Raw food cakes: recipes for quick, tasty and healthy desserts

At least half of people think about these favorite foods first when they try on a new diet. Today we will tell you how to prepare raw food sweets, the recipes of which can inspire any sweet tooth to successfully experiment with the topic of “live food”. Join us and learn in detail how to diversify the sweet table without deviating from the canons of the chosen nutrition system.

Let's start with homemade chocolate - a mega-popular participant in culinary charts. Women, children, grandparents confidently prefer chocolate - in search of cherished pleasure or a quick return to shape during mental and physical fatigue. And even brutal men are inclined to choose chocolate, the raw food recipe of which can easily replace the usual delicacy from the common table.

Advantages of raw food sweets

So, before you start cooking, I would like to talk about what to expect from the dish. Raw food candies, the recipes for which will be presented in this article, will give you an unforgettable taste and will remind you of childhood sweets. Nutrients found in large quantities in sweets will help strengthen the immune system and maintain health in the most difficult times. They are also good for the nervous system, which is a huge plus in our time of constant worry, depression and stress. And, of course, they will be an excellent excuse to have a snack or drink tea with colleagues at work. Portion serving will prevent your hands from getting dirty.

Raw food cookies: a recipe for optimists

Like the pets of the carefree island of Chunga-Changa, orange, airy, sweet and healthy cookies will delight you both on a rainy day and in the middle of a fun summer vacation. Let's get started with the fun cooking!

To prepare we need

  • Carrots – 3 pcs. large size
  • Coconut flakes - about 250 g
  • Dried dates – 9-11 pcs.
  • Honey – 1 tbsp.
  • Orange zest – from 1st

Making raw food cookies

  1. Prepare the base in a blender: grind carrot cubes and pitted dates at high speed.
  2. Process coconut shavings: use a coffee grinder to achieve the finest grind.
  3. We involve hand kneading: and this is the special secret of our recipe! We are happy to knead all the components with our hands, achieving a homogeneous mixture that will set well into small cakes.
  4. We create cookies: any shape - according to the taste of the cook, so that the finished product pleases at first sight!
  5. We dry the portioned dessert in one of the available appliances - a dehydrator (which is easy to find in the kitchen of an advanced raw foodist) or an oven over low heat with the door ajar.
  6. With an average size of cookies, it will take 12-15 hours to dry.

The beauty of raw food sweets is that unexpected recipes can excite even ardent conservatives - fans of rich pastries, crispy wheat snacks and store-bought ice cream.

A striking example of a universal soldier of a raw food diet among healthy desserts prepared without fire is cheesecake. Let's try its preparation as soon as possible!

Cooking for the week

It is unlikely that there will be at least one lucky person who can always have a calm and full lunch at lunchtime. At least once, each of us has resorted to the help of an energy bar to satisfy our hunger and recharge for the rest of the day. This does not benefit the body, as the digestive tract suffers. But what can you do? After all, you need to swallow something on the go, and let it not be a “tarpaulin” pie bought in a shop that does not inspire the trust of a real gourmet. Let's stop this weekend and make our own raw food candies, but we'll make them large and call them bars. You will be confident in the quality of the prepared food and will not allow your stomach to suffer while processing a suspicious sausage in the dough.

What will we need?

I would like to note that all the recipes are simple, and even the most inexperienced amateur cook can prepare raw food candies. The prepared bars keep well in the refrigerator throughout the week and are eaten very carefully. To stock up on healthy ingredients and enzymes for absorption throughout the work week, you will need:

  • 50 grams of fresh, not melted, stretchy honey;
  • 100 grams of raw durum nuts, these can be walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds (all of the above if desired);
  • 100 grams of your favorite dry fruits, dried apricots and dates are especially good.

If you are preparing raw candies from dates, then you will need less honey, only the amount that will help “glue” the remaining ingredients together, since dates are endowed with incredible sweetness, and the bars can turn out sugary.

Raw food jam: recipe with honey

Ingredients for raw food jam

  • Berries, fruits or vegetables (for example, pumpkin, carrots, cucumbers) and honey - in equal proportions

How to make jam for raw foodists

  1. We prepare the raw materials: wash, clean, remove the core and seeds. Grind into medium-sized cubes for faster blender operation.
  2. Blend the raw materials until homogeneous at high speed blender. For large volumes of workpieces, we pay close attention to pauses in the operation of the invaluable electric assistant in order to avoid overheating and breakdown.
  3. Combine fruit puree and honey, close them in clean, sterilized jars and store in a cool, dark place (!)
  4. In the same way, you can make jam from small pieces of fruit, if you generously pour honey over them - covering the fruit in the container by ½-1 finger.

And who will now dare to say that raw foodists are depriving themselves of the culinary joys of life? But we only talked about the tip of the iceberg of healthy sweets!

