the diet correctly;
  • All foods on the list of permitted foods can be eaten unlimitedly, which means it’s difficult to stay hungry.

Disadvantages of salad diets:

  • If you go out incorrectly, then all the lost kilograms will return as soon as a person starts eating in the way he is accustomed to;
  • If you start a diet without preparation and suddenly switch from eating unhealthy foods to salads, then a person will often be haunted by hunger and the desire to lose control;
  • The diet will bring maximum benefit only if you consume vegetables and fruits in season, otherwise there is a risk of nitrate poisoning.

What should you eat when dieting, and what should you avoid?

The dietary regimen includes avoiding consumption of the following types of foods:

  • Sausages and smoked products;
  • Canned food;
  • Fried food;
  • Flour products, sweets;
  • Alcohol;
  • Various vegetable preparations;
  • Mayonnaise, sour cream and other sauces.

Many may have a question: “Then what to season a salad with while on a diet?” Instead of mayonnaise, use yogurt or vegetable oil with lemon juice. Some housewives prefer ginger and turmeric.

Low-calorie food products that form the basis of the menu:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Dietary meat (chicken);
  • Milk products;
  • Fish and seafood.

When choosing a diet, you can calculate the calorie content of foods. So for women, a 1200 calorie diet is ideal, the menu of which is very varied.


You need to follow simple rules to exit the diet:

  1. Expand your diet primarily with cereals and introduce one type of cereal per day.
  2. After porridge, the diet should be expanded with fruits, potatoes, and products made from those types of flour that are allowed on a proper diet.
  3. It is important to continue to follow the drinking regime and fractional meals even after leaving, since this is the main condition for losing weight and maintaining weight.
  4. The cleaner the diet after the diet, the longer the result will last. It is better not to return sugar, all confectionery products, alcohol, white flour products, sausages and fried foods at all.

Reviews about the vegetable diet

Dear readers - your opinion is important to us! You can leave your review about the salad diet in the comments; your opinion will be useful to other users of the site!



I lost 5 kg on salads in 2 weeks. I ate fruit salads in the morning, vegetable salads for lunch and protein salads in the evening. I tolerated the diet easily; if I felt hungry, I interrupted it with kefir or any fruit. The feeling of lightness with which I completed the diet cannot be compared with anything - headaches, constipation and constant bloating disappeared.


I followed the classic three-day salad diet. I had the right mindset, so losing weight was relatively easy for me. The hardest and hungriest day was the second day, on green salads, but I constantly drank water, so I managed to muffle my hunger. It took 3 kg in 3 days, it came out gradually, first I added oatmeal in the morning, then fruit, and by the end of the week - meat and fish. Now I follow proper nutrition.


A salad diet cannot become the main principle of nutrition, so if you return to your previous diet after its completion, the achieved result will quickly disappear. For this reason, the technique is suitable only as a temporary measure for forced weight loss before some important event or for deloading after a series of holidays.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

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