Sweets and marshmallows, sorbets and ice cream, crackers dried in a dehydrator and nut milk - all these delicious recipes can be prepared in a raw food kitchen. Living food is varied, interesting and healing: join us and try it!

Preparation of the mass

To start cooking in the morning, you need to soak the nuts used for cooking in water overnight, remembering to peel them first. Soak dates or other dry fruits in water, but for forty minutes. After this, rinse them well and dry them with a paper towel.

The following instructions will please you with their simplicity; you can involve your child in the preparation, he will definitely like it! Place absolutely all the ingredients in the blender, set the speed to 500-600 rpm and grind. If it seems to you that the mass is unsuitable for comfortable modeling, add dry ingredients or honey in excess of the specified amount. So, the mass is ready, all that remains is to form it into neat candies or bars!

Step by step formation

Take cling film, foil or parchment paper and carefully place the sticky mixture on it. Next, form neat “sausages” of the required width. You can wrap the future sweets entirely with the material used for shaping and place them in the refrigerator, or roll the sausages in coconut flakes. This way you will get raw coconut candies that will not stick to your hands. We put the “modeling” in the refrigerator, wait until it hardens well. After this, remove it for portion cutting. The perfect snack is ready!

Cherry candies

We suggest making raw candies from cashews and cherries. This incredible taste will please even the most capricious sweet lover! You will need a glass of cashews, a glass of dried cherries, pitted, a glass of dates, also deboned. Take as much honey as you need to form the candies. If you like cinnamon, you can add it to create a specific aroma and taste! Just don’t overdo it, cinnamon is a tricky seasoning; it can complement a dish, or it can ruin it! In the future, follow the same cooking principle as described above!

Raw chocolate: recipe with different flavors


  • Cocoa powder – 40 g
  • Dried dates, soft – 120 g
  • Cocoa butter – 90 g
  • Vanilla extract (or 1 vanilla pod)
  • Salt – 1 pinch
  • Purified water – 1 glass

Ingredients for different tastes - to choose from

  1. “Salty lemon”: lemon (1 pc.) and another pinch of salt
  2. “Spicy Fantasy”: ground cinnamon + cardamom + nutmeg + clove pepper
  3. “Spicy orange”: ground chili pepper (1 pinch) + orange zest (from 1 pc.)
  4. “Mint Crunch”: mint essence (2-3 drops) + flax or chia seeds (1-2 pinches)

How to make raw chocolate

  • Prepare the base: remove the seeds and hard skin from the dates and mash them with a fork.
  • Melt the butter: heat a glass of water on the stove until it becomes noticeably warm and place a plate on top of the pan, where we place the chopped cocoa butter.
  • Combine all ingredients: dates, butter and cocoa powder, mix well. At the end, add your favorite combination of the proposed flavorings.
  • We form the tile: pour the cooled mass onto parchment paper, create a rectangular shape and mark the cubes with the blunt handle of a cutlery dipped in the form.
  • Cool the chocolate: put parchment paper on top of the bar, lightly press it and put the treat in the refrigerator.
  • You can buy special molds for homemade chocolate: they simplify the molding stage of the work.

After enjoying the piquant chocolate, let’s try another of the most popular desserts.

Candies made from a mixture of dried fruits and seeds

You will need a glass of any durum nuts, which are soaked in water for at least eight hours. Add flax or sesame seeds ground in a coffee grinder, in the amount of half a glass. Also - one glass of various favorite dried fruits (apples, dates, raisins, prunes and others), well-ripened fruit (peach, pear or nectarine will do). Take honey according to your taste.

We clean the fruit and dried fruits, place them in a blender with all the other ingredients, make bars or roll them into balls to make round candies.

Delicious raw food cake: recipe with strawberries and banana

This cake combines maximum benefits and unusual taste, which is why it has earned great popularity among gourmets.

For the base take:

  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 cups strawberries;
  • 1-3 tbsp. l coconut oil.

All this is mixed in a blender. The resulting mass is laid out in two forms and placed in the freezer.

For the cream layer use:

  • 2 cups each of cashews and dates;
  • 1 orange;
  • 2 tbsp. l coconut oil.

Mix nuts, dates, orange and melted butter. If the consistency is too thick, add a small amount of water.

Having prepared the cream, form the cake: layers on top and bottom, cream between them. There is no need to coat the top cake with cream. The finished dessert is placed in the freezer and left there until completely frozen.

Truffles for raw foodists

To make these raw food candies, we don’t need honey. The delicacy will turn out quite sweet, and now you will find out why.

Take a glass of hazelnuts or peeled walnuts. Other types will not be suitable; the taste will not be what we want. You will also need half a glass of dates, one third of a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice. It will help mold the candies and add extra sweetness. If you want, you can use a sour apple. For rolling you will need carob powder.

Prepare the mixture in the usual way, and when making candies, use carob for “breading”.

Date sweets

We offer a more complex recipe, but the result will be truly delicious raw food candies. We will need fresh dates in the amount of one hundred grams. Also take sweet carrots, you will need 150 grams, and also raisins and walnuts in equal proportions, about 50 grams each. You also need honey, no more than a tablespoon, to taste - orange zest, cinnamon, cardamom and ginger. For deboning, take coconut flakes.

The carrots will need to be grated on the finest grater in order to squeeze out as much juice as possible. Remove the pits from the dates. Place all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. We put the cup in the refrigerator, wait until the mass thickens, then form the candies in the form of balls and roll them in shavings obtained from coconut pulp.

Original raw food cake: recipe with tangerines and lemon cream

This cake will help please your household and surprise your guests without any special expenses. To prepare it you will need:

  • 3 carrots;
  • 4 tangerines;
  • 1/3 cup dates (you can use liquid sweetener);
  • Several shelled walnuts;
  • 8 tbsp. l coconut oil;
  • 1 cup cashews;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 2 tbsp. l honey or maple syrup;
  • ½ tsp turmeric (optional).

To make the cake, carrots are grated and squeezed. The resulting cake is combined with tangerines, dates, walnuts and 4 tbsp. spoons of butter. All these ingredients are mixed. If the composition turns out to be too liquid, you can add more nuts to it.

To make the cream, cashews are soaked for a couple of hours, after which lemon juice, honey/maple syrup (whichever you prefer) are added to them. All this is mixed, after which coconut oil and turmeric are added to the mixture. The latter is added to give the cream a pleasant yellow color.

When everything is ready, put the base into the mold and cover it with cream. The cake can be made multi-layered and decorated with nuts or berries.

We saturate ourselves with vitamins

We offer to prepare raw food candies that will help get rid of vitamin deficiency, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, relieve any signs of colds and flu, and help cure inflammation! And in general, they are a wonderful sweet that both children and adults will enjoy. To prepare a healthy treat, you will need the following products: ginger, dried apricots, raisins, any nuts, sunflower seeds (unroasted, we practice a raw food diet!), lemon, honey, sesame, and an aloe plant, also called agave because of its healing properties.

We process dried fruits and nuts as written in previous recipes (soak, peel), turn half a lemon into juice. Place all ingredients in a blender except sesame seeds. Aloe only needs one leaf; the rest of the ingredients should be enough to comfortably mold the candies. Grind everything into a sticky mass, roll the formed sweets in sesame seeds.

If you eat two of these sweets every day for a week, you will certainly increase your immunity and tone, and replenish your supply of vitamins. Your hair and skin will look healthy, and you will become noticeably prettier!

Easy No Bake Chocolate Cake

Another cake recipe that will delight both adults and children. For a small portion you will need:

  • ½ banana;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder (more is possible) or cocoa beans;
  • 4 tbsp. l. coconut oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 5 drops of extract or a few fresh mint leaves.

All components are mixed in a blender. The mixture is placed in a mold lined with paper and frozen. Dessert is taken out of the freezer 20-25 minutes before eating.

If one serving of cake is not enough (for example, for a family or when guests arrive), then you just need to increase the amount of ingredients used and you can please everyone with a delicious and original dessert.


These are raw coconut candies that everyone will love! You decorate them beautifully and serve them to your guests. It doesn't take a lot of ingredients or time to prepare. What do we need?

  • two dried or fresh bananas (slices);
  • pulp of one coconut;
  • "live" cocoa;
  • orange zest.

We turn the coconut pulp and bananas into a homogeneous mass. We crush the cocoa in a coffee grinder, and finely chop the zest, or make small shavings from it. If you have silicone molds, great! We fill them with a lot of future sweets, sprinkle with cocoa powder and zest. We put it in the refrigerator and wait for the treat to arrive. If there are no molds, then use foil or cling film to form sausages, flatten them and cut them into the required size candies. Sprinkle them with cocoa and zest.

Raw food chocolates

Just because you practice a raw food diet doesn't mean you have to forget the taste of chocolate! We offer you to prepare delicious raw food candies. The recipes are again incredibly simple. First, let's prepare everyone's favorite cherries, from which our chocolate treats will be made.

For ten berries you will need three tablespoons of live cocoa, one spoon of cocoa butter, the same amount of honey, a little ground chili. To make it more convenient for you to prepare sweets and then eat them, leave the stalks on the berries. Prepare chocolate: soften cocoa butter in a water bath, add ground cocoa (live), honey and pepper. Dip the boned berries into the chocolate mixture and put them in the freezer for fifteen minutes.

You can prepare a chocolate treat using a different recipe: choose any raw food candy (recipes with photos are available above), but in order to make them chocolate, dip each candy in chocolate made from live cocoa. For a special flavor, you can add orange juice to the chocolate.

To all raw foodists and people who care about their health - bon appetit!

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